Both walks are fairly easy, will take approximately 30 minutes and are approximately a mile long in each direction. WALK 1 has better surface underfoot (although can still be muddy), while WALK 2 can be very muddy, but has good views and is not as steep

Walk 1 - Via Raleigh Manor

From the Snowdrop Valley Information Point, take the exit on the Exford road and turn left. Pass the garage on your left and houses on your right. Turn right into the long stay/market car park, through the gate at the back and turn right down the track. Bear left at the small fork, and then turn left through the gate by the cattle grid.Follow the track through open fields for approx quarter of a mile. Turn right to follow the hedgeline down to hunting gate, through gate and follow track down into valley. Keep going straight until just before you meet a road where you turn right and follow the path which runs parallel to the road down to the bottom of the hill opposite SnowdropValley.

Please remember the Countryside Code if you are visiting Exmoor or any other part of the countryside.

Please keep to the defined tracks, and do not walk up the road through the valley as it is extremely narrow and the Park and Ride buses will be along at regular intervals.

Walk 2 - Via Watercombe Farm and lower track."

From the Snowdrop Valley Information Point, take the exit on the Exford road and turn left. Pass the garage on your left and houses on your right. Turn right into the long stay/market car park, through the gate at the back and turn right down the track. Follow track round past houses and then sharp left through hunting gate into track. Follow track down into valley. Keep going straight until just before you meet a road where you turn right and follow the path which runs parallel to the road down to the bottom of the hill opposite SnowdropValley.

Please remember the Countryside Code if you are visiting Exmoor or any other part of the countryside.

Please keep to the defined tracks, and do not walk up the road through the valley as it is extremely narrow and the Park and Ride buses will be along at regular intervals.