School Progress Plan (ES)
ForCarney Elementary
Submitted By
Dr. Stacey L. Durkovic
Signature of Principal Signature of Assistant Superintendent
BALTIMORE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Carney Elementary School February 11, 2012
MSDE School Progress Index Targets:Achievement:
The percent of students scoring proficient or advanced on the MSA and Alt-MSA combined will increase from 94.1% in 2012 to 96.5% in 2013. (School Progress Data)
The percent of students increasing or maintaining their MSA Inner Range Score will increase from 89.19% in 2012 to 91% in 2013.
The gap score will increase from 90.12% in 2012 to 94.82% in 2013. This means the gap between the highest performing subgroup and the lowest performing subgroup will not be greater than 9.88 percentage points for any two subgroups in 2013. (Activities need to address all subgroups showing lower performance).
BCPS Targets:
The percent of students in Grade K reading on grade level will increase from 91.7% in 2012 to 95% in 2013 as measured by DIBELS PSF.
The percent of students in Grade 1 reading on grade level will increase from 77% in 2012 to 85% in 2013 as measured by DIBELS ORF.
The percent of students in Grade 2 reading on grade level will increase from 61.5% in 2012 to 71% in 2013 as measured by DIBELS ORF.
The percent of students in Grade 3 scoring advanced on the MSA will increase from 27.4% in 2012 to 32% in 2013.
The percent of students in Grade 4 scoring advanced on the MSA will increase from 40.2% in 2012 to 45% in 2013.
The percent of students in Grade 5 scoring advanced on the MSA will increase from 66.2% in 2012 to 71% in 2013.
Key Actions to
Implement Strategies
(Address by
student group.) / Person(s) Leading Implementation, Monitoring, and Evaluation / Timeline
(Indicate specific dates whenever possible) / Measures and Monitoring
(Formative and summative data, data analysis, and dialogue to monitor progress, determine results, and make adjustments.) / Status and Modifications
(Implementation status and data-based changes resulting from data analysis and dialogue.)
Grade level meetings/data discussions held monthly to review past data, current data, and individual student progress / Dr. Durkovic, principal / Monthly from September 2012 through May 2013 / Use of SCAs, BMAs, unit assessments, and DIBELS / On-going 4/13
Implement interventions based on DIBELS data, fluency data, and SCA/BMA data / Dr. Durkovic, principal
Ann Boyer, reading specialist
Barbie Roemer, AP / Monthly from September 2012 through May 2013 / Intervention groups formed and data collection on small group intervention sheets / On-going 4/13
Implement 100 Book Challenge to improve fluency / Ann Boyer, reading specialist
Teachers in grades 1 and 2 and 3 (starting 2nd quarter) / September 2012 through June 2013 / Steps and Levels recorded in SchoolPace / On-going 4/13
Implement an intervention program for at risk first and second graders utilizing middle school volunteers and the Towson interns / Melissa Warminski, PDS coordinator / November 2012 through January 2013 / Improved scores on post-assessment in program / Completed
Conduct professional development for teachers on implementing the Common Core in ELA / Ann Boyer, reading specialist / August 2012 though May 2013 / Completed faculty meetings / On-going 4/13
Encourage summer reading at BCPL through the use of incentives, including a summer reading party / Kathleen Wiles, Media Specialist / September 2012 and May/June 2013 / Increased number of completed summer reading logs from 85 in 2012 / On-going 4/13
Implement Comprehension ToolKits in Grades 1-5 / Stacey Durkovic, Principal / September 2012 through June 2013 / Monitor in monthly grade level meetings and measure with annotated recording sheets / On-going 4/13
Offer an optional book study for staff using “Creating Robust Vocabulary” / Stacey Durkovic, Principal / November 2012 through December 2012 / Successful completion of one credit course / Completed
Engage in Reading First Initiative with Wells Fargo Bank / Literacy Action Team / November 2012 through June 2013 / Additional opportunities for read alouds for students and donated books / Completed
Encourage and support reading through participation in essay contests (i.e. American Legion, Young Authors) / Literacy Action Team / Throughout the school year 2012-2013 / Student participation in essay contests / Completed
Write book reviews of Black Eyed Susan books / Kathleen Wiles, media specialist and grades K-5 / January 2013-June 2013 / Completed book reviews / Completed
Encourage buddy reading through cross-grade activities / Literacy Action Team and PTA / Four times throughout the year 2012-2013 / Completed cross-grade reading activities
Implement a Black Saga Club / Stacey Seiler and Jake Bostwick, club sponsors / October 2013 through April 2013 / Completion of club with a minimum of 5 students / Completed
Designate one teacher from each grade level K-5 to serve on the BCPS Literacy Leadership Academy / Dr. Durkovic, Principal / February 2013- June 2014 / Training provided at each grade level meeting / On-going 4/13
PRIORITY GOAL 2: Mathematics
MSDE School Progress Index Targets:Achievement:
The percent of students scoring proficient or advanced on the MSA and Alt-MSA combined will increase from 95.8% in 2012 to 97% in 2013. (School Progress Data)
The percent of students increasing or maintaining their MSA Inner Range Score will increase from 69.8% in 2012 to 71.8% in 2013.
The gap score will increase from 90.74% in 2012 to 92% in 2013. This means the gap between the highest performing subgroup and the lowest performing subgroup will not be greater than 9.26 percentage points for any two subgroups in 2013. (Activities need to address all subgroups showing lower performance).
BCPS Targets:
The percent of students in Grade K performing on grade level (70% or better in each domain) in math will be at least 85% in 2013 as measured by the GAP test on Kid’s College.
The percent of students in Grade 1 performing on grade level in math will increase from 85.8% in 2012 to 89% in 2013 as measured by BCPS Grade 1 Unit Assessments.
The percent of students in Grade 2 performing on grade level in math will increase from 94.6% in 2012 to 97% in 2013 as measured by BCPS Grade 2 Unit Assessments.
The percent of students in Grade 3 scoring advanced on the MSA will increase from 53% in 2012 to 56% in 2013.
The percent of students in Grade 4 scoring advanced on the MSA will increase from 67.8% in 2012 to 70% in 2013.
The percent of students in Grade 5 scoring advanced on the MSA will increase from 22.1% in 2012 to 25% in 2013.
Key Actions to
Implement Strategies
(Address by
student group, as appropriate) / Person(s) Leading Implementation, Monitoring, and Evaluation / Timeline
(Indicate specific dates whenever possible) / Measures and Monitoring
(Formative and summative data to monitor progress, determine results, and plan adjustments) / Status and Modifications
(Implementation status and data-based changes)
Grade level meetings/data discussions held monthly to review past data, current data, and student progress / Dr. Durkovic, principal / Monthly from September 2012 through May 2013 / Use of SCAs, BMAs, unit assessments, and DIBELS / On-going 4/13
Utilize First in Math with students in grades 2-5, rewarding students with most stickers and most improved / Math Action Team / October 2012 through June 2013
(Starting Dec. 2012 for second grade) / Time Usage and Performance on FIM website / On-going 4/13
Use Kids College with students in grades 2-5 to improve math skills / Math Action Team and Brent Yeager, technology integration teacher / October 2012 through June 2013 / Hours spent on Kids College and improved math scores / On-going 4/13
Provide an interactive math night at the local Food Lion / Math Action Team / November 8, 2012 / Participation by families / Completed
Implement a math intervention program in grade three prior to the administration of the MSA / Kirstin Hadfield, 12 month EYE teacher / 12 weeks prior to MSA / Improved performance from pre and post-test / Completed
Implement an intervention program for at risk first and second graders utilizing middle school volunteers and the Towson interns / Melissa Warminski, PDS coordinator / November 2012 through January 2013 / Improved scores on post-assessment in program / Completed
24 Challenge Club held after school for fourth and fifth graders / Jenn Pelfrey, Club Sponsor / December 2012 through May 2013 / Performance in 24 Challenge game / On-going 4/13
Intervention group meets at the end of the day for fact practice / Cheryl Thorn, Intermediate Special Educator / October 2012 through May 2013 / Improved fact knowledge of targeted students / On-going 4/13
Conduct professional development for teachers on implementing the Common Core in Math / Katelyn Roach, EEA math teacher / August 2012 though May 2013 / Completed faculty meetings / On-going 4/13
First in Math Parent Night / Katelyn Roach and Caitlin Arena / November 15, 2012 / Parents’ questions answered / Completed
Celebrate math month with weekly problems on the AM announcements with prizes / Math Action team / May 2013 / Participation / On-going 4/13
FIM Breakfast with Shoppers’ / Math Action Team / Winter and June 2013 / Completion of breakfasts
MSDE School Progress Index Targets:Achievement:
The percent of students scoring proficient or advanced on the MSA and Alt-MSA combined will increase from 73.9% in 2012 to 78% in 2013. (School Progress Data)
The gap score will increase from 85.71% in 2012 to 86% in 2013. This means the gap between the highest performing subgroup and the lowest performing subgroup will not be greater than 14.29 percentage points for any two subgroups in 2013. (Activities need to address all subgroups showing lower performance.)
Key Actions to
Implement Strategies
(Address by
student group, as appropriate) / Person(s) Leading Implementation, Monitoring, and Evaluation / Timeline
(Indicate specific dates whenever possible) / Measures and Monitoring
(Formative and summative data to monitor progress, determine results, and plan adjustments) / Status and Modifications
(Implementation status and record of data-based changes)
Implement UTeach Science program in conjunction with Towson University to incorporate more STEM instruction / Dr. Durkovic, Principal / October 2012 through May 2013 / Completed UTeach sessions / On-going 4/13
Family Fun Night focused on Science with a visit from the MD Science Center and Parent Resources from Resource Center focused on STEM, including the ParentMobile / STEM Action Team / February 27, 2013 / Completed Family Science Night / Completed
Increase completion of research projects related to STEM by including Media Specialist and Technology Integration Teacher in STEM Fair planning and implementation stages / STEM Action Team / January through March 2013 / Increased number of completed STEM Fair projects / Completed
Begin application process to become a Maryland Green School / STEM Action Team / October 2012 through June 2013 / Completed artifacts and portfolio for MD Green School Application / On-going 4/13
Conduct professional development for teachers on implementing the Common Core in STEM / Rachel Single, STEM Action Team Chair / August 2012 though May 2013 / Completed faculty meetings / On-going 4/13
Review Benchmark preassessments to determine greatest areas of need in grades 2-5 and plan instruction accordingly. / Stacey Durkovic, principal, and grade chairs in grades 2-5 / October 2012 / Identified areas of need / Completed
STEM Fair parent night / Rachel Single, STEM Action Team / January 10, 2012 / Completed information night / Completed
STEM Fair help sessions for students / Rachel Single, STEM Action Team / January through April 2013 / Completed STEM Fair projects / Completed
Implement a Destination Imagination Club / Denise Bosworth and Kirstin Hadfield, club sponsors / October 2012 through April 2013 / Completed DI club / Completed
GT Science classes will completed at least one Online Research Model this year / GT science teachers in grades 3-5 and Kathleen Wiles, media specialist / Selected times throughout the year 2012-2013 / Completed Online Research Models / On-going 4/13
STEM Fair/Safe Racer Night / Rachel Single / April 18, 2013 / Completed STEM projects and Safe Racer projects / Completed
PRIORITY GOAL 4: Attendance
School Progress Attendance Targets:Attendance:
The attendance rate in 2013 will meet or exceed 94.0%. (School Progress Data)
Key Actions to
Implement Strategies
(Address by
student group, as appropriate.) / Person(s) Leading Implementation, Monitoring, and Evaluation / Timeline
(Indicate specific dates whenever possible.) / Measures and Monitoring
(Formative and summative data to monitor progress, determine results, and plan adjustments.) / Status and Modifications
(Implementation status and record of data-based changes.)
Meet with Attendance Committee monthly to review attendance issues and determine next steps / Attendance Committee / Monthly from October 2012 through June 2013 / Attendance data / On-going 4/13
Address attendance concerns with parents/guardians at SST and IEP meetings / Barbie Roemer, AP / September 2012 through June 2013 / SST and IEP notes / On-going 4/13
Recognize students with excellent and outstanding attendance quarterly and at an annual awards assembly / Dr. Durkovic, Principal / Quarterly, 2012-2013 / Completed certificates and awards / On-going 4/13
PRIORITY GOAL 5: Suspension Rate
School Suspension Rate Targets:By June 2013, Carney’s suspension rate will decrease from 2% to less than 1%.
Key Actions to
Implement Strategies
(Address by
student group, as appropriate.) / Person(s) Leading Implementation, Monitoring, and Evaluation / Timeline
(Indicate specific dates whenever possible.) / Measures and Monitoring
(Formative and summative data to monitor progress, determine results, and plan adjustments.) / Status and Modifications
(Implementation status and record of data-based changes.)
Consistently implement a schoolwide behavior plan / Safe Schools Action Team / August 2012 through June 2013 / Decreased number of office referrals and suspensions / On-going 4/13
Implement a revised cafeteria incentive program / Safe Schools Action Team / August 2012 through June 2013 / Decreased number of office referrals from the cafeteria / On-going 4/13
Provide coverage in the cafeteria during all lunch shifts (kdg assistant, AP, Principal, guidance counselor, and behavior interventionist) / Barbie Roemer, AP / August 2012 through June 2013 / Decreased number of office referrals from the cafeteria / On-going 4/13
Provide small group sessions before, during, and after school to address issues affecting school performance / Guidance Counselor and interns / October 2012 though May 2013 / Decreased number of office referrals and suspensions / On-going 4/13
Provide grade level assemblies on bullying prevention / Guidance Counselor and Elite Martial Arts Academy and Towson University / November and December 2012 / Decreased number of bullying claims / Completed
Consult with behavior specialist at every grade level meeting to share resources and ideas / Stacey Durkovic, Principal / September 2012 through May 2013 / Decreased number of office referrals / On-going 4/13
Construct a sensory walk for students in the CALS program / Stacey Durkovic, Principal, and Tara Paraska, OT / December 2012 (final approval received in November 2012) / Decreased number of crisis referrals from CALS teachers / Completed
Establish a focus room for students to deescalate / Shelly Martell, behavior specialist / September 2012 / Decrease in disruption to school program due to students in crisis / Completed
Each grade level to celebrate anti-bullying day in BCPS / Grade Level Chairs / March 1, 2013 / Completed activities at each grade level / Completed
BALTIMORE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Carney Elementary School February 11, 2012
School Improvement Team Membership
/ Title / Signature of StakeholderDr. Stacey Durkovic / Principal
Barbie Roemer / Assistant Principal
Bill Adey / PE Teacher
Beth Avil / Kdg Teacher
Denise Bosworth / Guidance Counselor
Rebecca Geilenkirchen / Special Educator
Kirstin Hadfield / Grade 3 Teacher
Katelyn Roach / Grade 5 Teacher
Rachel Single / Grade 4 Teacher
Melissa Warminski / Grade 1 Teacher
Michele Wolfe / Grade 2 Teacher
Ann Boyer / Reading Specialist
Sherry McCammon / Parent
Judy Heiger / Parent and PTA Pres.
Laurie Marino / Parent
Wayne Goette / Parent
Rita Dore / Parent
Michelle Reinhardt / Parent