USI – Barker -Chapter 7 Balancing Nationalism and Sectionalism
Section 1- Regional Economies Create Differences
1. Read Section.
2. Vocabulary*/Terms:
interchangeable parts Industrial Revolution
American System
to resurrect*
to sustain*
National Road
Erie Canal
Tariff of 1816
“Era of Good Feelings”
3. People:
Eli Whitney
Samuel Slater
Francis Lowell/Appleton and Jackson
Henry Clay
4. Written Work:
- What were the key foreign policy factors in the beginnings American Industrialization? How so?
- How was agriculture in the North (northeast) and South and Midwest (old northwest) all different? What role does the cotton gin play in those differences?
- Look at the section“Interpreting Charts” p. 216. What observations do you make from the chart? What might be the explanation for the changes you see?
- What do you think was the strongest or most important aspect of Henry Clay’s American System? Why?
Section 2 – Nationalism at Center Stage
1. Read Section
2. Vocabulary*/Terms:
Gibbons v. Ogden
to demilitarize*
to cede*
Monroe Doctrine
Missouri Compromise
3. People
Robert Fulton
John Marshall
John Quincy Adams
James Monroe
4. Written Work:
- How did the Supreme Court under John Marshal strengthen federal power?
- Looking at the map on page 223 and the text reading as well, what were key events in the changing US territory during this time period?
- Why do the textbook writers include the account and quote of James Beckwourth? What are they trying to illustrate?
- Do Section 2 Assessments p. 223/#5. Consider the quote by Thomas Jefferson on page 223 in your answer.
Section 3- The Age of Jackson
1. Read Section
2. Vocabulary*/Terms:
spoils system
Indian Removal Act
Worcester v. Georgia
en route*
Trail of Tears
3. People
John QuincyAdams
Andrew Jackson
Martin Van Buren
4. Written Work:
- What was the source of tension between Adams and Jackson? What changes impacted the presidential election of 1828?
- What were the text writers trying to illustrate with the quote from Mrs. Samuel Smith on page 226?
- Do Geography Skill builder p. 227 #2.
- Section 3 Assessment p. 229 /#3 and 4
- Complete the Outline Map on the Indian Removal Act attached
Section 4- States’ Rights and the National Bank
1. Read Section
2. Vocabulary*/Terms:
Tariff of Abominations
“The South Carolina Exposition”
to flout*
Force Bill
Bank of the United States
Whig Party
Panic of 1837
3. People
Daniel Webster
John Calhoun
Henry Clay
Nicholas Biddle
Martin Van Buren
William Henry Harrison
John Tyler
4. Written Work:
- Section 4 Assessments p. 235/# 3 and 4