
5.1.1Integrated public transportation system

5.1.2State Subsidy

5.1.3Fare Cards mapping property

5.1.4Wholesale prepayment model

5.1.5Responsibility of transportation services management

5.1.6Evasion and control responsibility

5.1.7Fare update mechanisms

5.1.8Property of the system’s economic resources

5.2General data of the Public Transportation System of Santiago

5.3Current situation of the Commercialization of Complementary Services, Fare Collection, Validation and Financial Administration.

5.3.1Description of main services and components of the system

5.3.2Participants and functions


6.1General objectives



7.1General Inquiries

7.2About standards, protocols, certification and service levels

7.3About security

7.4Regarding fare cards

7.5About other ways of adding value

7.6Regarding systems integration

7.7About the Central System

7.8About financial administration service

7.9Regarding services organization


National and foreign companies, which are interested in participating on the Inquiry to the Market herein, shall submit their answers to the following email:,in the appropriate digital format, before 14:00PM on Friday 2nd of December2016.

The official language of this Inquiry to the Market process is Spanish. However, answers and additional material may be submitted in English, assuming the interpretation given to the information.

Notwithstanding the previous information, the Ministry of Transportation and Telecommunications may interact with suppliers, through the same email indicated before, making questions and giving answers pursuant the precision of the information necessary.

It should be noted that answers provided should be as reference only and do not establish any obligation between the company and the Ministry of Transportation and Telecommunications. In the same way, companies may not have all the information requested or may not be able to answer, so those questions may be unanswered.

Likewise, and understanding that part of the information requested related to costs may be sensitive information, not answering to this requirement does not impede the continuity of the participant in the Inquiry process.

If you consider there is a relevant subject that was not addressed in this document, please incorporate it in your answer to this inquiry. Similarly, you may attach all additional information you consider useful: catalogs, brochures and other.

All suppliers submitting their answers may be called for a meeting or workshop to present this information individually or together, by making a presentation at MTT facilities or by a video conferencebetween December 2nd and December 16th of 2016, both dates included, which may be coordinated by the contact indicated. Those instances must be carried out in Spanish, and if required, participants may use the translations services necessary. These meetings will be held with each supplier individually, one on one.

Such meetings must respect the principle of transparency, advertising and equality of companies interested in answering this Inquiry.

Finally, all information and contents presented in the document herein are provided as information only, and considering these services are shown together as a group, they do not represent any relation with the manner they could be associated at the moment of tender.


Words used in this document will have the meaning provided below for each case, separate from their use in singular or plural, masculine or feminine, upper case letter or lower case letter, or in the manner or grammar function in which they are applied for the appropriate writing, comprehension and interpretation of the document herein:

1 / Awardee / Is the bidder selected to sign the Contract for the Provision of Additional Services, once the evaluation process of proposals submitted is closed.
2 / Financial Administrator of Transantiago or AFT (“AdministradorFinanciero de Transantiago” or TFA) / Entity in charge of the administration of economic resources collected from different payment methods and used by public transportation users, and their subsequent distribution among different system suppliers.
3 / Main System Applications / Is the group of main level software components, and their subsystems or modules, provided by the Awardee for the provision of defined services.Note that only the Ministry of Transportationand Telecommunications is entitled to approve their functionality.
4 / Regulated Area / It refers to Santiago Province and Puente Alto and San Bernardo communes, which corresponds to a certain urban radius of Santiago city, hereinafter “Gran Santiago”, as accordingly established inResolution N°106 of 1995 of the Regional Ministerial Secretary of Transportation and Telecommunications of the Metropolitan Regionand inother resolutions that modify or replace it; as well as zones reached by extension through the fare or technological integration ofgreater Public Transportation services from adjacent communes or regions.
5 / Self-Service / It refers to a Point of Sale of the fare card,, which consists of equipments operated by the User, without a third person’s assistance, using cash or other means of payment in order to purchase or add value to the fare card
6 / Buses / Vehicles used for the provision of urban collective transportation services defined in Supreme Decree N° 122 of 1991, of the Ministry of Transportation and Telecommunications and registered in the National Registration of Passengers Transportation Services.
7 / Remote Loading / Process through which Usersmay add Transportation Payments into their fare cardsin two phases; the first phase is the acquisition of Transportation Payments and the second phase is to “add” such Transportation Payments into the User’s fare card.
8 / Fare Card Loading (Load) / It refers to the action of adding Transportation Payments into the Fare Cards, made by an Authorized Dealer. Likewise, it includes the registration of Commercial Products authorized by the Ministry.
9 / Clearing / Service which main objective is to determine and to inform about the distribution of transactions between different Suppliers of Complementary Transportation Services, according to the regulation defined by the Ministry.
10 / Commercialization of the Fare Cards / Sale of Fare Cards to the public, by different Points of Sale.
11 / Rules of Access / Parameters and variables to be evaluated by the Validator, in order to determine the right to access the System’s Transportation Services according to the fares defined and authorized by the Ministry, or other manner defined and/or authorized by the Ministry.
12 / Trips Contract / Commercial product that allows the user to acquire certain amount of trips on the Public Transportation System.
13 / Mixed Contract / Commercial product that allows the user to use public transportation system in limited trips and during a certain period or determined time schedules (2 times a day, 15 trips a week, unrestrictedly only in low demand hours, etc.)
14 / Temporary Contracts / Commercial product that allows the user to use the Public Transportation System unrestrictedly during a certain period (daily, weekly, monthly, yearly).
15 / Transportation Payments (CT in Spanish “Cuotas de Transporte”) / Accounting unit that registers POS and Fare Cards, used for the payment of Transportation Services. Each Transportation Payment is equivalent to one Chilean Peso (legal and valid currency in Chile), and paid by the User to acquire the right to use the System’s Public Transportation Services (CLP$ 1 = CT 1).
16 / Metropolitan Public Transportation Directory (DTPM). In Spanish “Directorio de Transporte Público Metropolitano”) / Corresponds to the Executive Secretariat of the Urban Transportation Ministers Committee of Santiago, in accordance to the provisions on the Presidential Instruction N° 2, of 2013, or to the entity, or entities, which follows or replaces its role legally.Each time the Contract refers to the Metropolitan Public Transportation Directory, it refers to the Ministry acting through the Executive Secretariat.
17 / Fare Cards Issuing / Service that contemplates the issuing, support management, provision, distribution, customer service, destruction and uniqueness of the Fare Card, according to the established security rules, together with the timely delivery of information required by other Services and Main Systems, for the correct quantification of FareCards usage.
18 / Fare Cards Format / Specific group of Fare Cards main characteristics; the specific physical support used and standard to which it is subscribed, and the User’s possibility to add value to it.
19 / Transportation Payments Creation / It refers to the countable creation of Transportation Payments and their registration in the Central System for their posterior commercialization.
20 / White List / It corresponds to a list that indicates Fare Cards in which Transportation Payments or Commercial Products can be added, once the User utilizes such Access Card in an Authorized Dealer.
21 / Black List / It corresponds to a list of Fare Cards that, however its balance, must be unable to be used inthe Transport System Validation equipments.
22 / Fare Cards / The media (contactless cards) authorized by the Ministry of Transportation and Telecommunications that allows the access to System’s Transportation Services and the payment of the corresponding fares.
23 / Payment Methods / Instruments such as notes, coins, credit or debit cards and others thatallow the User to get Transportation Payments or Commercial Products.
24 / Contactless Media / Hardware and/or software used as Fare Cards to the Transportation System.
25 / Metro / Passengers Transportation Company Metro de Santiago S.A.
26 / Ministry or MTT / Ministry of Transportation and Telecommunications.
27 / Point-of-Sale (POS) / Authorized Dealer distributed in the Points of Commercialization that allows Users to add Transportation Payments or Commercial Products to the Fare Cards.
28 / Commercial Products / Group of parameters that, when recorded in Fare Cards, allows the User to utilize Transportation Services, under conditions defined by the Ministry, such as temporary passes or amount of trips.
29 / Complementary Services Suppliers / Legal entity, or those following the same role legally, that have entered into or entering into contracts with the Ministry for the provision of System’s Resources Financial Administration Services; Technological Services,Fare Collection Services, Information and Users Support Services and other services the Ministry procures or disposes of in accordance with the valid regulations.
30 / Transportation Services Suppliers or Transportation Operators (PST): / Metro de Santiago S.A. and legal entities that have entered or are currently entering intoa Contract with the Ministry, an Agreement or Concessions Contract for the Use of Roads, for the provision of Urban Public Transportation Services for Revenue Passengers; or other entities authorized for such effects by the Ministry through an administrative act; or others included in the System and determined as Ministerial Authority; othersentities following them legally or replace them in such function.
31 / Point of Commercialization o Point of Sale (PDC o PDV) / Places, facilities or instances in which a User of the Public Transportation System may acquire or add value to a FareCard. Such Point of Sales may be a physical or virtual place, automatic or operated by a person, for the commercialization or adding value to Fare Cards.
32 / System Resources / Group of monetary resources from the Commercialization and values added to the Fare Cards, from penalties applied to Transportation Services Suppliers and Complementary Services Suppliers – except for penalties considered fiscal benefits in accordance to Law N°18.696– and possible contributions from the State or other natural person, legal, public or private entities.
33 / Available Resources / System Resources that will be used for the execution of System payments in accordance to the Contract subscribed with AFT.
34 / Loading Network or Value adding network / Group of Authorized Dealers enabled foradding Transportation Payments or Commercial Products intoFare Cards in one transaction. They do not include Validation System equipments.
35 / Commercialization and Loading Networkfor Fare Cards / Entities that enable adding value and/or Commercialization operations forFare Cards and/or services associated.
36 / Commercialization Network and Metro Loading Channel / The service provided in different stations of the METRO Network and which allow Loading and Commercialization operations for Fare Cards and their associated services.
37 / Commercialization Network / The service provided in different places, which allow Loading and/or Commercialization of Fare Cards and/or their associated services.
38 / METRO Network / Trains Transportation Network of the Metropolitan Region, property of Metro de Santiago S.A., and also its extensions, installations and lines which will be operated by Metro in the future.
39 / Business Rules / Definition written by the MTT, related to the modality in which the Services procured must operate, as information inputs and outputs, validations and any transformation rules of information.
40 / Transportation Payments Balance / Amount of Transportation Payments registered in Fare Cards or in a Remote Loading Secured Register.
41 / Fare Cards Balance / Amount of Transportation Payments registered in a determined Fare Card, available to be used in the System’s Transportation Services.
42 / CCSS(SSCC) or Complementary Services / Those services considered necessary for the operation of the Public Transportation System of Santiago. For example: Fare Collection, Fleet Exploitation Support, Information for Users, Validation, Fare Cards Loading Network, etc.
43 / Transportation Services / Group of buses circulating by a route and direction identified on the Operation Program authorized by the MTT. Services provided by Metro de Santiago S.A. and/or other legal entities authorized for such purposes by the Ministry, will be also understood as Service.
44 / Validation Services / All the resources, equipment, applications, licenses, data base management system, infrastructure, organization structure and related procedures that allow the application of Business Rules defined by the Ministry for the purpose of charging fares to the user in order to access transportation services and to provide transactions registered on the Central System. This service considers all actions, functions and decisions from the Awardee.
45 / Central System / Group of equipments and applications in which are registered and processed validation and loading transactions in the System between the Transportation Services Suppliers, and also registered in here the integrity and security of data flow, among others.
46 / Electronic Access System / Group of equipment, communications, applications and procedures that allow electronic access and fares payment for users, by controlling the Fare Card. At the same time, it considers the equipment, communications, applications and procedures for downloading transactions and its transmission to the Central System to be processed, among others.
47 / Commercialization System and Fare Cards Loading / Group of processes, Business Rules, systems, communications and equipment- including servers and loaders- which function is to administrate, commercialize and add value to the Access Cards.
48 / Open Payment System (in public transportation) / Fare payment can be performed with different means of payment, for example, pre-paid cards, debit or credit bank cards, and other devices or other payment platforms).
49 / Closed Payment System (in public transportation) / System which Fare Cards can only be used for the payment of public transport fares; and where the only fare media accepted is the Fare Card (it is not possible to pay the public transport fare with pre-paid cards, debit or credit cards)
50 / Security System / Group of equipments, communications, applications and procedures that allow administrating the security of Fare Cards and information flow from the Technological System.
51 / Public Transportation System or System / Group of routes usage concessionaries for the provision of services for Urban Public Transportation System for Revenue Passengers by the use of buses in Santiago, those Services Suppliers authorized for such purposes by the Ministry, through an administrative act, of Complementary Services Suppliers and those entities following them legally for such functions, as well as any other Transportation Services Supplier included by the Fare Card.
52 / Validation System / Group of processes, Business Rules, systems, communications and equipments(including servers and validators), which main role is to discount transportation payments from the Fare Cards, in accordance with the Legislation and fare resolutions applicable and issued by the Ministry.
53 / Fare or Transportation Fare / Price to be paid by Users for the use in the System’s Transportation Services, depending on the Access Rules presented at the moment of the Trip, which is established by the Legislation and specified on fare resolutions applicable and issued by the Ministry.
54 / National Students Card or TNE / It is a type of customized (personalized) contactless card,printed with the user’s photograph, name, and the information of the educational organization the student belongs to. This card is provided by an organism which depends of the Ministry of Education (JUNAEB), it provides a personal benefit, which cannot be transferred, that allows using reduced fares in Transantiago, 24 hours a day, seven days a week and during the entire year. Minimum load is $ 400.
55 / User or Passenger / Natural person who has access to Public Transportation Services through the discount of the corresponding fare, using a valid Fare Card.
56 / Validator / Equipment installed in control point in the access to Transportation Services, which main function is to apply Access Rules and to discount Transportation Payments from the Fare Card, and other functions.
57 / Validation / It is the act through which a User approaches the Fare Card to the Validator and that allow, among others things, to discount Transportation Payments stored on the Fare Cards.
58 / Trip / Commute of one User from one point of origin to other destination point, using the System’s Transportations Services, by using a Fare Card and its corresponding Transportation Payment discount, according to the Fares and Transportation Business Rules applicable.
59 / Emergency Trip / Is the temporary funding provided to Users by the System, corresponding to the difference between the fare and the Balance of Transportation Payments registered in the FareCard. It allows one Trip only, within the conditions established by the Ministry and whenever such balance is not enough to cover the fare value. This emergency trip cannot be repeated until the Fare Cards is reloaded.
60 / Extra-Vehicular Payment Zones or Paid Zones / Areas defined by the Ministry, mainly for access and Validations prior to the use of Transportation Services.
61 / EFE (Empresa de los Ferrocarriles del Estado)StateRailwayCompany / EFE is an autonomous State Company. There are severalrelatedcompaniesdedicated to passengerstransportation, such as Metro Regional de Valparaíso S.A. (Metro de Valparaíso), Ferrocarriles Suburbanos de Concepción S.A. (FESUB), Tren Central, Trenes Metropolitanos S.A. y Servicios de Trenes Regionales Terra S.A. (Terra Sur); and Empresa de Transporte Suburbano de Pasajeros S.A.


One of the priority objectives of the Ministry of Transportation and Telecommunications is to deploy an efficient, safe and quality public transportation system. In order to comply with such objective, and given the improvement and development opportunities arising from the upcoming expiration of contracts subscribed for the provision of different Complementary Services for the Metropolitan Transportation System of Santiago, such services are experiencing a redesign.