Sunday Liberty Pole

Vol.2. No. 28; July 10, 2016

Publisher: San Fernando Valley Patriots Editor: Karen Kenney. Contributors: Duane “Bucky” Buckley (DB), Megan/Neuro7plastic (MN), Tom Adams (TA), Kyle Kyllan (KK), Aspen Pittman (AP), Dawn Wildman (DW),Carmen Otto (CO), Tom Zimmerman (TZ).

This “Liberty Pole” is one of hundreds erected in America asa symbol of the colonials’ resistance to Britishtyranny. The poles were often 100’ tall serving as places to meet or post political news. The Sons of Liberty erected the first one on May 21, 1766 in Boston. Historical records indicate these poles existed across America, especially in MA, PA, NJ, NY and GA.

Hillary Refreshed:

Editor’s Note:Reaction post FBI decision to haltprobe of Hillary’s emails and server.

Trey Gowdy Grills FBI's James Comey on Clinton Emails (VIDEO); 7/7/2016 on You Tube: Powerful, incisive prosecution of the "intent" clause: 6 minutes.

Hillary Clinton: Too Big to Jail (News/Commentary); 7/6/2016 by Ben Shapiro at Freedom's Back

Malkin: The Teflon Hillary Standard (News/Commentary); 7/6/2016 by Michelle Malkin at Truth Revolt

The Clinton Doctrine: Thou Shalt Lie (News/Commentary); 7/6/2016 by Kenneth R. Timmerman at The Hill: What's that about a crooked little house? (continued on Page 2.)

Hillary Refreshed (continued):

Why 15 FBI Findings are not All about Hillary (News/Commentary); 7/5/2016 by Sharyl Attkisson: The FBI probe and beyond--a troubling analysis.

Majority Vetoes FBI's Decision on Hillary Clinton (Commentary/Poll)7/6/2016 in Rasmussen Reports:

Post-FBI Interview: Key Witness seen Exiting Hillary's place; 7/2/2016 by Michelle Moons at Breitbart: So much for transparency, gals.

Left Howls Abuse: Did FBI break Rules in "Smearing" but not Indicting Clinton (Commentary); 7/6/2016 by Steven Rosenfeld at Alter Net:The Left opineson FBI v Hillary email decision.

Timeline for HRC’s Emails5/18/2016; Devastating sequence. (MN)


5-year check: 200,000 Illegal Aliens in TX booked for 520,000 Crimes; 7/6/2016 by Stephen Frank at California Political Review: And "Kate's Law" doesn't pass, again.

Transgenders in the Military: Unilateral Move to Social Engineering; 7/1/2016 by Bryan Fischer, guest columnist at One News Now

Remedy for Regulation(Commentary); 6/28/2016 by Walter Raquet in The Washington Times: Let's put 'red tape' on a diet.

Concealed Carry Potential Victim Stops Nightclub Shooter in SC; 6/30/2016 by Christian Datoc at The Daily Caller: MSM missed this story that happened days after the Orlando, FL club massacre.

Mix Freedom Free Enterprise!

Time to Intimidate Big Government

Order “The Intimidation Game” online to put it on Amazon’s best-seller list! KimStrassel, columnist with the Wall Street Journal, is getting outstanding reviews on her book, the “Intimidation Game,” which chronicles the IRS Scandal and Big Government’s attack the First Amendment across the country from Washington, DC to grassroots CA. Buy several copies for gifts throughout this election year. As of this publication date, “The Intimidation Game” was No. 7 on the Amazon New Releases best-seller list. Let’s make it No. 1!

NYT Censors KimStrassel's best-seller"The Intimidation Game"

6/30/2016 by Tim Graham at Media Research Council's News Busters: Hey, NY Times, "cooking the books" of Conservatives--especially this one on the First Amendment--kicks you out of the Fourth Estate and puts you in the Out House. Go edit yourselves. (DW)

National (continued):

Blaze TV Commentator Goes Off on BET Awards (VIDEO); 7/2/2016 by Carmine Sabine at BIZPAC Review:Tomi Lahren fires her"whiteness" at privileged blacks claiming racial bigotry and victimization. Her rant went viral with more than 13 Million views.

Obama "Stonewalls" another nail in Traditional Marriage (Commentary): 7/3/2016 by Susan Caroll at Illinois Conservative Examiner (ICE). Guess marriageisn't a national treasure for America anymore, but is a gay bar monument bigotry? You decide.

Our Eternal War for Independence (Commentary); 7/4/2016 by Daniel Greenfield at Front Page Magazine (David Horowitz Freedom Center)

NYC Elementary School Teaches White Kids they are Racists7/2/2016 by Carmine Sabia at BIZPAC Review: Went viral.

National (continued):

Starbucks LOVED Minimum Wage Hike, now Cuts Staff Hours; 7/3/2016 by Dr. Eowyn at DC Clothesline: OK, employee hours went from Vente to Grande?

Starbucks raised Minimum Wage, does the "Unexpected"; 7/1/2016 by Tyler Durden at Zero Hedge. Yeah. The PC new math--addition leads to subtraction.


Netanyahu: Speech at American Independence Event (VIDEO)

7/1/2016: Refers to Kiryat Arba attack and more: Rescue at Entebbe (anniversary) and death of Netanyahu's brother; includes a tribute to American-Israeli history. Less than 10 minutes. Note to Mr. Obama: This statesman epitomizes America’s exceptional ideals and principles.

In Memoriam: 7/7/16

The Policeman by Paul Harvey

Farewell to "Bretagne"--the last known 9/11 Search Dog (Photos/Story); 6/7/2016 at Bare Naked Islam: So many heroes from Patriot's Day.

International (continued):

Sweden: Rampant Sexual Assaults Continue; 7/7/2016 by Ingrid Carlqvist at Gatestone Institute: Where are the feminist's?

Turkey: Unlocks the doors for Jihad with Migrant Policies; 7/7/2016 by Burak Bekdil at Gatestone Institute: Turkey's welcome mat: "No Terrorists, Please." Yeah, that works.

California/Los Angeles:

Is Getting Us out of our Cars Killing Us? (News/Commentary); 7/3/2016 by Stephen Frank at California Political Review: Traffic deaths rising for cyclists and pedestrians.

Do CA and MN Share Rampant Voter Fraud? (News/Commentary); 7/3/2016 by Stephen Frank at California Political Review;

Editor’s Note: Post Planned Parenthood expose, this move to curb investigative 1A from CA Progressives.

AB 1671 (Gomez-D, Los Angeles) bans secret recording health care providers and releasing them to media/social media--large fines/penalties (including jail time)

CA Newspaper Publishers Association against AB 1671: Another CA Progressiveattempt to silence Free Speech via the Fourth Estate? You decide.

CA locks and loads on Gun Laws; 7/2/2016 by Jonathan J. Cooper of the Associated Press in the Washington Times; Multiple shots at 2A. Thanks, Gov. Moonbeam.

List of Gun Bills signed, vetoed by Gov. Jerry Brown; 7/1/2016 by Jessica Calefati in The Mercury News (California)

CA Lawmakers approve Gun Restrictions post San Bernardino and Orlando; 6/30/2016 by Staff Writers at the Mercury News

Elie Wiesel: 1928-2016

Nobel Laureate Elie Wiesel dead at 877/2/2016 in the Jewish Press: Godspeed, Mr. Wiesel.

Elie Wiesel: Leader of Holocaust Memorial Movement (VIDEO) 7/2/2016 at PBS News Hour

Oprah's 1993 Interview: Elie Wiesel (VIDEO); 11/10/2015: Narrated video and interview on Wiesel's memoir, "Night."A stunning43 minutes.

Elie Wiesel on Hope, Compassion and the Power of Youth (VIDEO); 8/10/2011 by Free the Children International: "Life is not made of years, but of moments."

The Highlight Reels:

The Texas Tenors perform "God Bless the USA" (Music VIDEO)

Andre Rieu and his Johann Strauss Orchestra: "You'll Never Walk Alone"

Team Lachey on Clash of the Choirs: "Flight of the Bumblebee" a cappella

Home Free performs "Wagon Wheel" (Song of the South) a cappella

"Inside the Explosion": Fireworks filmed by a Drone (Music/VIDEO)

Highlight Reel (continued):

Stop Calling Orlando shooting a "hate crime" (VIDEO/News Commentary); 6/12/2016 by Sebastian Gorka, PhD: Is 'hate crime' like 'workplace violence' in PC terrorist lingo?

In Case You Missed It:

Canada Supreme Court Legalizes Some Forms of Bestiality (Commentary); 6/10/2016 by Tim Brown at Freedom Outpost: Wonder if size matters.

CA AG Raids Pro-Life Supporter's Home over Planned Parenthood Videos; 4/7/2016 by Cortney O'Brien at Town Hall: Bet few saw this article complete with pressure to resign office--and she wants to be our U.S. Senator. Now that's a miscarriage.

Is ISIS Free Movement in Sinjar still Happening?11/3/2015 by Tera Dahl at Breitbart: Wanna bet ISIS--not ISIL, please--still has free movement?

Think Tank:

Gun Control Realities:

Guns and Crime Prevention: Research site on gun statistics worldwide--interesting site to peruse. GREAT easy-to-read charts.

Pro-Con Gun Control Debateat Balanced Politics

Gun Death Incidents Demand Stronger Gun Control (Commentary); 3/5/2013 by Gun Control Facts: Fuzzy stats, Progressive view.

(Gun Control Reality continues on Page 8)

Think Tank (continued):

Deadliest U.S. Mass Shootings: 1984-2016; 6/12/2016 by Los Angeles Times Staff. Article excludes 7/7/2016 Dallas attack.

Ten Deadliest School Shootings in U.S. History; 12/16/2012 by Dan Evon in the Inquisitr

Gun Control: The UK vs. The US (VIDEO); 12/26/2015 posted by We Are Capitalists on You Tube

Gun Control Debate just after Sandy Hook (VIDEO); 3/8/2013 posted by "James Madison" on You Tube: Re Firearms industry v Legislature in MD

Bill O'Reilly Commentary on the Orlando Shootings (VIDEO); 6/14/2016 with Stephen Colbert on the Late Show

Best 7 Minutes on Gun Control: Bill Whittle's Virtual State of2A Conflicts(VIDEO); 2/24/2013 with Bill Whittle on the heart of Gun Control: Predators and Prey

NRA's Wayne LaPierre: post-San Bernardino Shooting (VIDEO)

CA Governor Signs "Draconian" Gun Control Laws (News/Commentary); 7/1/2016 by National Rifle Association (NRA)

Under the Wire:

Shooter Cop Narrative in MN: Concealed-carry guy resembled armed-robbery Suspect; 7/8/2016 at Conservative Tree House (MN)

At the Hearth: Our Editorial Page.

Anti-Police Rhetoric Turns Deadly (News/Commentary); 7/8/2016 by Edmund Kozah at

Jew-Hatred in Hong Kong: 2016 (News/Commentary); 6/8/2016 by Stephen Kruger at Arutz Sheva (Israel National News)

Meet the CA Tea Party Groups (VIDEO) Think you know who the TEA party is?

Swissdedicate longest tunnel in the world with Pagan Ceremony (Commentary); 6/7/2016 by Tad Cronn at Constitution: Say a prayer, this beats EVERY grand opening at Wal-Mart.

U.S. Imam: "Muslims have the right to take property from FILTHY Christians and Jews. (VIDEO/Commentary); 6/9/2016 by Bethany Blankley at Constitution:Didn't theNazis do the same thing?

The Idea of America (excerptfrom "The American Idea Renewed");3/8/2016 by Amb. John R. Bolton of the Jack Kemp Foundation at American Enterprise Institute

Editorial policy: The “Sunday Liberty Pole” is published in a weekly newspaper-style with a focus on contemporary civics and ‘town square’ themes. If you have an opinion, comment or contribution (i.e. personal commentary on the news, or a favorite web site, story link), send an email (limit 100 words) with subject line Editor:Sunday Liberty Pole to for a future edition.

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