Women’s Hormones and Ayurveda Today

Modern life has made it necessary to look at hormonal disruption in females and males because of the endemic factor being absolutely obvious. Cases of underlying endocrine aggravation are the majority of clinical consultations. Females are especially prone even from fourteen years of age with cycle disturbance.

Because Ayurveda doesn’t formally touch on the subject of ‘hormones’ we need to super impose ‘The Science of Life’ over the subject of ‘disruption by chemical messages’ (hormones).

Firstly we can ask the question has nature made an error in the design of things or have human’s over-intelligence back-fired? Has the creation of many chemicals that are hormone imposters developed this constant pinprick to humanity.

The hormones HRT and ‘the Pill” which millions of women have blindly accepted for half a centuryare not at all advantageous to the ‘estrogen dominate’ situation. One may inquire where does that hormone laden urine breakdown? In the environment, how much is being re-circulated? Where are the metabolised or unmetabolised hormones building up, what are the longterm health ramifications of this splattering of synthetic hormones silently into the bodily tissue of humanity?It is not as if anybody urinated on your kitchen table but is that where these estrogens end up?

This chemical imbalance is not going to kill anyone, but it can disturb body weight, produce cancer, disturb the emotions and plague the female cycle with anomalies.

The truth of the matter is, xenoestrogens (human made environmental estrogens) are a harsh reality in the 21st century causing unlimited suffering and disease. Now medical and health professionaldescribea number of diseases and cancers as estrogen dominate.

Looking at‘The Estrogen Factor’ Hormones are chemical messengers which regulate many essential processes in the body. Any imbalance of estrogen or progesterone or any hormone will cause disruptions to homeostasis. However estrogen dominance appears to be the most influenced hormone by the modern matrix of chemical insult. We should remember that the body is a whole machine,so if estrogen is aggravated then other hormones will be displaced ie: progesterone and testosterone levels will be affected.

Modern life presents an abundance of xeno-estrogens which are chemicals acquired from the environment that mimic the actions of estrogen in much greater force than endogenous estrogen. In other words xeno-estrogen are amplified estrogens, with increased powerful actions.

This estrogen dominance causes a range of health problems in the majority of women and men today with eighty percent of men over sixty years expected to have prostate irregularities. Primarily, considered an estrogen receptor problem disturbing the testosterone. It is well known that these hormones are growth factors.

80% of men with prostate problems that deserves a Royal Commission!

Women are subjected to a multitude of ailments from breast cancer, dysfunctional cycles, PMS, mood swings, uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, endometriosis, pelvic pain, cystic breasts, menopause, cervical dysphasia, hormonal based headaches, infertility, thyroid and adrenal exhaustion, herpes, UTI and interstitial cystitis.

Where are Xeno-estrogens found?

 Paraben or phenoxyethanol which are preservatives used in the beauty industry. These are found in the majority of shampoos, skin care, skin lotions, sunscreens, cosmetics, fragrances, deodorants and shampoos.

 Pesticides and herbicides used to grow conventional vegetables.

 Commercially grown meat and animal products often contain hormones whichare used to accelerate growth.

 Plastic in drink bottles, food containers (including tinned) and cling wrap when subjected to heat or sunshine.

The pill and HRT (synthetic hormones.)

The short answer is to go as organic and “green” as you can, as any item non-organic may aggravate estrogen.

Caffeine increases estradiol levels, moderate use is recommended.

Estrogenic Chemicals

* 4-Methylbenzylidene camphor (4-MBC) (sunscreen lotions) * butylated hydroxyanisole / BHA (food preservative) * atrazine (weedkiller) * bisphenol A (monomer for polycarbonate plastic and epoxy resin; antioxidant in plasticizers) * dieldrin (insecticide) * DDT (insecticide) * endosulfan (insecticide) * erythrosine / FD&C Red No. 3 * heptachlor (insecticide) * lindane / hexachlorocyclohexane (insecticide) * methoxychlor (insecticide) * nonylphenol and derivatives (industrial surfactants; emulsifiers for emulsion polymerization; laboratory detergents; pesticides) * polychlorinated biphenyls / PCBs (in electrical oils, lubricants, adhesives, paints) * parabens (lotions) * phenosulfothiazine (a red dye) * phthalates (plasticizers) o DEHP (plasticizer for PVC)

Endogenous – Hormones from inside

Stress plays an important role in estrogen metabolism because estrogen is also produced via the influence of the adrenal glands which are attuned to our subjective stress levels.

Ovaries also produce estrogen and respond to stress and high blood sugars. PCOS is directly related to insulin resistance.

Excess weight and high blood sugars can affect the amount of estrogen produced and stored by the body. The result is often high estrogen levels,which set the scene for endocrine imbalance.

Gut and Bowel Bacteria to Regulate Estrogen

A modern diet devoid of sufficient good bacteria does not foster optimal bowel health. A good bacterial environment in the bowel is very important when clearing excess estrogen from the body, 50% of estrogens are excreted via the bowel and 50% via the liver. If this is compromised, the body re-circulates estrogens back into the system rather than excreting them. A build up of estrogens taxes the liver, and causes a myriad of difficulties. Therefore a spoon of organic yoghurt with no added milk solids with pippali or salt and pepper are excellent with meals as a general observation to foster a favourable bowel.

Too Much Estrogen Can Mess with Your Weight and Health

A female should have an estradiol + estrone: progesterone ratio between 10:1 and 14:1; in a clinical situation the reading can be 635:1.

Hormone Saliva Test

A hormone saliva test is an excellent idea to ascertain the hormonal patterns and aid in putting in place preventative plans. Many food and herbal substances (stronger foods) can be used to correct the hormonal imbalance.

Results of High Estrogen

Estrogen may increase the risk of high blood pressure, ovarian cysts, endometriosis, depression, PMS, and breast, ovarian, and uterine cancer. It also plays a role in fibrocystic breast changes. Also—muscle aches, PMS, dense breasts, and occasional mild depression— are common

Symptoms range from moods swings to painful cycles, ovulation pain to infertility, no menstrual cycle to many cycles and cystic breasts to breast cancer. Endometriosis, ovarian cysts, cervical dysplasia can also result from estrogen dominance. Alsounregulated prostategrowth in men.

Although scientific literature, saliva testing and epidemiology support this conclusion. It seems quite fascinating that society seems unaware of the Estrogen Factor!

Either we may be a civilization of ostriches or blind group despite having two eyes.

Estrogen as Carcinogenic

To expand further, the International Hormone Conference 2006 saw Eldred Taylor MD Ob/Gyn point out that estrogen in a sense can be considered a carcinogenic substance and a growth factor. This is not difficult to understand after observing how estrogen behaves in the body.

HRT Increases Cancer

When the Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) 2000 review revealed the dangers of Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT), 60% of Australia women stopped taking HRT. A retrospective study found that breast cancer dropped, bucking the general upwards trend. In actuality there was a fall of 600 breast cancers in the 2 year period after this 60% decline in HRT prescriptions.

Less HRT= Less Cancer

THE FACT: A decrease of 600 less breast cancers in a two year period in Australia came after a decrease in HRT use!

Have you read this most important information in your newspapers, which are excellent to line the bottom of the Cocky’s cage.

Men’s Health being Afflicted

Excess estrogen is also a problem for men. Xeno-estrogens affect the testosterone balance causing problems such as prostate pathologies, erectile dysfunction, infertility and Gynecomastia (man boobs). Also male breast cancer is rising at an alarming rate.

Five factors In balancing hormones the following need to be considered:

(Of course the pill and HRT are not required for hormone balance!)

  1. Blood sugars and wholesome diet
  2. Stress and the adrenals
  3. Digestion and nutrition, gut flora
  4. Chemical pollution and xeno-estrogens exposure
  5. Liver function, the level of detoxification

1. Blood sugars and diet

To gain a logical and broad concept of carbohydrates, read the free booklet Safe and Unsafe Carbohydrates

Eat fresh whole grains, which naturally balance blood sugars and foster bowel health because of full fibre, fresh oils, anti-oxidants and protein. All modern grain foods including so-called heavy breads like multi-grain are part and reduced fibre, increased starch, rancid oils, denatured protein and reduced anti-oxidants. This loss is due to the industrialization of the food chain.

High blood sugars are related to a myriad of disorders, stressing the pancreas, liver and adrenals. Safe carbohydrates are the simple remedy, for chronic conditions bitter melonis taken with meals and at bedtimeand noticeably reduces sugar highs in the morning. Gulochyadi liquid is given to decrease blood sugars, increase insulin sensitivity and decrease the acid load on the liver and kidneys.Haridramalakiis simplyturmeric and Indian goose berry juice tablets which makes a powerful anti-oxidant with high vitamin C. Just how it helps in blood sugars may be a mystery but it is easily understood by persons who are insulin dependent to decrease their insulin needs. This is excellent because of being extremely safe and also hyper-insulinemia is injurious to organs as is high blood sugars.

2. Stress and the adrenals

Stress can turn our world upside down and roll it in the dust. Stress although an unmanifested substance which is difficult to quantify has such far reaching effects on organs and health it is nothing short of astonishing. Controlling stress is easy to say but harder to achieve, the best remedy is philosophy and selfishness. The Western world tends towards a false sacrifice on the alter of work, family and friends but in the end one is left with loneliness which breeds bitterness. Therefore selfishness or self preservation is not condemned here because even you do great selfless work you still require a self to give.

For philosophy consider Bhagavad Gita As It Isand Seneca On the Shortness of Life. Nurture yourself with regular wholesome meals and digestive drinks. Ayurveda has a list of daily routines which are nurturing and strengthening like self massage with black sesame oil.

Arctic Rose can be used when needed for strength and adrenal support. Avoid blasting the adrenals out of the picture with more than one cup of coffee per day. If you do like coffee very much chew cardamom pods which regulate caffeine. Asvagandharistahmais a fine adrenal tonic when adrenal regulation and a lift is needed and licorice tea doubles the half life of adrenal hormone cortisol. The most amazing thing according to Dr Jaiprakash Dahiya in his booklet, ‘Potentials in Ayurveda’, Tulasior Holy Basil is the top anti-oxidant found by science, so a little Tulasi leaf can be used with the licorice for an all round tonic.

3. Digestion and nutrition

If our four billions cells are stressed and in starvation mode it is unlikely we will feel peaceful and content. We may be taking all good supplements but are we digesting them? Digestion is the key in Ayurveda because that how our tissue is nourished and the channels keep clear.

Therefore work on improving your digestion and evacuating every morning before breakfast.

Chiruvilwadiis an agni deepan or the lighter of the digestive fire and channel cleanser which is taken one to two hours before meals. Nicely balanced Chiruvilwadiis surprisingly not spicy hot being tridoshic not disturbing any dosha.

Take daily Yoghurt for good bacteria! Eat a small spoon of natural yogurt with all savoury meals. This aids good bacteria in the gut and bowel. We recommend Paris Creek Yoghurtas itdoesn’t contain added milk solids. These milk solids are added as a filler to the majority of yoghurts on the market and make them very heavy on digestion. Expensive probiotics are not generally required, a dollop of yogurt will do the same job if not better!

Try a simple yet profound concept, drink warm or hot water. This cleanses the channels, is in harmony with the stomach and inspires efficient digestion. Eat to digest. Read The Complete Ayurvedic Cookbook for menu ideas and inspiration. Also read Agni, ‘The Power of Digestion’in theAyurvedic Booklet.

Raw food is only good if your fire of digestion can metabolise it fully. Cook to digest and eat according to your digestive capacity. Take digestive aids astha churna in a little yoghurt with meals, ghee and spices. Take lohasavam after meals if iron is low or with meals take apple cider vinegar in hot waterboth will improve digestion. For digestion take pippalayasavam after meals in a little hot water. Get those bowels rocking and rolling with triphala, gandarvasadi, thrivruth or dasamoola lehyam. Triphala is excellent and is not a cheap trick like a laxative and can be safely taken long-term.

4. Chemical pollution and xeno-estrogens

We live in a time of sublime pollution, there is no escape. But the bottom line is these pollutants which are all pervasive are hormone imposters. (David Suzuki first coined this term) They are taken by the body to be estrogen, actually a powerful estrogen hundreds of times stronger than endogenous estrogen. These hormone imposters are born from chemicals. The Best idea is to avoid exposure as much as possible and use herbal preparations to aid the body.

Shatavari occupies estrogen receptors and behaves as a mild estrogen thus blocking the imposter. Gulochyadi is an anti-dote and a grand liver, kidney and immune tonic which will aid the body cope with modern polluted times. If estrogen is through the roof then ELC, Estrogen Liver Complex with DIMis recommended.The liver always needs some help especially when we consider how phytonutrients which assist the liver to detoxify, have disappeared from the modern diet. Also cruciferous vegetables such as cauliflower and broccoli help lower estrogen. The hormone generally lowered by all this imposter activity is progesterone, Progesterone metabolismor Pro-Chaste treeto start the day helps establish pituitary ovarian hypothalamic balance and normalize progesterone levels. Vitex or Chastetree is possibly the most important herbal supplement for the modern person due the devilish works of modern humanity. Progesterone levels are heavily taxed by excess estrogens so according to symptoms and a saliva test (if required) we often suggest Progesterone Metabolism or Pro Chaste Tree (stronger). These medicines have an effect on the hypothalamus-pituitary-ovarian axis to naturally increase progesterone and decrease prolactin. High prolactin is generally implicated with endocrine imbalance. Sleep can also be improved if it is related to low melatonin levels. Depending on symptoms and a saliva test the remedy and dose are selected.

The following article from Pubmed supports Vitex (AC)

Phytomedicine. 2003 May;10(4):348-57.

Chaste tree (Vitex agnus-castus)--pharmacology and clinical indications.

Wuttke W, Jarry H, Christoffel V, Spengler B, Seidlová-Wuttke D.


Department of Clinical and Experimental Endocrinology, University of Göttingen, Germany.


Extracts of the fruits of chaste tree (Vitex agnus castus = AC) are widely used to treat premenstrual symptoms. Double-blind placebo-controlled studies indicate that one of the most common premenstrual symptoms, i.e. premenstrual mastodynia (mastalgia) is beneficially influenced by an AC extract. In addition, numerous less rigidly controlled studies indicate that AC extracts have also beneficial effects on other psychic and somatic symptoms of the PMS. Premenstrual mastodynia is most likely due to a latent hyperprolactinemia, i.e. patients release more than physiologic amounts of prolactin in response to stressful situations and during deep sleep phases which appear to stimulate the mammary gland. Premenstrually this unphysiological prolactin release is so high that the serum prolactin levels often approach heights which are misinterpreted as prolactinomas. Since AC extracts were shown to have beneficial effects on premenstrual mastodynia serum prolactin levels in such patients were also studied in one double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical study. Serum prolactin levels were indeed reduced in the patients treated with the extract. The search for the prolactin-suppressive principle(s) yielded a number of compounds with dopaminergic properties: they bound to recombinant DA2-receptor protein and suppressed prolactin release from cultivated lactotrophs as well as in animal experiments. The search for the chemical identity of the dopaminergic compounds resulted in isolation of a number of diterpenes of which some clerodadienols were most important for the prolactin-suppressive effects. They were almost identical in their prolactin-suppressive properties than dopamine itself. Hence, it is concluded that dopaminergic compounds present in Vitex agnus castus are clinically the important compounds which improve premenstrual mastodynia and possibly also other symptoms of the premenstrual syndrome.