Shrewsbury Planning Commission
October 2, 2017
Members present: Laura Black (chair), Tim Vile, Francis Wyatt, Mark Goodwin & Marilyn Dalick
The minutes of Sept 18 were accepted as written—Francis (Jolly) moved to accept, seconded by Mark, all in favor.
- Mark provided new zoning maps this evening. Thank you, Mark!
- Melissa would like access to parcel maps. She thinks we should be able to download them.
Mark advised that Shrewsbury’s data for the parcel maps is kept up to date and is always provided.
- Meetings:
- Tuesday, Oct. 3 @ Community College building on West Street in Rutland, from 6 to 8 p.m., the Vermont Outdoor Recreation Economic Collaborative will meet to get more "local input," says Melissa.
- Wednesday, Oct. 4: Select board meeting, to hear details re. project on Lower Gaynor Road in Shrewsbury.
- Thursday, Oct. 5 @ 10 a.m., Town Office, the Green Mountain Club, Forest Service, Appalachian Trail Conservancy will meet to discuss "boundary incursions and unauthorized uses," as per Melissa.
Mark is impressed by how Tinmouth has dealt with the energy section in their town plan. They have written a good, general overview of their approach as opposed to outlining elaborate philosophical solutions. They cite private citizens putting rooftop solar panels on their homes. He likes the from the "bottom up" approach.
Tonight’s Ideas and suggestions for energy section in Shrewsbury’s town plan:
- Emphasize efficient energy consumption.
- Add new section on "Efficiency".
- Community solar farm.
- Add POLICY on locally produced and distributed power to avoid commercial generation that will NOT benefit the town, as the town would not get CREDIT for energy produced that goes OUT of Shrewsbury.
- (i.e., Tinmouth: generate locally, use locally)
- Encourage clean, wood-burning stoves (particulates).
- Encourage more efficient outdoor wood-burning furnaces (State and Feds have emission standards).
- Weatherization is an important piece to add.
- Add that all town buildings have been weatherized, except for the Town Garage, which does not use much energy at all; building serves to keep trucks warm enough (diesel fuel) and able to start up without difficulty.
- "Coal, gas & oil" section should be added to residential section also.
- "Wind" section needs updating (one large wind farm in Searsburg (sp?))
- Laura will give Steve Nicholson our response to his question re. interior permits
(send him our minutes that address our decision).
- Everyone should readcarefully, thoughtfully, and deeplySections 10 and 11 of Town Plan.
- Everyone should read Tinmouth’s new energy section.
- Develop our TIMELINE for work on Town Plan before December deadline.
- Choose a subject for new cover of Town Plan.
- Tim wonders how we might obtain data on energy (kw) usage from 10 years ago to current time. Is there a marked improvement? Would be interesting information to have.
Our next meeting is October 16.
We adjourned at 8:50 p.m. Melissa moves, all in favor.
Respectfully submitted:
Marilyn Dalick (SPC Clerk) Date
Laura Black, Chair/ Date
Approved as amended:______