Chapter 11 Conservation Biology
- Background Rate Of Extinction
- Biodiversity Hotspots
- Biological Diversity
- Biophilia
- Captive Breeding
- Community-Based Conservation
- Conservation Biology
- Convention On Biological Diversity
- Convention On International Trade In Endangered Species Of Wild Fauna And Flora (CITES)
- Endangered Species Act (ESA)
- Lacey Act
- Equilibrium Theory Of Island Biogeography
- Extirpation
- Genetic Diversity
- Mass Extinction
- Inbreeding Depression
- ICUN Red List
- Species Diversity
- Indicator Species
- Umbrella Species
- H.I.P.P.O (+C?)
- Extinction Vortex
- S.L.O.S.S
- Tipping Point
- Define Biodiversity.
- Name two subspecies of Panthera tigris and describe how they are different.
- What determines whether two organisms are a different species?
- What are the two parts of a scientific name? Give an example.
- Give an example of genetic diversity and explain why it is an example.
- Give an example of species diversity and explain why it is an example.
- What is meant by “Species Richness”?
- What is meant by “Species Relative Abundance” or “Evenness”?
- What is special about insects and especially beetles in terms of biodiversity?
- Give an example of ecosystem diversity and explain why it is an example.
- Explain what is meant by the “latitudinal gradient”?
- Give TWO reasons for this latitudinal gradient.
- What kinds of conditions favor a species generalist? Why?
- What kinds of conditions favor a species specialist? Why?
- Which biomes have high species richness?
- Which biomes have low species richness and evenness?
- What types of habitats have high species richness?
- What is the difference between extinction and extirpation?
- Give an example of Extirpation and explain why it is an example.
- What is the background rate of extinction?
- How many mass extinctions have occurred throughout Earth’s History?
- Describe the sixth mass extinction and its cause.
- What is the IUCN RED LIST?
- What is the name of the metric that measures the loss of population size and geographic range of species?
- List the 5 causes for the loss of biodiversity. Give an example for each
- What does the acronym HIPPO stand for? (This isn’t in the book—Google “HIPPO acronym”)
- Why is biodiversity so important?
- Give an example of how biodiversity enhances food security
- Give an example of how biodiversity provides drugs and medicine.
- Give an example of how biodiversity generates economic benefits.
- Describe “Biophilia”
- What is “Conservation Biology”?
- Describe the “Distance Effect” of the Theory of Island Biogeography.
- Describe the “Area Effect” of the Theory of Island Biogeography.
- How does “Fragmentation” affect biodiversity?
- What does the Endangered Species Act actually require that protects species?
- Describe why some people and organizations are against the Endangered Species Act
- What government agency is responsible for listing species as “Endangered”?
- List two single species approaches to saving endangered species and give an example of each.
- Give an example of an “Umbrella Species” and explain why it is called that.
- Give an example of an instance in which each of the following policies would be violated:
- Lacey Act
- Endangered Species Act
- What are the requirements for a region to be considered a “Biodiversity Hotspot”?
- What is meant by an “Endemic Species”?
- Give an example of “Community-based Conservation”.
- What are the advantages of this approach?
- List and GIVE EXAMPLES OF TWO Economic strategies for conserving the habitat of endangered and threatened species.