Aurora Kiwanis Foundation Scholarships

The Aurora Kiwanis Foundation will be awarding (4)$1,000 scholarships to members of the Aurora High School Class of 2010 as follows:

1)Four awards based on service.

  • 4 Kiwanis Organization Scholarships

The criteria are:

a)Service to school and community



Completed applications must be in the guidance office by Monday, April 5, 2010.

Student Name: ______

Student Address ______


Telephone No. ______

Sex ______

* Please do not write your name on the rest of the application for anonymity purposes.


Application for the Aurora Kiwanis Foundation Service Awards

Have you applied for admission to college(s)? ______

Have you been accepted to a college(s)? ______

If yes, name the college(s) ______

Planned major field of study in college ______

Father’s occupation ______

Mother’s occupation ______

List any siblings currently in college and where they attend and year they will graduate

Note- Do not give names (Example) Sister- Bowling Green will graduate in 2012



Statement of need:

Please write a narrative statement explaining the reasons for your need of financial support to attend college.







What are you doing to help meet this need?


Your Goals:

Briefly explain what your goals are for the next five years. Include how yourexperiences in high school will help you to work towards these goals.



Service Activities:

Please list and explain the service activities you have been involved with during high school. You can list your information below or attach a separate list. Letters or information that support your information can be included.

Make sure that you include the following information for each service activity you list:

  • Name of the organization/ project
  • How this organization/ project benefits the school and/or community
  • How much time you have spent working with this organization or project?
  • What did you learn from working with this organization/ project?
