Oronoco Fire Department
P.O Box 146
Oronoco, MN 55960
507-367-4440 (Fire hall)
Proudly Serving Our Community for Over 40 Years
Relief Association Meeting- Minutes for 13th Apr., 2015 (May meeting)
Total members in attendance:13
Jeff Allhiser Present / Corey Schulte PresentKen Baker / Michelle Schumacher Present
Cain Dolan Present / Eric Simon Present
Adam Hoehne / Brian Sisell
Chris Stolp Present
Shawn Lehman (Fire Only) / Tina Stolp
Jerry Lubahn (Fire only) / Dan Sundt
Ian Malmquist Present / Nate Winkels Present
Pat McGovern Present / Tim Winkels Present
Ashley Rew (Fire Only) / Brett Whetstone Present
Adam Schaefer Present / Kevin Wollschlager
Visitors present:
The meeting was called to order at 6:36 pm.
Brett read the minutes of the last meeting. Motion by Nate, 2nd by Ianto approve the minutes, passed.
Treasurer Report
Eric presented the treasurer report. The Opening Balance was $36,531.40and an ending balance of $35,330.07 was reported. Special Fund balance was $283,200.33. Net Loss of $1,583.74.
Motion byNate, 2nd by Tim and treasurer report was passed.
- $45.17conditional Bill from Gas N Go (looking into charge)
Motion by Nate, 2nd by Jeff to approve bills, passed.
- February Profit Report is $4,110.28
- Closed 16 games
Gambling Bills
The following gambling bills were approved individually:
- $225maintenance on 3 machines, $75 each
- $1500games
- $600meat raffles (4/$150 per)
- $1700payrolls (minus Michelle)
- 10%City
- 20%Tilly’s
- $94running payroll and record keeping program fees
Motion by Nate, 2nd by Cain and gambling bills approved
Old Business
- Adam motioned to donate from calendar fund $3,000 to the city for equipment fund, 2nd by Jeff, passed
- Eric presented 2014 Relief Association Accounting records
- Adam motioned to donate up to $30,000 to the city, 2nd by Tina, passed
- March 28th is the community service drive on CO detectors, installation, and education
- March 21st is the pancake breakfast benefit for the Sissell Family
- March 20th is building cleanup for pancake benefit
- Jeff motioned to donate $3,000 to the Sissell Family, 2nd by Kevin, passed
New Business
- Adam motioned to donate $485 to John Adams Middle School for Action 100 books reading program, 2nd by Ian, passed
- Gold Rush we need to send in funds for site permit
- Gold Rush we will buy pop as the year goes, looking into new milk supplier, we will buy orange juice in containers, liquid eggs, and get 50 lbs more pork with 50 lbs less beef.
Motion to adjourn by Nate, 2nd by Adam; meeting adjourned at 7:20 pm
Submitted by Brett Whetstone