For Used Lead Acid Batteries and Mercury Containing Lamps
In order to store universal waste on-site and then ship off-site the following information must be completed and returned to Regulatory Affairs. Checking a box indicates an affirmative response.
A. Small Quantity Generator’s name (Fisher and battery retailer), address and contact:
q Facility accumulates no more than 11,000 pounds of universal waste (e.g. used lead acid batteries) / q Facility accumulates no more than 11,000 pounds of universal waste (e.g. used lead acid batteries)
q Facility accumulates used batteries/lamps for no more than one year / q Facility accumulates used batteries/lamps for no more than one year
q Containers are closed / q Containers are closed
q Waste is handled so to prevent release of any waste or component / q Waste is handled so to prevent release of any waste or component
q All batteries or containers that hold batteries/lamps are marked with the following words: “Universal Waste – Batteries or Lamps” or “Waste Batteries or Lamps” or “Used Batteries or Lamps” / q All batteries or containers that hold batteries/lamps are marked with the following words: “Universal Waste – Batteries or Lamps” or “Waste Batteries or Lamps” or “Used Batteries or Lamps”
q No on-site disposing, dilution or treating / q No on-site disposing, dilution or treating
q Containerize batteries/lamps shows no evidence of leakage, spillage of damaged / q Containerize batteries/lamps shows no evidence of leakage, spillage of damaged
q Electrolyte has not been removed from batteries / q Electrolyte has not been removed from batteries
B. Transporter’s name and address:
q Transporter refrains from disposing, dilution or treating the universal waste
q Complies with US DOT regulations 49 CFR 171-180
q Shipment will be recorded on a straight bill of lading not a Hazardous Waste Manifest
q Transporter stores waste at universal waste transfer facility for not more than 10 days
q Used batteries are only shipped to another universal waste handler or destination facility
C. Large Quantity Handler of Universal waste: (battery wholesaler, manufacturer or secondary lead
smelter accumulates more than 11,000 pounds of used lead acid batteries) and address:
q Have copy of their written notification to EPA and EPA ID number
q Have sample records of each shipment of universal waste received
q Have records of each shipment of waste sent off-site including Name and Address of Destination Facility
q Has three years of records from the date of receipt or shipment
q Lead smelter / Bulb Recycler name and address:
q Have copy of their written notification to EPA and EPA ID number
q Battery Wholesaler
q Battery Manufacturer
q Secondary Lead Smelter
q Authorized collection or recycling facility
q Will send Certificate of Recycle
q Pollution Legal Liability Insurance Carrier lists Fisher Scientific LLC as Certificate Holder
Rev. # 1 Mandatory Discretionaryg
Effective Date: December 1999 Page 1 of 1