Girl Scout Silver Award Project Final

Girl Scouts of West Central Florida

Girls must submit the Final paperwork, completed timeline, completed budget and pictures, documents and any other proof of your project via email or snail mail to: Troop Support Manager, Attn: Silver Award, 4610 Eisenhower Blvd, Tampa FL 33634

·  Submit in typed format. NO handwritten forms will be reviewed.

·  Each girl must fill out her own set of proposal and final paperwork- if girls are working as a group, girls can work on questions together but each girl must have their own set of paperwork with questions answered in own words.

·  Paperwork must be submitted together. Individual sets will not be processed until all girls working on projects paperwork is submitted.

·  Girl Scout advisor and each girl will receive email verifying receipt of final paperwork and will be sent Silver Award Certificates in the mail.

Questions? Contact the Alison Wernicke,

Name: Date Submitted:

Address: City:

County: Zip:

Phone: ( ) Cell: ( )

E-mail: Parents email:

Age: Grade: School:

Individual or Troop/Group Number: GS Service Unit:

Girl Scout Advisor:

Girl Scout Advisor’s Phone: ( ) E-Mail:

Silver Award Project Advisor:

Silver Award Project Advisors Organization/Experience:

Silver Award Project Advisor’s Phone: ( ) E-Mail:

Girl Scout Silver Award Take Action Project

Project Title:

Start date: Completion date:

1.  Describe the ISSUE and ROOT CAUSE your project addressed



2.  Describe your project:

3.  Describe how you told others about your project and ADVOCATE about that issue by teaching, inspiring and educating others about (Web site, presentations, posters, videos, articles, and so on).

Please attach all things created, screen shots, or direct links. Attach all things that you created for your project, flyers, screen shots, or direct links and list groups you presented to.

4.  What methods did you use to evaluate and MEASURE the impact of your project?

5.  How could your projects ADVOCACY be SUSTAINABLE? List what steps you took to make your project’s advocacy sustainable?

6.  Where did you find VOLUNTEERS to help you with your project (outside of Girl Scouts and your family)? How did they help you?

7.  How did taking action make you feel and what leadership skills did you develop from doing this project? What was the most successful part of your project?

8.  Describe any obstacles you encountered and what you did to overcome them.

Your name printed / ______
Signature / ______
Girl Scout Advisor name printed
(troop leader) / ______
Signature / ______



Income should equal expenses. Please review the document “supplemental Earning for Awards” to ensure you did everything following the rules.

Income from / Details / Amount
Total income:
Expense Item / Details / Amount
Total Expenses:


Give a time log of all activities. Be specific

Start Date: Completion Date:

Date / Time spent / Explain Activity (in detail)
Silver Award Workshop/Webinar
Completing proposal paperwork
Completing Final paperwork

Total number of hours for project

Suggested minimum hours: 50 per girl

Silver Award Checklist

o  Completed Silver Award paperwork

o  Completed Timeline

o  Completed Budget form

o  Copy of all items used to advocate for your project (flyers, website link, video, etc.)

o  Provide a few photos of you doing your project

o  Signature of Girl Scout Advisor

o  Letter from Project Advisor

Girl Scout Silver Award Purchase Form

Please be sure to bring the signed form when purchasing the Silver Award Pin. They are available in the GSWCF Council Shops only. (form must be present to purchase pins)

The following girls have successfully completed the requirements for the Girl Scout Silver Award:

1.  ______

2.  ______

3.  ______

4.  ______

Mail Silver Award Certificates to:

Girl Scout Advisor name:______

Troop # ______GS Service Unit: ______Phone: ______



City: ______County: ______Zip: ______

Leader/Advisor Signature: ______Date: ______

Approval is hereby given for the purchase of Girl Scout Silver Awards as listed above.

______Date: ______

Council Authorized Signature