Support Staff Council Meeting


September 22, 2011

The Support Staff Council met on September 22, 2011 at 9:00 AM in the Central Office conference room. Council members present were: Richard Harden, Kathy Willingham, Robin Sontag, Margaret Peel, Ron Bain, Don Richardson, Madonna Keathley and Teresa Moberly. Members absent: Michelle Hollingsworth, Danny Blanton, Kenny Smith, Brenda Wheeler and Bobbye Ball.


Hepatitis B immunizations: Mr. Harden spoke to Pat Glass regarding the health and safety concerns as mentioned by the Maintenance Department last month. Mrs. Glass recommended that the folks who work in those areas contact her to arrange for immunizations.

Flu Shots: Beginning September 15, 2011, flu shots will be available at in-network participating providers (including pharmacies) to all KEHP members—your co-pays will be waived. With this offer from the state, we will not be able to offer flu shots at the Benefits Fair in October. The Jessamine Benefits Fair is scheduled for October 19 at JCTC from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Health Insurance: Open enrollment for 2012 will be October 10-28. Contact Becky Sewell for questions regarding your health insurance options.

Sick Days: Why are sick days given up front to new employees? Is this a state or district level decision? Basically, it is both a state and district level decision. The state requires that Certified Employees be given sick days up front. The district has applied the same rules to Classified Employees.

Communications Transportation / Schools: Multiple bus drivers are still having problems with some schools not answering them when they call on the radio. Just this week there were two altercations on the bus and the bus drivers made several attempts to contact the schools and was unable to get a response. The biggest frustration comes when the bus driver has made several attempts to speak to the school with no response and then you hear the office staff communicating with members of their school, wait until that conversation is done and then immediately radio back and still do not get a response. Mr. Harden will speak to Mr. Saylor and Mr. Hamann about this issue and ask that they speak to the principals.

Paystubs: Some folks would like to see the number of hours worked on their paystubs. Is this something that can be added to our paystubs? Mr. Harden seems to think the system limits the information placed on the paystub. However, Mr. Harden will investigate and report back next meeting. Keep in mind that you are salary employees and salary is based upon an hourly rate multiplied by number of hours multiplied by number of days divided by number of pays in the year. If anyone has questions regarding their individual paystub they may call Connie Harvey in payroll.

Security Light: Is it possible to add a security light in the Northeast corner of the bus garage parking lot? It is very dark in that corner. Mr. Harden suggested that Mr. Bain should contact Chris Bellman, Director of Transportation for this request.

East High School: The Evergreen trees along the exit lane at EJHS have grown out over the road. Would we be able to have them trimmed? Mr. Harden doesn’t see why they couldn’t be trimmed and suggested that a request be sent to Mr. Smith in the Maintenance Department.

Employee Handbooks: Our employee handbook is available on the district website under the “staff” tab. The electronic handbook is available to all staff 24/7. If you do not have access to the internet and would like a hard copy contact Human Resources.

Fall Break: October 10th – 14th! Enjoy!

Adjourned at 9:50 AM.

Our next meeting will be Thursday, October 27, 2011.