Hocking County 4-H Horse Royalty Application

Entry Fee: $10.00

(make check payable to: Hocking County 4-H Horse Sub-Committee)



City, State, Zip:______

Home Phone:______Cell Phone:______

4-H Age (as of January 2017)______Name of 4-H Club:______


______Princess (age 8-12)______Queen (age 13-17)

______Prince (age 8-12)______King (age 13-17)


  1. Must be a 4-H member and enrolled in a horse project during current andupcoming year. (reigning period)
  2. Contestants are only allowed to reign as Prince/Princess once and King/Queen once.
  3. Contestants will be evaluated on participation in 4-H horse events/activities and additional 4-H, community, school and church involvement; communication skills; poise and appearance/neatness; years in 4-H horse projects; horse skillathon score and Hocking County Jr Fair Horse Show showmanship points.
  4. In-person interviews will be held by a panel of two judges.(dress appropriately) You will be notified of the date and time of your interview.
  5. Winners will be announced at the annual Horse Banquet. Those selected will begin their reign immediately.
  6. Duties will include, but not limited to:
  • Represent Hocking County to the best of your ability.
  • Members of the court are expected to portray a high moral and ethical character and exhibit a respectful attitude at all times.
  • Run for a youth member position on the Hocking County 4-H Horse Sub-Committee.(King/Queen only)
  • Type a double spaced article about your 4-H experience and promote the 4-H program. Submit the article and a photo ofyourself(or yourself and yourhorse)to Joyce Shriner, 4-H Educator, at the extension office. Articles from 2017/2018 royalty are due before 4 PM on November 1, 2018.
  • Participate in the Logan Christmas Parade.
  • Distribute ribbons/prizes at horse shows when able.
  • Assist at the Hocking County Jr Fair Livestock Sales.
  • Attend the following year’s banquet and crown the new court

Applications are due before 4pm September, 26 2017to the Extension Office

Interviews will be held on Wednesday evening, October 4, 2017.

Please complete the following information. Include all previous years.

Additional pages may be attached if needed.

  • How many years have you been in the Hocking County 4-H Horse Program? ______
  • How did you get your start in horses?
  • What were your goals for this year’s horse project? Did you meet your goals?
  • What have you done to promote awareness of the Hocking County 4-H Horse Program over the past year?
  • List all general horse activities you are involved in:
  • List all 4-H club and county activities and awards:
  • List all state level activities and awards:
  • List all school activities and awards:
  • List all church and community activities and awards:

Write a paragraph telling why you want to represent the Hocking County 4-H Horse Program.

(Attach a photo of yourself to the back of this page)

Ohio State University Extension, Hocking County