Sir John A. Macdonald School Newsletter

Sir John A. Macdonald

Middle School

250 Centre Street, Brampton ON, L6V 2R4


Mrs. K. Flear, Office Manager Mrs. R. Manners, Principal Mrs K. Dhillon, Vice-Principal

Please find our newsletter on-line at our webpage

January 2013

Dates to Remember

Date / Event
January 20th / PD Day – No School
December 21st – January 5th / Winter Break
January 6th 2014 / Back to School
January 20th / PD Day – No School
February 17th / Family Day – No School
March 5th 6pm / School Council Meeting

Note: If buses are cancelled and your child takes the bus, you do not need to phone the school to record the absence.

SJAM 2014 Ski Trip

SJAM will be participating in its Annual Ski Trip this year. The trip will take place every Tuesday starting January 14th, 21st, 28th and February 4th This trip is educational in nature and an extension of our PE program. It includes 4 days of skiing with instruction, transportation and lift ticket. Lessons are mandatory as the trip is educational in nature. As an added bonus students who participate in any of the 4 day programs will receive free skiing at Hockley Valley when accompanied by a paying adult during the 2014 Ski season.


4 Days skiing with rental, lesson, lift ticket and transportation $135.

1Day skiing with rental, lesson, lift ticket and transportation $45. Choose one of 3 Days (January 14th, 21st or 28th)

4 Days skiing without rental and with lesson, lift ticket and transportation $120.

1 Day skiing without rental and withlesson, lift ticket and transportation $40. Choose one of 3 Days (January 14th, 21st or 28th)

4 Days snowboarding withrental, lesson, lift ticket and transportation $165.

1Day snowboarding withrental, lesson, lift ticket and transportation $55. Choose one of 3 Days (January 14th, 21st or 28th)

4 Days snowboarding withoutrental and with lesson, lift ticket and transportation $155.

1Day snowboarding withoutrental and with lesson, lift ticket and transportation $52. Choose one of 3 Days (January 14th, 21st or 28th)

Helmets are mandatory and must be CSA approved for skiing. Rental cost 4 days for $20 or $5 for one day. It is more cost effective to use an existing one or purchase one.

Students who participatein any of the 4 day programs will receive free skiing at Hockley Valley when accompanied by a paying adultduring the 2014 Ski season.

More details and the permission form will be sent at the beginning of December.

Register for Extended French by Jan. 31, 2014

Are you thinking of registering your child for Extended French (EF)? For the 2014-15 school year, parents must register children for entry into grade 7 Extended French by 4 p.m. onFriday, January 31, 2014.

The registration date will help determine the number of grade 7 Extended French classes at each school for the following September. The board can then hire the appropriate number of qualified staff. As well, because the registration date happens earlier, the intention is that no new EF classes will be created at reorganization time in September, so the level of student disruption will be reduced.

The school for our area is our school, Sir John A Macdonald. Registration for EF will be done through an online registrationform that will be available on Nov. 22 at

For a complete list and maps of Extended French schools, go to the Peel board’s website at You can also visit the website of Canadian Parents for French (Ontario) at

How to get more information

  • Visit the Peel board website—.
  • Call us at 905 457-5535.
  • Visit the Canadian Parents for French website at .

Traffic safety in our community
Safety is a top priority at our school. Here is a list of traffic tips to keep students, staff and parents safe while commuting to and from school.

  • Respect traffic signs and road markers around the school.
  • Drive slowly and with caution on and near school property. Adhere to the posted speed limits on any surrounding streets used by students on their way to and from school.
  • Always yield to pedestrian traffic. Wait for students, staff members and parents to cross before driving past them.
  • When dropping your child off at the school, use the Kiss'n'Ride area. This is a supervised area that is designed to keep students safe.
  • Do not double park or do anything else to block traffic or draw your child off the curb and into traffic. Do not take shortcuts over curbs.
  • Have your child ready to exit the car when you reach the curb. Say goodbye to your child before you park at the curb to let your child out of your car.
  • During regular drop-off times, students are to remain in the car until it is safe for them to exit the car onto the curb.
  • Follow the directions of staff or volunteers on duty in the school parking lot and treat staff, students, volunteers, passengers and other drivers with respect.
  • Consider parking off site and walking a short distance to school. This will give you time to talk to your children about their day, review new vocabulary words, math concepts, etc.
  • Remind your child to only cross the street at an intersection or crosswalk. They should never “jaywalk” by crossing in the middle of the street.
  • Students who bike to school should always wear a helmet, and follow all traffic laws. They should only cross the street at a crosswalk or intersection—never in the middle of the road.

Help your family stay warm this winter

Canada Safety Council recommends the following tips for staying comfortable and preventing hypothermia when working or playing outdoors:

  • Wear a warm hat—most body heat is lost through the head. Children should keep an extra hat at school.
  • Wear layered clothing. Layers allow warm air to stay trapped around the body.
  • Protect your feet and hands. Wear loose waterproof boots. If the boots have liners, carry an extra pair to replace damp ones or take an extra pair of socks. Mittens are warmer than gloves. Carry an extra pair of mittens to school, on outings, etc.
  • Prevent dehydration and exhaustion, which can lead to hypothermia. Drink plenty of fluids and pace yourself when doing vigorous activities.
  • Stay fit by exercising and eating well—people who are fit are less susceptible to hypothermia.
  • If you stay indoors, avoid moving from a hot environment to a cold one. Excessive sweating caused from an extreme change in temperature increases the risk of developing hypothermia.
  • Eat high-energy food such as nuts and raisins.
  • If you are travelling (on the road or in the wilderness) carry emergency supplies.


Closing schools because of bad weather

During the winter months, we may need to cancel buses or close schools because of bad weather.

The board decides by 6:30 a.m. whether to cancel buses or close schools. To find out if busing is cancelled or schools closed, visit or call 905-890-1010 or

1-800-668-1146. You will receive one of the following messages:

Peel District School Board buses are cancelled. Schools remain open for students and staff, but buses are cancelled. Buses will remain cancelled all day. All activities that require busing will also be cancelled. Permits, night school classes, daycare and other activities in schools will operate as usual.

All Peel District School Board schools and board offices are closed. Due to weather conditions, schools and board offices are closed to students and staff. All activities in schools and board offices are also cancelled, including daycare, night school and permits.

All evening programs and permits at the Peel District School Board are cancelled. Due to weather conditions, all activities in schools and board offices are cancelled, including continuing education courses and events. The buildings will be closed.

All weekend programs and permits at the Peel District School Board are cancelled. Due to weather conditions, all activities in schools and board offices are cancelled, including continuing education courses and events. The buildings will be closed.

You can also follow @Peelschools on Twitter or become a fan of the Peel board on Facebook, for updates.

It’s almost time to register for kindergarten

Join us for a Kindergarten Live! open house in December to learn more

Do you have a young children that will start school in the next year or two? If so, join us for a Kindergarten Live! information session to learn more about the Peel board’s full-day kindergarten program and how to register your children for school.

Four elementary schools in Peel will host Kindergarten Live! information sessions in December where Explore Guides will takes families on a small group tour to see a kindergarten class in action, find out about play-based learning and have the opportunity to ask questions about special education.

Kindergarten Live! information sessions will take place at the following Peel elementary schools in December:

  • Queen Street Public School in Brampton
  • Caledon East Public School in Caledon
  • Clarkson Public School in Mississauga
  • Marvin Heights Public School in Mississauga

For more information or to register for an information session, visit

If your child was born in 2010, he or she can start kindergarten in September 2014.All Peel elementary schools will be open forkindergarten registration from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Feb.4, 5, 6 and 7 and from 5 to 8 p.m. on Feb. 6.



For all Grade 7 and 8 students

If you are interested in participating in a Shakespearean Play at the Rose Theatre at the end of theschool

year, please listen for the Announcements on the PA.There will be a general meeting shortly.In order to

participate, you will need to audition -- you will be given a script. This is an opportunity to work with a

professional actor. You will need to make a commitment to be available on Tuesdays between 3 and 4 pm.

If you would like further information, please see Ms. Durani or Ms. Ogurian.



Camp Olympia forms and first deposit are due by Jan. 22, 2014. Permission forms are available in the main office or in the gym office. If you have any questions or concerns please don't hesitate to call the school and speak with Mr. Robb or Ms. Kandola.











January 2014 / January 2014 / January 2014 / January 2014 / January 2014
1 / 2 / 3
Hours of Operation
Monday – Friday
1:00pm – 8:00pm / CONTACT INFO
Youth Workers:
Lisa Bertin

Sarah Francois

905-790-7707 / All Services Are FREE!
Follow Us /
@ 1pm!!
6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10
Hair & Spa Program!
Good Food Brampton 4-7pm
Youth Employment 4-7pm /
Music Production
Youth Employment 4-7pm /
Photography or
Modern Batik
Girl Talk 5-7pm /
Photoshop orVisual Arts
Guys Domain 5-7pm
AYSP - R.A.I.N. 5-7pm /
Drama 4:30-6:30pm

Rec Night
13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 17
Hair & Spa Program!
Good Food Brampton 4-7pm
Youth Employment 4-7pm /
Music Production
Youth Employment 4-7pm /
Photography or
Modern Batik
Girl Talk 5-7pm /
Photoshop orVisual Arts
Guys Domain 5-7pm
AYSP - R.A.I.N. 5-7pm /
Drama 4:30-6:30pm

Rec Night
20 / 21 / 22 / 23 / 24
Hair & Spa Program!
Good Food Brampton 4-7pm
Youth Employment 4-7pm /
Music Production
Youth Employment 4-7pm /
Photography or
Modern Batik
Girl Talk 5-7pm /
Photoshop orVisual Arts
Guys Domain 5-7pm
AYSP - R.A.I.N. 5-7pm /
Drama 4:30-6:30pm

Rec Night
27 / 28 / 29 / 30 / 31
Hair & Spa Program!
Good Food Brampton 4-7pm
Youth Employment 4-7pm /
Music Production
Youth Employment 4-7pm /
Photography or
Modern Batik
Girl Talk 5-7pm /
Photoshop orVisual Arts
Guys Domain 5-7pm
AYSP - R.A.I.N. 5-7pm /
Drama 4:30-6:30pm

Rec Night

From the Guidance Office. . .

Grade 9 Course Selection Process

This year, all Peel District School Board students will be using to select their courses for the 2014-2015 school year.

Each grade 8 student should have created a myBlueprint account. This is imperative in order to choose courses for next year. If a student has not yet created his account, he needs to see Ms. Kunica immediately.

Each student has a designated “home” high school based on their home address. For the majority of our regular program students, their home high school is Central Peel S.S. Our Extended French students will either choose courses at their home high school or at Turner Fenton S.S. if they plan to continue in the Extended French Program.

If a student has applied to a Regional Program (e.g., AP, IBT, IB, SciTech etc.), they must wait until accepted into the desired program, accept the offer of acceptance and wait for instructions which will be sent by the Regional Program school to the student.

Each high school has their own window for course selection within the January 6 - February 28 timeframe. The scheduled dates are outlined below:

Bramalea: January 30

Brampton Centennial: January 27

Castlebrooke: January 9-31

Central Peel: January 23-30

Chinguacousy: January 24

David Suzuki: January 31

Fletcher's Meadow: January 16-31

Harold Brathwaite: February 3-14

Heart Lake: February 3-7

Judith Nyman: February - May

Lincoln Alexander: February 25

Louise Arbour: February 3-14

Mayfield: January 6-13

North Park: February 18-21

Sandalwood Heights: February 14

Turner Fenton: February 8

Students may access myBlueprint from home to select their courses, but they are not advised to click “Submit” until they check with Ms. Kunica. Students will have only ONE opportunity to enter and submit their courses!

Catholic Secondary School Registration

This is a reminder that if you wish to have your child attend a Dufferin-Peel secondary school next year, you must contact the high school directly to inquire about the registration process.

The Dufferin-Peel Catholic School Board’s phone number is: 905-890-1221.

Secondary School IPRC’s for Special Education

Over the next several months, parents and students will be receiving invitation letters in the mail inviting them to attend IPRC’s to discuss placement for grade 9. Please ensure to RSVP to the contact listed on the letter. We look forward to seeing you!

Secondary School Regional Programs

The first round of offers for PDSB students will be on February 7. Second round offers will be made on February 14. Please be advised that students have only ONE opportunity to accept a placement. Once they accept an offer, they cannot change their mind and accept another offer.

We are very proud of our students and their many accomplishments and wish them well.

Please inform Ms. Kunica of your plans for the upcoming year. Once students accept an offer for a particular program, they will be asked to select their courses for next year.

Healthy Eating Tips for Teens

  1. Eat breakfast every day!
  2. Keep fresh fruit and veggies washed and cut in the frig to promote healthy snacking.
  3. Avoid sugary drinks. Water and milk are your best options. If drinking juice, ensure it is 100% juice and not ‘fruit punch’ which has added sugar.
  4. Don’t skip lunch!
  5. Avoid processed foods if possible
  6. If eating at a fast-food restaurant, avoid high fat meals.
  7. Don’t eat in front of the TV or computer…you will consume more food.
  8. Drink LOTS of water! (8 glasses/day is optimal)
  9. Avoid sugary foods by carefully reading labels. These are ALL forms of sugar: corn syrup, dextrose, glucose, high-fructose corn syrup, fructose, diastase, maltodextrin, maltose, sorbitol, sucrose
  10. Read labels…the fewer the ingredients, the better.

Healthy Lunch Ideas

Upcoming Events

Turner Fenton Extended French Program visit: January 10

Grad Photos: January 17

No School: January 20

Regional Program First Round Offers: February 7

Counselling Links and Contacts for Students and Families

1. Tangerine Walk-In Counselling is a free service for children, youth and families who live in the Peel Region.

2. Peel Children's Centre offers many excellent treatment services for children, teenagers, and families who are having serious issues with relationships, feelings, or behaviour.

3. Catholic Family Services

4. HEAL Network partners have come together to provide services for children who have been exposed to woman abuse.

5. India Rainbowprovides services for integration into Canadian society and meet the social services, training and health needs of the Peel immigrant community.

Quote of the Month

“You must be the change you wish to see in the world.”

~Mahatma Gandhi

Montreal/Quebec Trip

As part of a long tradition at Sir John A. Macdonald, this school year we are offering once again to any of our grade 7 or 8 students the opportunity to participate on an exciting trip to the historical cities of Montreal and Quebec. It will be a four day trip from June 17th to June 20th , 2014.

We will be visiting many historical sites, including, magnificent Basilica of Notre Dame in Montreal, the Basilica of Ste. Anne de Beaupre, the Citadel of Quebec, panoramic guided tour of upper and lower Quebec and the visit to the Plains of Abraham where the historic battle took place in 1759.

The students will stay one night at the Hotel Expresso in Montreal and two nights at the Hotel Classique in Quebec city. They will be travelling on a deluxe highway coach with our tour guide from Chapman Cultural Tours.