Shropshire Division

(AKA Shropshire Teachers’ Association )

Founded 1870

For NUT members/school rep and notice board September 2013

Attention all NUT members:


Join us for the Reps briefing, all members are welcome as we are aware that not all schools have reps or correspondents.

All at 5pm -6pm – refreshments provided.

Please indicate by email which you will be attending.

BRIDGNORTH / Tuesday 17th September / Ye Olde Punch Bowl Inn / Ludlow Road, Bridgnorth WV16 5NQ
SHREWSBURY / Thursday 19TH September / The Lord Hill Hotel / Abbey Foregate, Shrewsbury SY2 6AX
OSWESTRY / Tuesday 24th September / Sweeney Hall Hotel / Morda, Oswestry SY10 9EU
MARKET DRAYTON / Wednesday 25th September / Tern Hill Hall Hotel / Near Market Drayton TF9 3PU ( Near Tern Hill cross roads)
LUDLOW / Thursday 26th September / The Clive / Bromfield, Ludlow SY8
2JR (on A49)

( continued)

It’s time to stand up for education

Do you know? The Government is:

No longer requiring schools to employ qualified teachers

Rushing through a new curriculum, without resources and against the advice of many teachers; and introducing expensive and unnecessary tests for all 5 and 11 year olds.

Reducing young people’s opportunities by trebling tuition fees, abolishing the EMA and wasting the Olympic legacy by undermining sport in schools

Building free schools where they are not needed.

Creating chaos for holidays by allowing neighbourhood schools to set different tern dates and holidays

Changing teachers’ pay and conditions of service and pensions. Work till you are 68!

For more CAMPAIGN details go to

Cannot get to a meeting, not sure about taking strike action? Then email your MP – go to for quick link or use your own thoughts to write a letter.

Why we have arranged 5 meetings:

Following feedback from phoning members we are responding to the request for more convenient locations for meetings outside of Shrewsbury.

To give you a choice of a convenient location.

The aim for 5pm is to enable fitting the meeting in on the way home as we know you are all very busy people.

Substantial refreshments are planned so please email the secretary your choice of venue for catering purposes.

Feedback about the action is important to your local officers so please come and meet them at the meetings.

Kind regards

Christine Hargest

Hon. General Secretary: Mrs Christine Hargest B.Ed (Hons)

58 Abbey Foregate, Shrewsbury SY2 6BQ tel/fax/answerphone 01743 358865
