Christmas Season
“He who is the Eternal One, above time, he has assumed our time and raised it to himself on high. Christmas has become the Feast of gifts in imitation of God who has given himself to us. Let us allow our heart, our soul and our mind to be touched by this fact! Among the many gifts that we buy and receive, let us not forget the true gift: to give each other something of ourselves, to give each other something of our time, to open our time to God.”
(Pope Benedict XVI Homily on Christmas – Midnight Mass December 24, 2006)
God comes to meet us, to bring us comfort and hope in our journey. God became a Child, came to bring us the embrace of the Father, he comes to show us the greatness of simplicity, he came to bring us the Light in the midst of darkness. How can we not deeply rejoice at seeing God’s promise being fulfilled?
We have to prepare our hearts with the Church at this time to prepare for the coming of our Reconciler. Let us be guided by Holy Mary, Mother of God-to-come, Mother of our hope.
Let us receive the Mother of the Reconciler, who may hold our hand and lead us, so the Lord Jesus can be born in our hearts.
This package contains prayers, readings, songs, and reflection materials for us to live this special liturgical season personally and in our families.
Wish you a Merry Christmas!
Advent is the time gifted to us by the Church to prepare for the coming of the Reconciler. The word “Advent” comes from the Greek word “parousia” meaning final coming. According to this, we can say that advent is the final coming of God himself. During this time, the Church approaches the mystery of the coming of the Reconciler from two dimensions.
The first two weeks of advent focus on the first dimension, is to meditate in the eschatological dimension, which we refer to as the second coming of Christ, that is, at the end of time. During this time, we are invited to be vigilant, to prepare ourselves as St. Paul tells us, “The night is far gone; the day is at hand. So then let us cast off the works of darkness and put on the armor of light.” (Rom 13:12) This entire period points to a profound conversion, an interior preparation, so we may be the sign of the presence of the Light who came to the world to demolish darkness.
It is a time for us to renew our conversion, to let go of all that moves us astray, (as St. Paul called the words of darkness) dying to worldly attachments and to our old-self, etc. All these figures refer to the night, so one is attached to earthly things and unable to see the daylight of the coming of Christ. For this we say “let go!” But it is not just looking at all that we have to leave behind, but also the hope in this time. By letting go, we can see clearing the ideal that we are seeking, “put on the Lord Jesus Christ” (Rom 13:14), that in this time he shows humility in the arms of his Mother, in a simple stable in Bethlehem.
The second dimension is the accent of the third and fourth weeks of advent, which centers in the celebration of the birth of Jesus, the Incarnation of the Word in human history: “But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons.” (Gal 4:4-5)
During this time, the liturgy brings us to the central event in human history: the arrival of the Messiah. The third Sunday, we spoke of messianic joy, because the Kingdom of God is already present: “the blind receive their sight and the lame walk, lepers are cleansed and the deaf hear, and the dead are raised up, and the poor have good news preached to them.” (Mt 11:5) It is the manifestation of Christ as the awaiting Messiah, who is beyond all the expectations by the Israelites.
The last week of advent, we remember the historical coming of the Son of God to the world, who was born as human beings in a humble dwelling in Bethlehem, and while in Mary’s womb, it has already verified the presence of the messianic promise (Lk 1:28-35). During the last seven days of advent, the office of Vispers contains an antiphon each day that summarizes the prophecies about the Messiah, showing the ardent desire of the Jewish people and mankind as a whole and the prayers for the coming of the Saviour.
In this time of wait, we have to fix our eyes in our Mother Mary, who presented us Baby Jesus in her arms, who does not only hold him in her womb but in her Immaculate Heart.
There are many ways to help us live this advent better and to prepare us for the Birth of Jesus at Christmas. Some of the most important ways include:
a. To pray: Above all, this time is a good occasion to turn to more frequent personal prayers and also praying together in the family. It is in prayer where we encounter with this God who has come to save us from sin.
b. To receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation and of the Eucharist: During the time of advent, it is also an opportunity for us to go, with a truly repentant heart, to the Sacrament of Reconciliation, to confess our sins with the priest who forgives us in the name of the Christ and to reconcile us, to prepare our heart to receive the Lord Jesus in the Eucharist, the fountain of Love and Life.
c. To read the Bible: Especially the first chapters of the Gospels that talks about the birth of Jesus historically, or the passages of the Prophets in the Old Testament about the coming of the Messiah.
d. To do charity: Advent invites us to be more generous and to be solidarity with our family and friends, in the community, at work, at school, on the street, in general, to everyone whom you encounter. As God helped us by sending us his Only Son to reconcile us, we are also called to live out this same Love.
e. Time of Mary: Advent is also a time for us to grow in our love as children of the Mother of God. Looking at the event of the Annunciation, of the visit to her cousin Elizabeth, of the pilgrimage to Bethlehem, we will discover how Holy Mary guides and teach us how to respond generously to God and to our fellow brothers and sisters.
Advent consists of two parts:
First, from the first Sunday of Advent, November 30, to Saturday December 15, in these two weeks, we recall the promises of the Lord Jesus’ second coming, at the end of time.
The second period is from the Sunday December 16 to the afternoon of the 24th, which we begin more directly to prepare for Christmas, the birth of Lord Jesus, the Son of Holy Mary.
In liturgies, the colour purple is used to express austerity and the wait. Also, the Hymn of Praise (Gloria) is omitted and the decoration of the altar is much simpler; amongst others. When the time of Christmas arrives, the simplicity and austerity of advent is changed for the joyful festive of the birth of the Lord Jesus.
Sunday November 30
Gospel: Mark 14:33-37 “Alert, because you do not know when the master will return”
Monday December 1
Gospel: Matthew 8:5-11 “Many will come from east and west to the kingdom of heaven”
Tuesday December 2
Gospel: Luke 10:21-24 “Jesus, who rejoiced in the Holy Spirit”
Wednesday December 3
Gospel: Matthew 15:29-37 “Jesus heals many and multiplies the loafs”
Thursday December 4
Gospel: Matthew 7:21, 24-27 “He who fulfilled the Will of God enters the kingdom of heaven”
Friday December 5
Gospel: Matthew 9:27-31 “Jesus heals two blind men who believe in him”
Saturday December 6
Gospel: Matthew 9:35-10:16-8 “Upon seeing the people, he pitied them”
Sunday December 7
Gospel: Mark 1:1-8 “Prepare the way of the Lord”
Monday December 8
Gospel: Luke 1:26-38 “Blessed are you, full of grace, the Lord is with you”
Tuesday December 9
Gospel: Matthew 18:12-14 “God does not want to lose even one of the smallest”
Wednesday December 10
Gospel: Matthew 11:28-30 “Come to me, all you that are weary”
Thursday December 11
Gospel: Matthew 11:11-15 “No one has arisen greater than John the Baptist”
Friday December 12
Gospel: Luke 1:39-45 “Who am I that the mother of my Lord comes to me?”
Saturday December 13
Gospel: Matthew 17:10-13 “Elijah has already come, and they did not recognize him”
Sunday December 14
Gospel: John 1:6-8, 19-28 “Among you stands one whom you do not know, the one who is coming after me”
Monday December 15
Gospel: Matthew 21:23-27 “Did the baptism of John come from heaven, or was it of human origin?”
Tuesday December 16
Gospel: Matthew 21:28-32 “John came, and the sinners believed him”
Wednesday December 17
Gospel: Matthew 1:1-17 “Genealogy of Jesus, son of David”
Thursday December 18
Gospel: Matthew 6:7-15 “Pray then in this way”
Friday December 19
Gospel: Luke 1:5-25 “The Angel Gabriel announced the birth of John the Baptist”
Saturday December 20
Gospel: Luke 1:26-38 “Thou shalt conceive in the womb and bear a son”
Sunday December 21
Gospel: Luke 1:26-38 “Thou shalt conceive in the womb and bear a son”
Monday December 22
Gospel: Luke 1:46-56 “The Almighty has done great things for me”
Tuesday December 23
Gospel: Luke 1:57-66 “The birth of John the Baptist”
Wednesday December 24
Gospel: Luke 1:67-79 “The dawn from on high shall break upon us”
Thursday December 25
Gospel: Luke 2:1-14 “To you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour”
HIMNO IMirad las estrellas fulgentes brillar,
Mirad las estrellas fulgentes brillar,
sus luces anuncian que Dios ahí está,
la noche en silencio, la noche en su paz
murmura esperanzas cumpliéndose ya.
Los ángeles santos, que vienen y van,
preparan caminos por donde vendrá
el Hijo del Padre, el Verbo eternal,
al mundo del hombre en carne mortal.
Abrid vuestras puertas, ciudades de
que el Rey de la gloria ya pronto
abrid corazones, hermanos, cantad
que vuestra esperanza cumplida será.
Los justos sabían que el hambre de
/ Dios
vendría a colmarla el Dios del Amor,
su Vida en su vida, su Amor en su
serían un día su gracia y su don.
Ven pronto, Mesías, ven pronto, Señor, los hombres hermanos esperan tu voz, tu luz, tu mirada, tu vida, tu amor. Ven pronto, Mesías, sé Dios Salvador.
Preparemos los caminos ya se acerca el
Preparemos los caminos
ya se acerca el Salvador
y salgamos, peregrinos,
al encuentro del Señor.
Ven, Señor, a libertarnos,
ven tu pueblo a redimir;
purifica nuestras vidas
y no tardes en venir.
El rocío de los cielos
sobre el mundo va a caer,
el Mesías prometido,
hecho niño, va a nacer.
Te esperamos anhelantes
y sabemos que vendrás;
deseamos ver tu rostro
y que vengas a reinar. Consolaos y alegraos, desterrados de Sión, que ya viene, ya está cerca, él es nuestra salvación.
Ya muy cercano, Emmanuel
Ya muy cercano, Emmanuel,
hoy te presiente Israel,
que en triste exilio vive ahora
y redención de ti implora.
Ven ya, del cielo resplandor,
Sabiduría del Señor,
pues con tu luz, que el mundo ansía,
nos llegará nueva alegría.
Llegando estás, Dios y Señor,
del Sinaí legislador,
que la ley santa promulgaste
y tu poder allí mostraste.
Ven, Vara santa de Jesé,
contigo el pueblo a lo que fue
volver espera, pues aún gime
bajo el cruel yugo que lo oprime.
Ven, Llave de David, que al fin
el cielo abriste al hombre ruin
que hoy puede andar libre su vía,
con la esperanza del gran día.
Aurora tú eres que, al nacer,
nos trae nuevo amanecer,
y, con tu luz, vive esperanza / el corazón del hombre alcanza.
Rey de la gloria, tu poder
al enemigo ha de vencer,
y, al ayudar nuestra flaqueza,
se manifiesta tu grandeza. Amén.
¡Marana tha! ¡Ven, Señor, Jesús!
¡Marana tha!
¡Ven, Señor, Jesús!
Yo soy la Raíz y el Hijo de David,
la Estrella radiante de la mañana.
El Espíritu y la Esposa dicen: «¡Ven,
Quien lo oiga, diga: «¡Ven, Señor!»
Quien tenga sed, que venga; quien lo
que tome el don del agua de la vida.
Sí, yo vengo pronto.
La pena que la tierra soportaba
La pena que la tierra soportaba,
a causa del pecado, se ha trocado
en canto que brota jubiloso,
en labios de María pronunciado.
El sí de las promesas ha llegado,
la alianza se cumple, poderosa,
el Verbo eterno de los cielos
con nuestra débil carne se desposa.
Misterio que sólo la fe alcanza,
María es nuevo templo de la gloria,
rocío matinal, nube que pasa,
luz nueva en presencia misteriosa.
A Dios sea la gloria eternamente,
y al Hijo suyo amado, Jesucristo,
que quiso nacer para nosotros
y darnos su Espíritu divino. Amén.
Ruega por nosotros,
Madre de la Iglesia
Ruega por nosotros,
Madre de la Iglesia.
Virgen del Adviento,
esperanza nuestra,
de Jesús la aurora,
del cielo la puerta.
Madre de los hombres,
de la mar estrella,
llévanos a Cristo,
danos sus promesas.
Eres, Virgen Madre,
la de gracia llena,
del Señor la esclava,
del mundo la reina.
Alza nuestros ojos
hacia tu belleza,
guía nuestros pasos
a la vida eterna.
De luz nueva se viste la tierra
De luz nueva se viste la tierra,
porque el Sol que del cielo ha venido
en el seno feliz de la Virgen
de su carne se ha revestido.
El amor hizo nuevas cosas,
el Espíritu ha descendido
y la sombra del que es poderoso
en la Virgen su luz ha encendido.
Ya la tierra reclama su fruto
y de bodas se anuncia alegría,
el Señor que en los cielos moraba
se hizo carne en la Virgen María.
Gloria a Dios, el Señor poderoso,
a su Hijo y Espíritu Santo,
que en su gracia y su amor nos bendijo
y a su reino nos ha destinado. Amén.