TMM2531 Reflective Practice In Context Assignment

Your assignment for this module is to create a portfolio of 7000 words. You should use this to show that you have met the learning outcomes for this module. Please ensure that you read the guidance on compiling a portfolio BEFORE beginning to plan it. This is at

Please note that, as a courtesy and in the interests of transparency, we ask that when you hand in your portfolio you also send a copy to your placement supervisor. You will be asked to note that you have done this in your Portfolio.

The portfolio should include:

1. An introductory abstract describing your placement and the focus of your observation (150 words – not included in the word count)

This will also include a line to confirm that you have sent a copy of you report to your Placement Supervisor.

2. A report on the context and nature of your placement using appropriate ethnographic evidence, including arationale for your method(s) of observation and evaluation (2,500 words)*.

NOTE: The rationale should introduce the theological questions that you are seeking to answer in component 3. It should also refer to relevant methods of ethnography and observation.

3. An essay/written assignment (3000 words)*, bringing in your wider knowledge of theological disciplines,which answers the following questions:

· Where is God present in this place and for these people?

· How can the people (or organisation) live faithfully towards God’s future?

NOTE: This should be a theological assessment of the question with some reference to biblical texts, based upon ethnographic evidence as appropriate. You may wish to focus on a particular theme or issue from your placement.

4. A theological reflection on a ‘critical incident’(1500 words).

This shoulddescribe an incident or theme (either positive or negative) which had a strongly formative impact on you in your placement, and explainhow this will affect your future ministry(this is the ‘summative reflection’ referred to in section 4 of the Durham assessment guidelines for portfolios).

NOTE: Please refer to the information on methods of theological reflection provided in the module in this assignment.

5. A report from your placement supervisor (not included in your word count).

*For sections 2 and 3 you may use alternative media in your portfolio. Video is a maximum of 15 minutes for the whole portfolio (1000 words equivalent). Other media (such as artwork etc) should be in discussion with the module coordinator Paul Burden AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE – some options may need checking with Durham and time needs to be allowed for this.

Assignment submission and presentation

You will need to send an electronic copy to STETS as usual. You will also need to send a courtesy copy to your supervisor.

Please include the elements of the portfolio in the order outlined above.

For the front page you should use the Plagiarism Declaration and Learning Reflection Form.

The abstract should be on one A4 page in the submission, placed directly behind the front page. Include on this single sheet your name, the name of your placement, your supervisor’s name, and the year of your placement. Please also include a confirmation that you have sent a copy of the Portfolio to your Placement Supervisor.

You should avoid using appendices, wherever possible; any appendices should be very brief and merely illustrative of your main text (you will not be given credit for any extra points made in appendices, and markers will only glance at this material). Word length for the portfolio includes only material written by you and does not include material in appendices.

If you are including photographs and/or videos in your portfolio, bear in mind that these can sometimes be quite large files. Please make sure that the file size is manageable for electronic submission or discuss other arrangements with the module coordinator.