Enrichment Options – Spring Term 2018

Monday 11 + 1

Name / Description
Mr Potger / Debating Squad / Join Mr. Potger for stimulating and relevant debates on the world around us and ideas we have about hot topics.
Mr Ford / Metal Mondays / ROCK ON!!!…with Mr. Ford get the Led out or Motor your head off.
Miss McIntyre / Adventures Inspiring You / In this enrichment we will discover what inspires you. Is it someone climbing the tallest mountains or travelling the world by boat or bike. We will share images, videos and chat about events or people who inspire you.
Miss Kalamon / Human Mind / In this enrichment, pupils will develop their understanding of human nature. They will learn how human thinking and human behaviour can be influenced. Pupils will discuss the results from famous psychological experiments and research studies. Pupils will also learn some of the physiological features of a typical brain and explore some unusual medical case studies.
Mr Fiore / Dr Who?! / Who is Doctor Who?? We will find out in this adventurous enrichment, diving into the sci-fi world of Doctor who. We will be watching episodes, doing quizzes, drawing & colouring and much more. Due to the overload of monsters and aliens it may not be for the faint hearted!
Miss Carter / TBC
Mrs Martin / Face Masks / Relax with some tea tree or charcoal
Miss Gibber / Game Of Things / A perfect place to end the school day, in this enrichment pupils will be working together in teams, join us for a variety of exciting, educational and fun games: Concept – an ingenous new charade style game; Game of Things - enjoy guessing your fellow players responses in this hilarious board game; Reduce, Reuse, Recycle – learn how to save the planet as you race around the board; Money Bingo; Sentence Scramblers and many more!
Miss Fletcher / Beauty Parlour / Tips/Tricks/Trade secrets and everything in between in the beauty world
Mr Henry / Senior Football / Playground every Monday
Miss Shipton / GCSE Extra / Additional GCSE support
Miss Perona / Yr11 GCSE Science / Additional GCSE lesson.

Wednesday 11

Name / Description
Mr Potger / Lego / Lego’s slogan is ‘Just imagine’ and that’s exactly what you will be doing in this enrichment. Join Mr. Potger and bring your imagination.
Mr Pinel
Miss McIntyre / Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award
(Y10) / The ‘Duke of Edinburgh Award’ isn’t just an Enrichment, it’s a way of life! Pupils who sign up for the DofE Enrichment will work towards the Bronze DofE award, which is a nationally recognized award scheme. They will take part in two overnight expeditions in the summer term, during which they will camp, cook and navigate self-sufficiently! The Enrichments will give them the opportunity to learn the key camping and navigational skills needed to take part in these expeditions, as well as teaching them communication skills, team work and supporting them with the other sections of the award; skills, physical activities and volunteering.
Miss Perona / Hair styling / We will learn different hair styles: platting, braiding, curling…etc
Mr Ford / Chess Club / Checkmate!
Mr Bristol / Junior Table Tennis / In this enrichment, pupils will learn the basic skills of the game table tennis. Pupils will compete in a friendly yet competitive way to develop their hand-eye coordination and ultimately table-tennis skills through a variety of skill-building games and activities.
Mr Grimes / Running / Pupils will learn about the basics of running and what is required, both physically and mentally, for varying distances. Training plans will be developed which will hopefully improve runners times and stamina! Runners will compete weekly against the clock and fellow Moat pupils and hopefully arrange at least one external event to take part in.
Mr Fiore / Dr Who?! / Who is Doctor Who?? We will find out in this adventurous enrichment, diving into the sci-fi world of Doctor who. We will be watching episodes, doing quizzes, drawing & colouring and much more. Due to the overload of monsters and aliens it may not be for the faint hearted!
Mrs Martin / Classic Mysteries / Join Miss. Marple…I mean Mrs Martin for some classic mysteries and brain teasers.
Miss Begum / Reduce, Reuse / Saving the world with Miss Begum.
Mr Walters / TBC
Mr Mayer / GCSE Art / Additional GCSE lesson.

Thursday 11 + 2

Name / Description
Mr Potger / Lego / Lego’s slogan is ‘Just imagine’ and that’s exactly what you will be doing in this enrichment. Join Mr. Potger and bring your imagination.
Mr Ford / Retro Gaming / Don’t know what a SNES is? You’re missing out, let Mr. Ford educate you in some VERY important parts of pop culture.
Mr Harris / Moat News / Join Mr. Harris on TMS News, learn about social media interaction and engagement as well as video shooting and editing. Join the team to cover the hard hitting cases around the school and local area.
Mr Bristol / Advance Board Games / Games played will not be basic ‘dice rolling’ games. They will include the need for players to develop strategies, be able to problem solve and a clear grasp of numeracy, including probability. Games will have an element of communication and team work as players must ‘bargain’ and work together in order to gain advantages within the games. Pupils will learn rules of new games and adapt when new rules are introduced.
Mr Broughton / T-Shirt Screen Printing / You will look at some famous T-shirt designs and decide what makes a good image. You’ll then design your our own T-shirts or on the computer. At the end of the term, you will screen print the design onto a blank T-shirt that you can take home.
Miss McIntyre / Hama Time
(KS2 friendly) / Let your creative imagination run wild as you design and create your own Hama Bead masterpieces! Pupils will design pictures and objects that will be pieced together in the calming Hama Bead way and ironed to a permanent finish.
Mr Pinel / Dog Walking / Pupils will be responsible for caring for Arly, the school dog! They will care for him by feeding, playing and taking him out for a walk in the park. This Enrichment will be perfect if you want to learn about animal care, or if you simply just want to spend an afternoon in the company of a couple of lovely playful companion!
Mrs Carter / TBC
Miss Shipton / TBC
Mr Quillfeldt / Yr11 GCSE
English Literature / Additional GCSE lesson.
Ms Du Plessis / GCSE Food Technology / Additional GCSE lesson.
Miss Kalamon / GCSE Science Extra / Additional GCSE lesson.

Friday 11 +1

Name / Description
Mr Pinel / Dog Walking / Pupils will be responsible for caring for Arly, the school dog! They will care for him by feeding, playing and taking him out for a walk in the park. This Enrichment will be perfect if you want to learn about animal care, or if you simply just want to spend an afternoon in the company of a couple of lovely playful companion!
Mr Mayer / Art Extended / More Art
Mr Bristol / Caribbean Flava / Pupils will be looking at the historic discovery of the Caribbean and the contributions the region has made to the world. We will be looking into the life of the people before, during and after the discovery and share views and opinions. This would lead into different areas of exploration such as culture, music; food etc. and the students will be able to use their own understanding and experiences to see culture, music and food of others as unique features in shaping one’s life. It will also develop skills of interaction with fellow students i.e. listening and sharing and will have a Mathematical base of distance, currency and time included.
Mr Grimes / Running / Pupils will learn about the basics of running and what is required, both physically and mentally, for varying distances. Training plans will be developed which will hopefully improve runners times and stamina! Runners will compete weekly against the clock and fellow Moat pupils and hopefully arrange at least one external event to take part in.
Miss Perona / Walking Fit / Pupils will go for walks around the park or other areas to get rid of all stress of the week.
Mrs Richardson / Mindfulness / Pupils will learn how to live in the present moment. They will focus on breathing techniques which they will use when practising body can and meditation. They will become more aware of their body and mind connection thorough calming activities such as mindful colouring and walking. Finally pupils will became more aware of their moods and emotions as they will learn to be alert to thoughts and moods.
Mr Walters / TBC
Miss Gibber / Game Of Things / A perfect place to end the school day, in this enrichment pupils will be working together in teams, join us for a variety of exciting, educational and fun games: Concept – an ingenous new charade style game; Game of Things - enjoy guessing your fellow players responses in this hilarious board game; Reduce, Reuse, Recycle – learn how to save the planet as you race around the board; Money Bingo; Sentence Scramblers and many more!
Mr Henry / Junior Football / During the Junior football enrichment pupils will advance their basic football skills. Developing their first touch, passing, shooting and dribbling. Pupils will also participate in team competitions.
Miss Fletcher / TBC
Mr Ford / Yr10 GCSE Geography / Additional GCSE lesson
Mr Quillfeldt / Yr11 GCSE
English Literature / Additional GCSE lesson.
Mr Broughton / Yr11 GCSE RMT / Additional GCSE lesson.