July 17, 2016
Auction Sale Items Auction to start at 3 p.m.
- 1971 Harley Davidson Sprint – one owner/original parts donated by Gerry & Barb Grundmayer
- 2 ½ scenic flight donated by Ken & Jo Schmitz
- Rib Eye Steak Dinner for 8 by Larry & Nancy Shavlik
- Winchester Automatic 12 ga Shotgun Model Sx3 donated by Steve & Eric Lordeman Families
- Yeti Cooler donated by Brian & Ken Stuhr Families
- Cupula from the Raeville Hall
- Pacific Model 7500 Industrial Diesel Generator donated by Joe Reestman
- Reserved pew at St. Bonaventure at the 4:30 p.m. X-mas Eve Mass
- Two night stay at the St. Bonaventure Rectory
- Small Cake a month donated by County Line Cakes
- International Pedal Tractor donated by Fred & Mary Ann Fangman
- 2 Husker Football tickets to the Wyoming Game donated by the Elgin Review
- Brick from St. John Berchman with school painting on it donated by Helen Preuser
- Box of Omaha Steaks
- Painted Saw Blade with garage motif donated and painted by Lori Pelster
- Pick Up Load of Firewood donated by Cyril Pelster
- 4 Husker Volleyball Tickets for the Iowa State match with a convenient parking pass
- Framed photo grouping of St. Bonaventure Church and buildings donated by Mark Grundmayer Family
- Gourmet Popcorn a month donated by Joan Mattner
- Toy Barn donated by Rudy & Mary Ann Starman
- Hedge trimmer donated by Rudy Starman
- Telescoping Pole Saw donated by Rudy Starman
- Quilted wall hanging of pictures of St. Bonaventure buildings donated by Kathy Buelt
- Horseshoe Cross donated by Dale Buelt
- Horseshoe Coat Tree donated by Dale Buelt
- Horseshoe Christmas Tree table topper donated by Dale Buelt
- Rustic Barnwood Bench donated by Dale Buelt
- One baked item a month donated by Mary Ann Fangman
- Husker Rock donated by Cookie & Dave Benda
- Husker Rock donated by Bob & Rose Bode
- Husker Rock donated by Carol & Jerry Bode
- Homemade Pie a month donated by Chris Grundmayer
- Barnwood Picture
- Wooden Semi Toy with coral and animals
- Kitchen play set donated by Maddie Schrage
- 2 corner shelves made from old doors donated by Tammi Schrage
- 31 Bags donated by Kara Pelster
- Saw blade with fishing scene painted by Lori Pelster
- Husker Sign donated by Kelly & Todd Bode
- 3 Wall hangings donated by Kelly & Todd Bode
- Set of 3 door hangings donated by Kelly Kelly & Rose Bode
- Wooden Wine Rack
- Hanging Curio Cabinet with glass shelves and mirror backing
- Hand painted beverage tub donated by Joyce Pelster & Lisa Soucie
- 22 inch hand painted flower tub donated by Joyce Pelster & Lisa Soucie
- Misc Ag, hardware, and tools donated by Norbert Starman
- Homemade Angel Food Cake donated by Ann Beckman
- 36 inch new Pipe Wrench donated by Norbert & Jan Starman
- One load of road gravel donated by Pelster Sand & Gravel/Larry & Kathy Pelster
- And other items . . .
Thank you to Temme Auction Service for their help with the auction. Go to soon for pictures of many of the items