Record of Meeting of the First Deactivation and Decommissioning Workshop of the Joint Coordinating Committee for Radioactive and Mixed Waste Management (JCCRM) between the National Atomic Energy Agency of Argentina (CNEA) and the United States Department of Energy (DOE) under the Science and Technology Implementing Arrangement for Cooperation on Radioactive and Mixed Waste Management

The First Deactivation and Decommissioning Workshop of the JCCRM between DOE and CNEA was held in Buenos Aires, Argentina on May 21-24, 2001. The Argentine delegation was led by Mr. Santiago Harriague, Subprogramme D&D Head, CNEA. The U.S. delegation was led by Mr. Steven Bossart, Project Manager, D&D Focus Area, DOE National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL).

Delegation members from Argentina included: Mr. Roberto Cirimello, Mr. Domingo Quilici, Mr. Santiago Harriague, Mr. Miguel Audero, Mr. Roberto Añasco, Mr. Alfredo Hey, Mrs. Elvira Maset, and Mr. Darío Jinchuk from CNEA. Delegation members from the United States included: Mr. Steven Bossart from DOE-NETL; Mr. Andrew Szilagyi from DOE/HQ-EM20; Mr. Tom LaGuardia and Mr. Joe Carignan from TLG Services; Mr. Rob Rose and Mr. Leo Lagos from Florida International University (FIU); and Ms. Janet Malabarba-Oliver from Science Applications International Corporation.

Monday, May 21, CNEA Headquarters

The workshop began with a brief meeting between CNEA and DOE officials. Mr. Cirimello welcomed the U.S. delegation and provided brief opening remarks. This was followed by an introduction of the members of the Argentine delegation. Mr. Audero also welcomed the U.S. delegation and noted that he was pleased to be implementing one of the activities agreed to at the last JCCRM meeting held in Augusta, Georgia, November 15, 2000. Mr. Bossart responded to these remarks and thanked the Argentine delegation for hosting the workshop. This was followed by an introduction of the members of the U.S. delegation. Mr. Cirimello then presented an overview of CNEA activities in Argentina. The meeting continued with a general discussion on the current situation of the nuclear industry in both Argentina and the United States.

The first session of the workshop began with a welcome and introduction by Mr. Cirimello. Mr. Bossart again thanked CNEA for hosting the workshop and noted that he looked forward to productive discussions with CNEA. In addition to the aforementioned CNEA and DOE delegation members, the workshop was attended by other staff members and fellows of CNEA, the Nuclear Regulatory Authority (ARN) of Argentina, Nucleoeléctrica Argentina S.A., INVAP, FAESA, and CONUAR.

The first presentation of the workshop was given by Mr. Bossart, who gave an overview of the DOE Deactivation and Decommissioning (D&D) Focus Area. Mr. LaGuardia then gave a presentation on the utility D&D market in the U.S. His presentation included an overview of current US projects, and highlighted important lessons learned. Mr. Bossart followed with a presentation on the D&D market for non-power research reactors in the U.S. He also gave an overview of the U.S. DOE’s market for D&D Services.

The afternoon session began with a presentation by Mr. Szilagyi on U.S. DOE D&D Projects. Mr. Harriague then presented an overview of the CNEA D&D Program. He noted that CNEA looks forward to engaging DOE and its partners in several of CNEA’s current D&D activities/objectives, which include the creation of an International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) regional course on D&D and human resource development within CNEA. Mr. Szilagyi followed with a presentation on lessons learned in transition and facility disposition, which included an overview of the DOE Environmental Management Lessons Learned program, as well as examples of both generally applicable and project specific lessons learned. Mr. Gabriel Moliterno then gave a presentation on the peculiarities and experiences from the Atucha 1 nuclear power plant (NPP). Mr. Bossart closed the afternoon session with a presentation on STREAM- the System for Tracking, Remediation, Exposure, Activities, and Materials- and other project management software tools.

Tuesday, May 21, Constituyentes Atomic Centre

The morning session began with a presentation by Mr. Cesar Belinco, who provided an overview of the Constituyentes Atomic Centre (CAC) of CNEA. Mr. Silvio Fabbri then spoke about the D&D of the German MZFR Reactor, and its relevance to the Atucha 1 reactor in Argentina. This was followed by a presentation on conceptual and detailed planning, given by Mr. Carignan. Mr. Szilagyi then spoke about the transition and facility disposition planning process, including a discussion of DOE regulations and requirements, end points, and project planning. Mr. LaGuardia completed the morning session with a presentation on decommissioning strategies including end states.

The afternoon session began with a presentation by Mr. Carignan on cost estimating and decommissioning funding. This was followed by a presentation from Mrs. Gabriela Siraky, from ARN, on the regulatory approach to decommissioning of nuclear installations in Argentina. Mrs. Siraky discussed the legal and regulatory frameworks which govern D&D in Argentina, as well as an overview of the functions of ARN. Mr. Szilagyi then spoke about POWERtool (Planning, Optimizing, Waste Estimating, and Resources), End Points, and other D&D software tools. Mr. LaGuardia ended the afternoon session with a discussion on preparing a decommissioning plan and pre-D&D characterization.

Wednesday, May 22, Constituyentes Atomic Centre

The morning session began with a presentation by Mr. Bossart on improved technologies for D&D of research reactors. Mr. Bossart also discussed sources of D&D technology information, specifically those sources available on the Internet. Mr. LaGuardia closed the morning session with a discussion of reactor cutting technologies. The afternoon session of the workshop began with a presentation by Mr. Iglesias on CNEA’s experience in chemical decontamination. This was followed by presentations on the FIU D&D Program, given by Mr. Rose and Mr. Lagos. The workshop closed with a presentation of certificates of assistance to all workshop participants.

A meeting was then held between DOE and CNEA officials to discuss possible future collaborative projects in D&D and to determine a path forward. The discussion began with the creation of a list of possible areas of collaboration. The proposed topics included:

  • demonstration and/or deployment of U.S. technologies at Atucha NPP or other facilities in Argentina;
  • student exchange with FIU in D&D Program;
  • submission of basic science research and development (R&D) proposals to U.S. DOE;
  • demonstration and/or deployment of Argentine technologies in the U.S. DOE D&D projects;
  • characterization plan for CNEA’s research reactors;
  • D&D plan including transition from operating to D&D for CNEA facilities;
  • cost estimating for D&D projects in Argentina;
  • evaluation of Atucha needs;
  • IAEA training course (DOE would assist CNEA in hosting the course in Argentina);
  • FIU mock-up;
  • demonstration of the oxygasoline torch in Argentina;
  • evaluation of cutting technologies by CNEA;
  • alpha, and beta-gamma characterization technologies from Argentina;
  • robotics developed for Atucha;
  • ARC saw/electro-erosion cutting;
  • metal melt- destruction of residues;
  • explosive demolition;
  • blasting technology for internal decontamination of pipes;
  • electrochemical decontamination; and
  • improvements to personal ice cooling system.

Detailed discussions were then held on each of the aforementioned proposed areas of cooperation. Where applicable, the list was grouped according to those items intended for demonstration/deployment in the U.S.; those intended for demonstration/deployment in Argentina; and those intended for submission as proposals to DOE. It was noted that R&D proposals, a student exchange with FIU, cost estimating, and a D&D plan including transition for CNEA were of a high priority. CNEA noted that an independent review of their D&D characterization plan for RA-1 and RA-6 by the U.S. would be helpful. The U.S. agreed, but also suggested that CNEA consider a collaborative effort in which the U.S. would assist CNEA as they develop their plan rather than provide assistance later.

Given the number of topics proposed for future collaboration, both parties agreed that they will work together over the next several months to narrow the list to several key proposals for cooperation. Recommendations regarding these proposals will be presented at the upcoming 6th JCCRM meeting to take place in Argentina in November 2001. It was agreed that CNEA will take the lead in prioritizing and narrowing the list of proposed areas of collaboration. CNEA will also send DOE additional details and performance data for those Argentine technologies proposed for demonstration and/or deployment in the U.S., such as the electro-chemical decontamination, alpha and beta-gamma characterization, and robotics cutting technology from Atucha, so that DOE can begin an initial evaluation. Both parties agreed that monthly conference calls between DOE and CNEA may be helpful to discuss progress on prioritizing and narrowing the list of proposals, as well as developing concrete proposals to be presented at the JCCRM. DOE agreed to take the lead in setting up these calls.

Thursday, May 24, Lima, Province of Buenos Aires

A tour of the Atucha I and Atucha II Nuclear Power Plants located in Lima, Province of Buenos Aires, was conducted on May 24. The tour was followed by brief meetings with Atucha I personnel. The DOE delegation presented an overview of presentations given during the D&D workshop sessions in Buenos Aires.

Signature DateSignature Date

Mr. Santiago HarriagueMr. Steven Bossart

Head, D&D ProgrammeProject Manager, D&D Focus Area

Comisión Nacional de Energía AtómicaU.S. Department of Energy