Members of the Council are hereby summoned to attend the Environment and Resources Committee meeting in The Claydon Room, Plantation Hall, Colchester Road, Heybridge on THURSDAY 27 JULY 2017at 7.30pmfor the purpose of transacting the following business.
Recording of meetings
To note that this meeting may be recorded or filmed and will be capable of repeated viewing or another use by such third parties. It is possible that the recording equipment or cameras will capture your image and this will result in the possibility that your image will become part of the broadcast. This may infringe your human and data protection rights and if you wish to avoid this you should move to the appropriate area of the room. Anyone present intending to record the meeting, or any part thereof, must declare their intention to the Chairman and Clerk before the meeting commences.
Public Participation
This meeting is held in public. To note that under Local Government regulations, only persons registered on the electoral roll are permitted to speak. Visitors will be able to speak within the allotted ten minutes. If several visitors wish to express similar views it is suggested that a spokesperson should speak on behalf of the group. When visitors wishing to speak arrive at the meeting, they should give their names to the Clerk and say that they wish to speak. To avoid arguments and keep the length of meetings to a reasonable level, Councillors will not enter into discussion with visitors during the allocated public participation time. Apart from the initial participation session, the public are not allowed to speak in the meeting.
Laurie Wiebe
Clerk to Heybridge Parish Council 21 July 2017
In order to reduce paper wastage, Members of the Press or Public who would like copies of the appended documents available for the meeting should make prior arrangements with the Clerk at least 2 days before the scheduled meeting.
1.To receive and approve apologies for absence.
2. Chairman’s announcements
3. Minutes
To receive and confirm the minutes of the meeting held on the 22 June 2017 (Appendix 1.)
To receive member’s declarations of Discloseable Pecuniary Interests, Other Registerable Pecuniary Interests, Registerable Non-Pecuniary Interestson items on the agenda. To note any dispensations granted.
(Members are reminded that they are also required to declare interests as soon as they become aware should the need arise throughout the meeting.)
5.Public Participation
Public participation session with respect to items on the agenda and other matters that are of mutual interest.
6. Clerks Report
To receive a report from the Clerk providing further information on various items on the agenda (to be circulated.)
7.Plantation Hall and Playing Field
i) To consider purchasing three door locks (with fobs) for the toilets as recommended by the Personnel Committee;
ii) To ratify the expense of £145 for fixing the blocked toilet drain;
iii) To consider marking chevrons in the Hall car park (Cllr Lewis to report.)
iv) To consider the quotations received to sand and reseal the wooden floor in the Main Hall.
8. Children Play Areas
a) To consider issuesraised in the annual inspection;
i) Plantation Hall
a)To consider painting the two walk-in gates a contrasting colour;
b)To note that the walk-in gate nearest the car park has been temporarily fixed;
c)To consider seeking quotes to repair the fence posts and secure fixings around the railings;
d)To consider replacing the signage;
e)To note the bench located within the play area has been cleaned;
f)To note the sheep spring has been removed;
g)To note the roundabout has been removed;
h)To consider replacing the surface under both swings and both walk-in gates;
i)To consider seeking quotes to secure fixings on the multi-play area;
j)To ratify the expense of £145.24 + VAT for new bolts and bushings for the swings;
k)To note the new play area equipment has been installed.
ii) Elizabeth Way
a)To consider removal of the play area;
b)Should the Committee agree to retain the play area, to consider the following:-
i)To agree the cost of £1600.81 + VAT + labour to repair the slide;
ii)To consider obtaining quotes for new soft flooring;
iii)To consider replacing the litter bin for £600 + VAT + labour;
iv)To consider repairing the railing fence.
9.Amenity Areas
a) To consider any issues;
b) (Minute No 16/580)To note that the resident does not own the fence which is next to the enclosed Rowan Drive amenity area and the fence is the responsibility of the Parish Council. To consider seeking quotes to repair or replace the fence. To consider the offer from the resident to pay for half the costs to replace the fence;
c) To consider trimming back the overgrown fruit tree adjacent to the foot path at Larch Walk Amenity Area;
d) To consider seeking permission from Highways to install a drop-down bollard in the pavement right of way at Larch Walk Amenity Area;
e) To consider trimming back or removing the tree in The Roothings;
f) To receive and consider suggestions to improve Elms Farm roundabout.
10. Daisy Meadow Car Park
a) To consider any issues;
b) To note that the boundary agreement between the Council and one of the residents adjoining the entrance to Daisy Meadow Car Parkhas been completed and submitted to the Land Registry;
c) To consider submitting a planning application to Maldon District Council to cut back the laurel hedge located along the entranceway to Daisy Meadow Car Park;
d) To consider obtaining a formal quotation to install an amenity light in the entranceway to Daisy Meadow Car Park.
11. Groundsmen Contract and Gardener
To consider installing a 4-foot high chain-link fence along the new hedge at the far end of Plantation Hall car park to help prevent further damage.
12.Amenity Street Lighting
To note any issues.
13.Bins, Seats, Dog Bins, Bus Shelters
i) To note any issues
ii)To note that the Clerk has contacted the District Council regarding the outstanding bin request along Colchester Road.
14.Flag Pole
To consider purchasing and installing a flag pole at Plantation Hall.
15. Improvements within the Parish
i) To note any eye-sore areas within the Parish such as signage, unkempt properties or hazardous areas and consider reporting the problems to the appropriate authority(ies);
a) A resident has suggested the area around The Old Ship Public House, Heybridge Basin
ii) To make suggestions of ways to improve the appearance of the Parish.
16. Future meetings
i)The next meeting of the Planning Committee of the Parish Council will be held on Thursday3rd August 2017at 7.30pm.
ii)The next meeting of the Events Committee of the Parish Council will be held on Thursday 10th August 2017 at 7.30pm.
iii)The next Parish Council Meeting will be held on Thursday 17thAugust 2017 at 7.30pm.
iv)The next meeting of the Environment and Resources Committee of the Parish Council will be held on Thursday 24th August 2017 at 7.30pm.
Plantation Hall, Colchester Road, Heybridge, Maldon CM9 4AL
Tel: 01621 852 471 Email: