Sight Words: I me see is a my the

go can to like we she on

Staying in Contact

If you ever have questions or concerns about your child, please feel free to write me a note and put it in your child’s folder or call and leave me a message at 718-282-8828 (I will call you back when I am not teaching).


Please make sure you are doing the following things EVERY NIGHT! (This will keep your child on track to be promoted to first grade in June):

  1. Review the letter names and sounds at the top of the homework sheet.
  2. Review the sight words on the homework sheet (children should be able to both read and spell the sight words).
  3. Read with your child from their book baggie and log their reading.

Upcoming Events

November 3: Parent-Teacher conferences (1-2:40/5:30-8) Half-day dismissal

November 11: No school – Veterans Day

November 24-25: No school – Thanksgiving

Homework Rubric:

Level 3 – All homework is done (by the child)

Level 2 – Most of the homework is complete

Level 1 – Some or none of the homework is complete

If you have access to a computer, sign into your child’s account at allow him/her to read some books online!


Monday, October 31

Reading: Read the book in your child’s book baggie with your child. Ask your child: What happened at the beginning of the story? Who are the characters?

Record your reading on your reading log.

Math:Complete Daily Math Review and Problem of the Day for Monday. Complete a math worksheet.

Word Work/Writing: Complete two letter/sight word worksheets.

Poetry: Read the poem of the week together with your child. Act it out.

Social Studies: - Cut and staple the book attached to the homework packet. What is the title of the book? What picture do you see on the cover? What do you think this book will be all about? Read the text and see if you were right!

Tuesday, November 1

Reading: Read the book in your child’s baggie with your child. Ask your child: What happened in the middle of the story? What was the problem? Record your reading on your reading log.

Math:Complete Daily Math Review and Problem of the Day for Tuesday. Complete a math worksheet.

Word Work/Writing: Complete two letter/sight word worksheets.

Poetry: Read the poem of the week with your child. Practice touching each of the words as you read them.

Social Studies: As you read, ask: What is in the picture? What words do you think you’ll see on this page? See if you can find those words in the text.

Wednesday, November 2

Reading: Read the book in your child’s baggie with your child. As you read, ask your child: What happened in the end of this story? How did the characters solve the problem? Record your reading on your reading log.

Math:Complete Daily Math Review and Problem of the Day for Wednesday. Complete a math worksheet.

Word Work/Writing:Complete two letter/sight word worksheets.

Poetry: Read the poem of the week with your child. Act it out.

Social Studies: Talk about how the pages in the text connect. As you read, ask: How do the pages connect? What is the same about all of the pages?

Thursday, November 3 – ½ day of school – Parent-Teacher conferences

Reading: Read the book in your child’s book baggie with your child. Practice retelling the story with your child, telling what happened in the beginning, middle and end.Record your reading in your reading log.

Math:Complete Daily Math Review and Problem of the Day for Thursday. Complete a math worksheet.

Word Work/Writing: Complete two letter/sight word worksheets.

Poetry: Read the poem of the week with your child. Color the rhyming words.

Social Studies: Talk about the big important words in the text. Ask: What are the big important words on this page? Why are those words important?

Friday, November 4

Reading: Read the book in your child’s book baggie with your child. Practice retelling the story with your child, telling what happened in the beginning, middle and end. Record your reading in your reading log.

Math:Complete Problem of the Day for Friday. Look at your child’s Daily Math Review quiz. If s/he had any incorrect problems, review those types of problems with him/her over the weekend. Complete a math worksheet.

Word Work/Writing: Complete two letter/sight word worksheets.

Poetry: Read the poem of the week with your child. Talk about the following: Talk about the following: Where do you think Little Bo Peep’s sheep went?

Science: If you have access to a computer or tablet, go to (login: ps249 Password: School). Go to Science – Life Sciences – Plants – Plant Parts - Leaves

Read/listen to the presentation and watch the video. Talk about the Questions for Understanding attached the homework packet. At the bottom of the page, find and draw and label a special leaf.