Chapter 11 Conservation Biology


  • Background Rate Of Extinction
  • Biodiversity Hotspots
  • Biological Diversity
  • Biophilia
  • Captive Breeding
  • Community-Based Conservation
  • Conservation Biology
  • Convention On Biological Diversity
  • Convention On International Trade In Endangered Species Of Wild Fauna And Flora (CITES)
  • Endangered Species Act (ESA)
  • Lacey Act
  • Equilibrium Theory Of Island Biogeography
  • Extirpation
  • Genetic Diversity
  • Mass Extinction
  • Inbreeding Depression
  • ICUN Red List
  • Species Diversity
  • Indicator Species
  • Umbrella Species
  • H.I.P.P.O (+C?)
  • Extinction Vortex
  • S.L.O.S.S
  • Tipping Point

  1. Define Biodiversity.
  2. Name two subspecies of Panthera tigris and describe how they are different.
  3. What determines whether two organisms are a different species?
  4. What are the two parts of a scientific name? Give an example.
  5. Give an example of genetic diversity and explain why it is an example.
  6. Give an example of species diversity and explain why it is an example.
  7. What is meant by “Species Richness”?
  8. What is meant by “Species Relative Abundance” or “Evenness”?
  9. What is special about insects and especially beetles in terms of biodiversity?
  10. Give an example of ecosystem diversity and explain why it is an example.
  11. Explain what is meant by the “latitudinal gradient”?
  12. Give TWO reasons for this latitudinal gradient.
  13. What kinds of conditions favor a species generalist? Why?
  14. What kinds of conditions favor a species specialist? Why?
  15. Which biomes have high species richness?
  16. Which biomes have low species richness and evenness?
  17. What types of habitats have high species richness?
  18. What is the difference between extinction and extirpation?
  19. Give an example of Extirpation and explain why it is an example.
  20. What is the background rate of extinction?
  21. How many mass extinctions have occurred throughout Earth’s History?
  22. Describe the sixth mass extinction and its cause.
  23. What is the IUCN RED LIST?
  24. What is the name of the metric that measures the loss of population size and geographic range of species?
  25. List the 5 causes for the loss of biodiversity. Give an example for each
  26. What does the acronym HIPPO stand for? (This isn’t in the book—Google “HIPPO acronym”)
  27. Why is biodiversity so important?
  28. Give an example of how biodiversity enhances food security
  29. Give an example of how biodiversity provides drugs and medicine.
  30. Give an example of how biodiversity generates economic benefits.
  31. Describe “Biophilia”
  32. What is “Conservation Biology”?
  33. Describe the “Distance Effect” of the Theory of Island Biogeography.
  34. Describe the “Area Effect” of the Theory of Island Biogeography.
  35. How does “Fragmentation” affect biodiversity?
  36. What does the Endangered Species Act actually require that protects species?
  37. Describe why some people and organizations are against the Endangered Species Act
  38. What government agency is responsible for listing species as “Endangered”?
  39. List two single species approaches to saving endangered species and give an example of each.
  40. Give an example of an “Umbrella Species” and explain why it is called that.
  41. Give an example of an instance in which each of the following policies would be violated:
  42. Lacey Act
  43. Endangered Species Act
  44. CITES
  45. What are the requirements for a region to be considered a “Biodiversity Hotspot”?
  46. What is meant by an “Endemic Species”?
  47. Give an example of “Community-based Conservation”.
  48. What are the advantages of this approach?
  49. List and GIVE EXAMPLES OF TWO Economic strategies for conserving the habitat of endangered and threatened species.