© 2014

Shupyk I.I., Candidate of Political Sciences

Poltava state agrarian academy


Reviewer – Doctor of EconomicsL.M.Berezina

Proved the importance of the tourism industry as one of the promising directions of solving a wide range of macroeconomic problems in the period of transformation of society, which will allow stabilizujace socio - economic situation in the country and to improve the quality characteristics of living. Defined major directions of the impact of tourism activities on socio-economic development of the country and the reasons for their cause. Emphasized that the achievement of goals is possible only if a consistent and responsible actions of the government, its constant interaction with the public, business.

Keywords: economy, tourism, the tourism industry, social and economic problems, the transformation of society.

Formulation of the problem.An important component of the world economy is the tourism industry. In 2012, the World Travel & Tourism Council published a report "Benchmarking - travel and tourism", which noted that in the conditions of global GDP in the tourism industry are 6 times more people than in the automotive industry, 5 times more than in the global chemical industry, in 4 times more than in the global mining industry, twice more than in the global communications industry, and a third more than in the global financial services industry [10]. The direct economic effect from the effect on world economic processes in the tourism industry is confirmed by almost 6 % of world gross national product, 7 % of global investment, 5 % of all tax revenues, every 16th place of work, 11 % of the world's consumer spending, increase foreign exchange earnings for the period between 1950 and 2003, 144 times [8].

In Ukraine also realized the importance of the tourism industry as one of the perspective directions solutions these socio-economic problems of the country, as the falling living standards of the population; increasing unemployment; the increase threatening scale of social stratification of society; strengthening migration flows from the country and so. Realizing this, 14 August 2013, the Cabinet of Ministers approved the list of priority sectors of the economy, among which Spa-recreation and tourism.

Analysis of the main research and publications. Problems of tourism are in the focus of attention of many ukrainian researchers who analysts various aspects of its development. This is in particular: G. N. Maksimyuk [6], I. M. Pisarevskii, N. B. Petrov [8], The Semenovsky Of Grabovenko[3], E.A. Polischuk, A. Kalda [7] and others. Significant scientific value have domestic [9, 13] and the international analytical materials [11, 12]. An example of a comprehensive vision of development of the tourism industry are state programs [5, 13], in particular the State target program of development of tourism until 2022 (mandated to develop the State Agency of tourism and resorts), the main tasks of which are: the creation of a system of state support of the industry, improvement of legislation in the sphere of tourism, ensure rational use and protection of tourist recreational resources, dissemination of information about the tourist potential of Ukraine on the international market and inside the country, modernization of recreation and resort areas.

Purpose.to clarify the role and importance of the tourism industry in accordance with the modern macro-economic needs of the country in the context of ensuring a decent standard of living for its citizens.

Objective:to define major directions of the impact of tourism activities on socio-economic development of the country and the reasons for their cause.

Research methods: comparative, statistical and analytical methods.

Research results.The tourism industry has a high multiplier effect that affects 48 branches of the economy of the country [5]. Therefore, the world Council for travel and tourism (WTTC) is considering its contribution to GDP -is a leading macroeconomic indicators of the country's development -as a complex system, which includes [11, р. 2]:

1. Direct tourist expenditures on the implementation of trips (such as travel, accommodation, entertainment, sightseeing and museums, meals, etc). Looks at the costs of domestic, inbound tourists and travel costs at the state level in accordance with the UN recommended methodology tourism accounts (TSA: RMF, 2008).

2. Indirect contributions of the tourism sector in the country's economy include investments in the tourism industry (construction of tourist infrastructure, acquisition of equipment and transport), public spending in the tourism sector (marketing, security, administration, etc), national procurement of products and services of enterprises of the tourism sector (purchase of food products, cleaning services, provision of ІТ-services and so on).

3. Induced contribution to GDP is defined as the costs of those who directly or indirectly receives income in the tourism sector.

So, according to the rating of the world Council of tourism and travel, the overall contribution of tourism in GDP of Ukraine in 2012 amounted to 92.1 billion UAH. However, direct costs of tourists amounted to 24.6 billion UAH or 26.7 %, indirect contribution of the tourism industry in the economy is 56.4 % or 51.9 billion UAH, induced contribution amounted to 16.9% or by 15.6 billion UAH [11, p. 6]. It is expected that in the next ten years, the contribution of the tourism industry in the country's GDP will reach 5 % (now it's forming up 2.2 %, in Europe - 8 %, in somecountries, about 20 %)[10].

Tourism is an industry,which stimulates investment activity on creation of new jobs. Studies show that forone thousand of tourists, who stay in hotels, 279 of employment in the tourism and 107 - for employment, are not connected with tourism, namely on the construction and repair of objects of tourist accommodation, food industry, agriculture, in sphere of services - transport, the institutions that are involved in organizing events, sporting events, objects of restaurant and hotel business etc.

According to official statistics, in 2012 in tourism (in hotels, transport, restaurants and cafes, cultural centres) were employed 380 thousand workers, and taking into account the employed in related industries - 1,4 million people [2]. In accordance with the plans of the State target program of development of tourism until 2022, available only in the tourism industry to create about miliona. jobs [2], which is important in conditions of almost 8.6 per cent unemployment in the country, while in regions this indicator may differ(seeTable 1).

1. Unemployment rate by regions of Ukraine, 2013

Regions (Oblasts) / %
*а / %
б* / Regions (Oblasts) / %
*а / %
б* / Regions (Oblasts) / %
*а / %
Ukraine / 7, 6 / 8, 6 / Ivano-Frankivsk / 7, 4 / 10, 3 / Sumy / 8, 4 / 10,7
Republic of Crimea / 5, 8 / 7, 2 / Kyiv / 6, 3 / 9, 9 / Ternopil / 10, 2 / 13
Vinnytsia / 9, 2 / 11, 6 / Kirovohrad / 8, 5 / 10, 3 / Kharkiv / 6, 7 / 7,1
Volyn / 8, 3 / 12, 6 / Luhansk / 6, 5 / 6, 7 / Kherson / 6, 7 / 12,1
Dnipropetrovsk / 6, 6 / 10, 3 / Lviv / 7, 4 / 8, 5 / Khmelnytsk / 8, 7 / 12,2
Donetsk / 8, 2 / 7, 8 / Mykolaiv / 7, 8 / 7, 9 / Cherkasy / 9, 0 / 11,4
Zhytomyr / 10, 1 / 9, 8 / Odesa / 5, 7 / 8, 6 / Chernivtsi / 8, 6 / 9,6
Zakarpattia / 7, 6 / 9, 2 / Poltava / 8, 5 / 9 ,6 / Chernihiv / 10, 3 / 10,4
Zaporizhzhia / 6, 8 / 8, 1 / Rivne / 10, 2 / 7, 0 / Kyiv city / 5, 6 / 8,3

Compiled by the author. Source:[1].

а* the data of the State statistics Committee,

б* the data of the International centre promising research

Perspective direction of attraction to this type of activity ( from the experience of other countries) is recognized as the development of small business, which do not require large capital investments, but promotes improvement (development) of the necessary infrastructure, so according to world statistics, the most adapted to the work in the sphere of tourism it is women ( and young people) [8]. This will allow them to improve their financial position, because the salary of women in Ukraine is an average of only 73 % of the salary of men. In particular, the man, per hour worked, gets 2,53 UAH, and the woman - 1,92 UAH (seeTable2).

2. The gender ratio of income [1]

Regions (Oblasts)




Regions (Oblasts)




Regions (Oblasts)



Vinnytsia / 81, 9 / Kirovohrad / 81, 0 / Kharkiv / 77, 0
Volyn / 83, 4 / Luhansk / 66, 15 / Kherson / 84, 1
Dnipropetrovsk / 65, 5 / Lviv / 74, 5 / Khmelnytsk / 80, 2
Donetsk / 60, 2 / Mykolaiv / 73, 5 / Cherkasy / 80, 0
Zhytomyr / 82, 8 / Odesa / 76, 7 / Chernivtsi / 84, 5
Zakarpattia / 80, 4 / Poltava / 72, 9 / Chernihiv / 82, 0
Zaporizhzhia / 67, 8 / Rivne / 73, 7 / Kyiv city / 79, 1
Ivano-Frankivsk / 72, 5 / Sumy / 76, 5 / Sevastopol city / 71, 2
Kyiv / 73, 1 / Ternopil / 83, 6 / Republic of Crimea / 80, 4

According to the all-Ukrainian poll, which was conducted in April 2012 the research company Research & Branding Group, about 20 % of Ukrainians on tourism and rest spend no more than 620 dollars a year, more than half of Ukraine's population (59.7 per cent) do not invest in tourism penny. Confirm this tendency survey results, presented in 2012 by " Korrespondent " magazine, Kyiv international sociology Institute, joint research Fund "Democratic initiatives" and Razumkov Centre (see Table 3).

3.Ukrainians and tourism*

Ukrainians / % / Ukrainians / %
Never been abroad / 77 / Traveled abroad / 3
't gone even beyond
native region (oblast) / 36 / Visited EU countries, USA or Canada / 17
  • Compiled by the author. Source: [4]

One of the reasons for this situation is the lack of the overwhelming majority of the population financial possibilities, his poverty (extreme shortage of material values, goods, money for a normal life and human life). According to sociological studies, 55 percent of Ukrainians spend on average more than half of their earnings on food.In addition, the self-perception, 85 % of the population of Ukraine, consider themselves poor, including below the poverty line has18.7 % of women.Consequently, the development of tourism will help to solve not only the problem of poverty, but also to overcome gender inequality in income.

Conclusion. The tourism industry can be seen as one of the elements of the mechanism for overcoming the crisis, promising direction of socio-economic development of the country. Achieving the goals will be possible only if a consistent and responsible actions of the government, its constant interaction with the public, business. To improve the efficiency of Ukrainian tourist business as a condition of overcoming macroeconomic challenges in the transformation period not interfere with the experience of leading countries of the world. However, be aware of the dual nature of development of tourist sphere. In the period of stability ( socio-economic, political), it shows a positive trend, during the crisis one of the first undergoing significant losses.


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