Reference number: R15/1681
Site address: 9 Beech Drive, Bilton, CV22 7LT
Description:Variation of Condition 2 of planning permission R15/1029 to increase the roof height to 6.015 metres.
Case Officer Name & Number: Joanne Orton – 01788 533549
This is an application for the variation of condition 2 to planning permission R15/1029. Demolition of existing garage and erection of triple garage with hobby room and ancillary accommodation to the residential dwelling.
This application proposes to increase the height of the roof from that previously approved to 6.015 metres in height whilst lowering the eaves to create a more uniformed and balanced appearance.
Relevant Planning History
R15/1029 - Demolition of existing garage and erection of triple garage with hobby room and ancillary accommodation to the residential dwelling – Approved – 17th July 2015
Technical Responses
Warwickshire County Council (Ecology) have replied saying that they recommend the comments from application R15/1029 remain the same as part of this existing application.
Third Party Responses
Neighbours notified and a site notice has been posted. No letters of representation have been received.
Relevant Planning Policy and Guidance
National Planning Policy Framework (2012)
Core Strategy (2011)
Policy CS1: Development Strategy
Policy CS16: Sustainable Design
Saved Local Plan Policies (2011)
Policy T5: Parking Facilities
Supplementary Planning Documents
Sustainable Design and Construction (2012)
Planning Obligations (2012)
Determining Considerations
The principle of the detached triple garage with ancillary accommodation has already been established through the grant of planning permission (R15/1029) therefore the main consideration in regard to this application are the impact of the proposed variation to the approved scheme on residential amenity.
Condition 2 attached to the latter permission stated: -
The development shall not be carried out other than in accordance with the plans 2500-LP; 2500-01 Rev A; 2500-02 Rev A received by the Local Planning Authority on 02 July 2015.
This application seeks to vary the plans Drawing 2500-01 Rev A; 2500-02 Rev A to amend the height of the roof.
Impact on Residential Amenity
Policy CS16 states that development will ensure that the amenities of existing and future neighbouring occupiers are safeguarded.
Three dormer windows to be sited on the front elevation of the detached garage, however by virtue of the location adjacent to the main residential dwelling, there will be no adverse impact on the occupiers of neighbouring properties in terms overlooking.
Dewer Care Residential Home is located to the south west of the application site and is detached. Due to the robust vegetation along the site boundary there are no windows visible from the application site which will be affected by the proposal. This combined with the separation distance of at least 13 metres there will be no impacts on the residential amenity of the occupiers of this dwelling.
No.3A Dewer Close is located to the south west of the application dwelling. There are windows visible at first and second floor level within this property and also benefits from a detached double garage which is cited to the front of the property. There is a separation distance here of at least 16 metres between the rear elevation of the detached garage and the front elevation of the neighbouring property. This combined with the height of the existing boundary treatment consisting of a 2 metre high boundary fence it is not considered that there will be any materially adverse impacts on the occupiers of this property.
This application is therefore considered to be in accordance with Policy CS16 of the Core Strategy.
The proposal would respect the scale and character of the existing dwelling and would not adversely affect the amenities of the occupiers of neighbouring properties, nor would the proposal have any adverse impacts in terms of highway safety. Accordingly, the application is considered to be in accordance with Policies CS1 and CS16 of the Core Strategy and is therefore recommended for approval subject to conditions.
Report prepared by: Joanne Orton
Report Sheet