Teachers’ notesTo be printed out and used as an aide memoir this should include a bullet point outline of what to do for each section.

  • The starter activity introduces children to the idea that sound can travel through different states of material – gases, solids and liquids, each in turn, using everyday examples.
  • Before using the ‘NEXT’ button to advance through the screens, allow children time to discuss their ideas and to try to suggest other instances where sound is travelling through that particular state of material.
  • The animation provides a simple model of how sounds become quieter as they travel from one material to another.
  • The advance button brings down a wall between the radio and the girl. The sound waves lose some of their energy, so becoming quieter – see background information for more details.
Main session
  • The aim of the first activity is to encourage children think about how well sound travels through different types of material – see ‘Background Information Section’ for more details.
  • The activity is intended to provide a stimulus and should lead children to explore the ideas introduced through practical first-hand experience.
  • Children should be encouraged to discuss which material the sound is travelling through in each instance and why the sound is travelling more or less effectively.
  • The next set of screens introduces the idea that sound insulators can be used to protect our ears from very loud sounds. The animation models ear muffs made from different materials and the children are encouraged to test each material to determine its sound insulating properties.
  • Before testing the materials, discuss some of the properties of the each material and ask the pupils to predict what they think the outcome of the test will be and why.
  • Once again this is intended to provide a stimulus and lead the children to investigate their own ideas by setting up a fair test.
  • ‘Teachers’ Investigation notes’ provide details of how the investigation might be set up, with printable planning and recording sheets.
  • ‘Investigation planning sheet’ provides a link to an interactive version of the ‘Post-it’ planning board system.
  • The plenary should be used at the end of the unit of work to review the work carried out.
  • It provides multichoice answers to questions, with immediate feedback. Further attempts to answer are possible, if the first answer is incorrect.