Reference number:R12/1832

Site address:Land at Top Road, Barnacle

Case Officer:Chris Davies 01788 533627

Description:Demolition of existing stable block and erection of replacement stable block and tack room, together with associated works.


A static caravan and some old stable buildings are considered to have deemed consent, as they have been in situ for an extended period of time. However the orange shed and poultry shed are clearly comparatively new, and there is no evidence that planning permission as sought for them.


The applicant seeks planning permission to erect a new stable and sack room building with storage. This would include the removal of all existing structures on the site, including the two new timber buildings.

Other Relevant Information:

The site lies off Top Road, near to the small settlement of Barnacle. It is wholly within the West Midlands Green Belt, and close to 2no. Traveller sites (Top Park and land at Southside). There are also other equine sites in the locality, including the applicant’s pony paddock (located immediately adjacent to the proposal site).

Access to the site is via a gated track immediately off Top Road. All buildings on the site are clustered together adjacent to the rear boundary.

Many of the older buildings on the site are in an advanced state of disrepair.

There are also 2no. apparently new buildings on the site. One is used as general purpose storage shed, but the larger is used to house the applicant’s cockerels.

Technical Consultation Responses:

WCC Ecology -Notes required re bats, nesting birds and additional planting.

Parish/Ward Consultation Response:

Parish -No objection but should be restricted by condition to use by the applicant for his own

horses and ponies.

Ward -No response received.

Neighbour Consultation Responses:


Planning Policy:

National Planning Policy Framework March 2013Complies

Rugby Borough Core Strategy 2011

CS1: Development StrategyComplies

CS16: Sustainable DesignComplies

Rugby Borough Local Plan 2006 Saved Policies

E6: BiodiversityComplies


Green Belt

The primary consideration in determining this application relates to the fact that the buildings are located within the Green Belt. The NPPF makes it clear that development in the Green Belt will in most cases be considered inappropriate and therefore harmful.

However the NPPF also outlines circumstances where development can be considered appropriate. In Part 9 paragraph 89 the NPPF identifies outdoor recreation as an appropriate use within the Green Belt.

The proposal would see the replacement of the existing dilapidated stables, as well as other unsightly structures, and also the removal of the two new structures. In their place would be a purpose built stable and tack-room building that would improve the appearance of the site and arrest the sprawl currently caused by the numerous disjointed structures on site, some of which are clearly no longer fit for purpose.

The impact on the Green Belt is therefore a positive one in this instance, and as such the proposal complies with guidance set out in Part 9 of the NPPF.

This approach is upheld by policy CS1: Development Strategy of the Rugby Borough Core Strategy 2011, which states that “New development will be resisted; only where national policy on Green Belt allows will development be permitted”.

Character and Appearance

The proposed building, whilst of considerably size, is designed specifically for equine use and as such is inkeeping with the equine trend in the area. The timber construction is visually in keeping with the rural character of the locality, and the backdrop of established trees along the rear boundary offset the visual impact of a structure in this location.

The design is typical of such equine buildings, and the scale is not significantly different to the combined scale of the existing on-site buildings.

Were the site and/or proposed building to be used for any other purpose, the impact on the character of the locality could be significantly affected. It is therefore considered appropriate to restrict the use of the building to stabling and associated storage in order to ensure that the impact on the wider setting is acceptable in planning terms.

Exterior lighting would also significantly increase the visual impact of the building, so this too would be restricted by condition.

The proposals therefore comply with the elements of policy CS16: Sustainable Design of the Rugby Borough Core Strategy 2011 that relate to appearance and design and guidance set out in the NPPF.

Residential Amenity

Although there are residential traveller sites in close proximity, the combination of the distance from the closest touring caravans (over 70m away) and the nature of the proposal are such that there would be no material impact on the amenities of the occupants of the adjacent sites.

The scheme therefore complies by default with the elements of policy CS16: Sustainable Design of the Rugby Borough Core Strategy 2011 that relate to residential amenity.


WCC Ecology Unit has no objections to the development, and has not requested any restrictive or compensatory conditions relating to habitat protection or regeneration.

They have recommended specific advisory notes regarding bats, nesting birds and additional planting to guide the applicants, which would be included in the decision.

The development therefore complies with Saved Policy E6 of the Rugby Borough Local Plan 2006, which seeks to preserve and protect habitats.


Approval subject to appropriate conditions, including limiting the extent of the use.

Report prepared by: C Davies16/10/2013

Report Sheet