Brief Curriculum Vitae
James Lind Initiative, Summertown Pavilion, Middle Way, OxfordOX2 7LG
Tel: +44-(0)1865-517636; Fax: +44-(0)1865-516311;
Editor, James Lind Library (2003-)
Coordinator, James Lind Initiative (2003-)
Senior Fellow, Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine, University of Oxford (2010-)
Degrees: MB,BS (1966); MSc (1975)
Diplomas: MRCS,LRCP (1966); DCH (1973); MRCOG (1973); MFPHM (1979);
Honorary degrees: DSc Aberdeen (1999); MD Liverpool (2001); DUniv York (2001);
DSc London (2004); dr.h.c.Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (2006); DSc Plymouth (2008);DSc Oxford Brookes (2008)
Honorary fellowships: FRCP Edin (1996); FMedSci (1999); FCOGSA (2001); FRCP Lond (2002); FFPH (2003); FRSM (2005); FRSS (2006); FFPM (2011)
- Knight Bachelor (2000)
- Health Service Journal Top Clinical Leader (2014)
- BMJ Life-time Achievement Award (2014)
- Honorary Member, Armenian Association of Specialists in EBM (2013)
- Honorary Fellow, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Medicine (2011)
- Honorary Fellow, Royal Statistical Society (2006)
- Honorary Fellow, Royal Society of Medicine (2006)
- Honorary Member, Society for Social Medicine (2003)
- Honorary Fellow, Faculty of Public Health (2003)
- Honorary Fellow, Academy of Experimental Criminology (2003)
- Honorary Fellow, University of WalesCollege of Medicine (2002)
- Honorary Fellow, RoyalCollege of Physicians of London (2002)
- Honorary Fellow, College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of South Africa (2001)
- Honorary Fellow, AmericanCollege of Epidemiology (1996)
- Foreign Associate Member, Institute of Medicine/National Academy of Sciences (1994)
- Honorary Life Member, British Association of Perinatal Medicine (1992)
- Honorary Vice President, RoyalCollege of Midwives (1989)
- Honorary Fellow, Hungarian Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (1986)
- Royal Society of Medicine Gold Medal (2012)
- Winslow Medal, Yale School of Public Health (2010)
- HealthWatch Award (2009)
- Carola Warburg Rothschild Award, jointly with Murray Enkin and Marc Keirse (2001)
- Prince Mahidol Award, jointly with Richard Peto (2000)
- US Centers for Disease Control Statistical Science Award, jointly with Kenneth Schulz, Richard Hayes and Douglas Altman (1996)
- Joseph Bolivar DeLee Humanitarian Award, ChicagoLying-InHospital (1996)
- LW Frohlich Award, New York Academy of Sciences, jointly with Richard Peto (1993)
- FHP Foundation 1st Prize, International Society for Technology Assessment in Health Care (1991)
- Centenary Meeting Lecturer,MRC Biostatistics Research Unit (2014)
- 1st Cochrane Lecture, 20th anniversary Cochrane Colloquium (2013)
- Samuel Gee Lecture, Royal College of Physicians (2012)
- Wolfson-Haldane Lecture, Wolfson College, Oxford (2012)
- Sydenham Lecture, Faculty of History and Philosophy of Medicine (2011)
- Allison Wilson Public Lecture, Leicester (2011)
- David Harvey Lecture, Imperial College, London (2010)
- Fleming Lecture, St Andrews Paediatric Symposium, Glasgow (2010)
- C-EA Winslow Lecturer, Yale School of Public Health (2010)
- President’s Lecturer, International Statistical Institute (2009)
- Brooke Lecturer, Royal Society of Medicine (2003)
- DARE Lecturer, Faculty of Public Health (2003)
- Charles Bernard Lecturer, Institute of Naval Medicine (2003)
- Jerry Lee Lecturer, Campbell Colloquium, Stockholm, Sweden (2003)
- Skrabanek Lecturer, TrinityCollegeDublin (2000)
- Cochrane Lecturer, Faculty of Public Health Medicine in Wales (1999)
- Enkin Lecturer, McMasterUniversity (1999)
- Archie Cochrane Lecturer, GreenCollege, Oxford (1998)
- Sutcliffe Kerr Memorial Lecturer, University of Liverpool (1998)
- Bradford Hill Memorial Lecturer, LondonSchool of Hygiene (1997)
- Guinness Lecturer, Coombe Women’s Hospital, Dublin, Ireland (1996)
James Paget Memorial Lecturer, Great Yarmouth (1996)
- Harveian Lecturer, Harveian Society of London (1994)
- Archie Cochrane Lecturer, Society for Social Medicine (1992)
- Dame Rosalind Paget Lecturer, RoyalCollege of Midwives (1992)
- Health Services Research Lecturer, LondonSchool of Hygiene (1988)
- Ninian Falkiner Lecturer, RotundaHospital, Dublin (1985)
- Sims-Black Lecturer, University of Zimbabwe (1984)
- Bloomfield Memorial Lecturer, University of Cleveland (1979)
- UKAcademy of Medical Sciences (1999)
- RoyalCollege of Physicians of Edinburgh (1996)
- Faculty of Public Health Medicine (1986)
- RoyalCollege of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (1985)
- Project Coordinator, UK RCT Registration Project (1998-2003)
- Specialist in Public Health Medicine, Oxfordshire Health Authority (1978-2003)
- Visiting Professor, University of Liverpool (1993-2003)
- Visiting Professor, Institute of Child Health, UniversityCollegeLondon (1997-2003)
- Visiting Professor, School of Public Policy, UniversityCollegeLondon (1998-2003)
- Director, UK Cochrane Centre (1992-2002)
- Director, National Perinatal Epidemiology Unit, University of Oxford (1978-92)
- Honorary Specialist in Public Health Medicine, Anglia and Oxford Regional Health Authority (1978-95)
- Archie Cochrane Research Fellow, GreenCollege, Oxford (1992-94)
- Honorary Clinical Lecturer, Nuffield Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Oxford (1978-92)
- Director, WHO Collaborating Centre for Pregnancy and Perinatal Care (1987-92)
- Resident Scholar, Rockefeller Foundation, Bellagio (1987)
- McLaughlin Visiting Professor, McMasterUniversity (1987)
- Travelling Fellow, World Health Organisation (1978)
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