Reference number: R15/0474
Site address: Barns at Rose Cottage Farm, Burnthurst Lane, Princethorpe, Rugby, CV23 9QA
Description: Prior approval to convert two existing single storey barns into a single storey residential unit with granny annexe
Case Officer Name & Number: Duncan Jordan 01788 533845
Site Description
The application site is a farm holding lying off the east side of Burnhurst Lane. The barns subject of this application sit beyond the applicant’s property and lie in a rough courtyard pattern facing a larger modern open fronted barn. To the rear of the barns lie a relatively small cattle barn.
Proposal Description
Erection of 2 storey rear extension
Relevant Planning History
R03/0491/1296 – Prior approval for erection of lean-to agricultural building
R03/0603/1296 – Prior approval for agricultural storage building
Technical Consultation Responses
County Highways – No Objection subject to appropriate Conditions
Environment agency – No Objection
Environmental Health – No objection subject to relevant Condition
Ecology – The two barns appear to have potential for roosting bats and nesting birds. As such would recommend that the applicant is made aware of the protected status of bats and nesting birds. Recommend relevant notes.
Third Party Responses
Policy & SPD
Prior Notification – None applicable
The following are necessary considerations taken from class MB of the 2014 GPDO schedule:
a)The applicant confirmed at the site visit that that the farm had been purchased in 1989 and run as such and therefore, from 20th March 2013, the site appears to have been used as part of an established unit.
b)The cumulative floor space of the building(s) would not exceed 450sqm in total, measuring approximately 335.5 m2 from the submitted plans.
c)The applicant verifies that the cumaltive number of separate dwelling homes developed on the agricultural unit will not exceed three, with only one proposed.
d)The supporting information confirms that the applicant holds the freehold to the site having indicated in the application form that the site is currently not occupied under an agricultural tenancy agreement.
e)The applicant confirms on the application form that no agricultural tenancy has been terminated less than one year before
f)The agent confirms that under Class A(a) of Class V(a) of part 6 of Schedule 2 (agricultural buildings and operations)no new development has been carried out on Rose Cottage Farm since 20th March 2013.
g)The proposed plan illustrates that the external dimensions of the building would not extend beyond the external dimensions of the existing building at any given point.
h)The site visit revealed that there had been no previous conversions to residential development under Class MB and the amount of floorspace that would be created under this application would be under 450 sq m.
i)The application indicates that the development would not require works other than those listed in MB (i) (i) (ii). This appeared to be verified on site.
j)The site is not on Article 1(5) land, does not form part of a site of SSI, is not a safety hazard area and nor is it a military explosives area. It is not a schedules monument nor is the building a listed building. And therefore, as the supporting information indicates, the proposal complies with the requirements of Sections MB (j-m).
The GPDO, Class MB also lists a number of additional aspects of the application that requires consultation with other statutory consultees to establish the following further points of the application:
(a)Transport and highways impacts of the development
(b)Noise impact of the development
(c)Contamination risk on site
(d)Flooding risk on the site
(e)Whether the location or siting of the building makes it otherwise impractical or undesirable for the building to change from agricultural use to a use falling within Class C3…
Given the above considerations it is considered the proposed conversion of agricultural barns to residential complies with the regulations expressed in the General Permitted Development Order.
Report Sheet