Field Trip Guidance

Policy: R400.8146 InformationProvided to Parents, R400.8140 Parent Permission for Transportation

Field Trip Checklist:

  • The Field Trip Checklist shall be completed by the Teacher/Child Family Specialist and then reviewed/approved by the Education Coachor PSC one month prior to scheduling a field trip.


  • The Education Coach shall be informed of any schedule alterations before they occur.
  • Classroom field trip expenses must be approved and processed by the Site Supervisor.
  • EHS staff shall discuss field trip plans and funding with their coordinator.
  • Families will not pay for any part of the field trip.

Pre-Field Trip Planning:

Early Childhood Program Quality

  • If you were not able to go on this trip how would you give the children this experience?
  • How will you extend this experience in the classroom, on a home visit or during socializations?
  • What classroom, home visit or socialization concept does this trip reinforce?
  • Are the children able to cope with the change in schedule and routine?
  • Are the children secure/comfortable enough to leave the center for extended periods?
  • Is your destination appropriate for the children?
  • What will the children learn from this experience?
  • Have parents been informed of the trip, invited to attend, and made aware that there is no charge?
  • Will any child have to be excluded from attending class because of the time or type of field trip?
  • Has every parent signed a permission slip?


  • Attendance concerns shall be discussed with your Education Coach before a field trip is planned.
  • HS/GSRPmay need to add a Monday or Friday with children to meet the required contact days (when an all day field trip is scheduled).
  • Attendance shall be maintained at 85% or above – HS/GSRP.

USDA Reimbursement

  • Approval must be given by the Site Supervisor before a meal is eaten away from the center.
  • All meals served to HS/GSRP children shall meet USDA standards.


  • An emergency vehicle shall be driven (directly behind the bus) by staff to all field trip destinations.
  • In an EMERGENCY, CALL 911. Staff vehicles should not be used as an emergency transport vehicle.
  • Only bus drivers hired by NMCAA may drive NMCAA buses used to transport children and adults to a field trip
  • All children must be in approved child safety restraints/seats that are properly secured.
  • Staff shall have an emergency card for each HS/GSRP child in attendance on the field trip.

Lesson Plans:

  • Shall show an educationally sound reason for the field trip.
  • Shall reflect guidance given by the Creative Curriculum – HS/GSRP.
  • Shall reflect guidance given on the Field Trip Checklist.

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SITE: ______

Check off the items completed and write N/A for those tasks that don’t relate to your field trip.

___Your Education Coach has pre-authorized your field trip one month prior.

Where: ______What: ______

___Classroom staff has contacted the Site Supervisor to request funds needed to pay for field trip expenses.

___EHS has coordinator authorization and has requested the funds needed to pay for field trip expenses.

___If money is needed in advance, a check request has been given to business office one month prior to the field trip.

___Bus Drivers have been asked if they are available to drive on the dates and times you have set for the field trip. Ask the bus driver to check the first aid kit to see if it is complete.

___Do a bus evacuation procedure with children prior to the field trip.

___Parents have been sent a flyer/newsletter explaining the field trip and all of the

important information they will need to know.

___Each parent has signed a permission slip allowing their child to attend the field trip.

___Date, time and number of children and adults has been arranged with the field trip contact person. Date:______Time:______

___The contact person has been informed of the age group, their interests, what they understand and their attention span.

___The field trip destination has been pre-visited by a staff member to become familiar with the facility including parking, bathrooms, eating area.

___The center food vendor has been notified and food has been canceled, if needed.

___Volunteers, nursing students, ISD staff, etc. have been informed.

___A staff person has checked the First Aid Box and Child Information Record on the bus to make sure they have the needed materials and updated information.

___A staff person has been assigned to drive the emergency vehicle that must follow behind the bus to and from the place to be visited. CALL 911 in anEMERGENCY. Staff vehicles should not be used as an emergency transport vehicle.

___A staff person has been assigned to call the contact person the day of the trip to confirm the reservation.

___A sign has been put on the door of the classroom explaining to unexpected visitors where the class is and when you will be returning.

___The answering machine message has been changed to reflect where the class is and when you will be returning.

___There is an alternative plan in case the field trip needs to be canceled.

___Plans have been put into place, during your weekly lesson planning, on how you will prepare the children for the trip (i.e., what behavior is expected, safety rules, orient the children through activities, books and pictures about the place they will be visiting).

___Lesson plans reflect the field trip follow-up so time is planned for children to recall the experience they had (i.e., what they liked most, what frightened, surprised or puzzled them).

___Lesson plans include ways to expand the field trip experience including books, games, pictures, dramatic play opportunities, sensory experiences, books or experience stories written by the children.

___A staff person has been assigned to put together a thank you using the children’s art.

References: R400.8146 Information Provided to Parents

(5) Parents shall be notified before each fieldtrip.

R400.8140 Parent Permission for Transportation

Rule 149(2) Parents written permission for any transportation not considered routine shall be obtained before each trip.

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Field Trip Permission Form

Dear Parent(s):

On ______(date) we will be taking a fieldtrip to

______. We plan to leave the classroom at

______and return at______.

Parents are welcome to join. Please speak with your child’s teacher if you are interested in going.

I give permission for ______to be transported by NMCAA to

(Child’s full name)

attend the field trip to ______.


(Parent Signature) (Date)

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