Import Wizard
Procura® Health Management Systems
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Software version / Procura 8.0
Documentation version / 8.0
Last Update Date / 2014-08-01
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Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Import Wizard 1
Introducing Import Wizard 7 1
Client Reference Numbers 2
Employee Reference Numbers 3
Working with the Import Wizard 4
To Load an Existing Import File 5
To Create a New Import File 13
Appendices 21
Import File Types 21
Running the ProImprt.exe File 24
Troubleshooting the Validation Log 25
Testing the Import 27
Import Wizard
Import Wizard
Introducing Import Wizard 7
The Import Wizard enables you to import client or employee data that is stored in a comma-delimited ASCII text file into your Procura database. The wizard allows you to create a configuration file for this standardized importing utility. It uses the configuration file to validate the text file, and then imports all valid data into your associated client, employee and scheduling tables.Once you have created a configuration file, you can run the import from the wizard or you can run it from the command line using the ProImprt.exe file. It can be scheduled to run at specified times to provide a more automated method of importing data.
There are seven versions from which you can choose, including a released import, a standard import, a USA import and five custom imports. Each of these has been developed for data specific requirements. In most cases, version 7.0 or 10.0 can be used to import data. Version 10.0 will support all available file and record types. /
Imports | Introducing_the_Import_Wizard.htm
Client Reference Numbers
Procura stores Client Reference Numbers, such as Social Insurance Number, Personal Health ID, etc., in a separate table. Therefore, your System Administrator must define a client reference number, which will store the client identification number for the input file.
Imports | HT_-_Client_Reference_Numbers1.htm
Employee Reference Numbers
Pocura stores Employee Reference Numbers, such as Payroll Employee ID, Social Insurance Number, etc., in a separate table. Therefore, your System Administrator must define an employee reference number, which will store the employee identification number for the input file.
Imports | HT_-_Employee_Reference_Numbers.htm
Working with the Import Wizard
The Import wizard gives you the ability to import client and employee data from other systems on a one time or ongoing basis. It will prompt you for the import version you want to use, as well as the type of data you are importing, (e.g., client or client merge, employee, scheduling, Meals on Wheels, ONI or DVA). Your answers will determine what information you will then need to provide to the wizard.
Using the wizard, you must either create a new configuration file or load an existing one. The data in the configuration file is then used to perform the import. You can configure the import to validate your data and produce a log file of the results of the validation process. You can define multiple configuration files that will run at different times. Keep in mind that, if you are importing client or employee records, and you want their data to be imported into multiple departments, you must define a separate configuration file for each department.
Note: Prior to using the Import Wizard, please contact your Procura Account Manager to arrange for Import Wizard training. Training will provide access to additional documentation, examples and support from Procura Professional Services.
Imports | Working_with_the_Import_Wizard.htm
To Load an Existing Import File
1. On the Imports/Exports tab, click Import Wizard . The Procura Import Wizard window displays.
2. Click Next. The next window in the wizard displays.
3. Click Load. The Open window displays.
4. Browse for and open your configuration file.
5. If a confirmation window displays, click Yes to confirm.
- Click Next. The next window in the wizard displays.
- If you are importing data that has been written to match the Standard Import specification, select Version 7.0 Standard Import in the Select Import Version section.Otherwise, select the appropriate import version.
- From the Select Import File Type section, select the type of file you are importing.
- If you want the import to pause after performing the validation process so you can review the results of the validation file prior to performing the import, click the Prompt Prior to Importing Data checkbox.
- Click Next. The next window in the wizard displays.
- In the Description textbox, type a description for your import file.
- Fill in all other required information, as per the table below:
Branch / The branch identification number you want to work with. Is entered when you install Procura. The input file branch code must match the branch that is selected.
Department / The department you want to import your data into.
Default Attendance Type / The attendance type that corresponds to the employee’s Non-Working Time or Unavailable bookings. Maps fake schedules to the appropriate Attendance Type. Used if you are importing scheduling information.
Select Employee Pay Table / The employee pay table. Used if you are importing employee information.
Client Reference Number / The client reference number that corresponds to the Client ID mapping, (i.e., the source system’s CLIENT KEY). Used if you are importing client information or schedule information.
Employee Reference Number / The employee reference number that corresponds to the Employee ID mapping, (i.e., the source system’s EMPLOYEE KEY). Used if you are importing employee information or schedule information.
DVA / The name of the assessment to import data into.
- Click Next. The next window in the wizard displays.
- Click the button at the end of the Source Path: textbox, and then browse for the location of the file you want to import.
- In the Source File Name: textbox, type the name of the file you want to import.
- Click the button at the end of the Log Path: textbox, and then browse for the location in which you want to store the log file.
- Click the button at the end of the Archive Path: textbox, and then browse for the location in which you want to store the import file.
- Click Next. The next window in the wizard displays.
- If you want to run the import, click Run Import. Otherwise, click Finish and follow the prompts.
Imports | To_Load_an_Import_File.htm
To Create a New Import File
- On the Imports/Exports tab, click Import Wizard . The Procura Import Wizard window displays.
- Click Next. The next window in the wizard displays.
- Click Create. The New window displays.
- Navigate to the location in which you want to save your configuration file.
- In the File name: textbox, type the filename you want to assign to your file.
- Click Open. Click Yes to confirm.
- Click Next. The next window in the wizard displays.
- If you are importing data that has been written to match the Standard Import specification, select Version 7.0 Standard Import in the Select Import Version section.Otherwise, select the appropriate import version.
- From the Select Import File Type section, select the type of file you are importing.
- If you want the import to pause after performing the validation process so you can review the results of the validation file prior to performing the import, click the Prompt Prior to Importing Data checkbox.
- Click Next. The next window in the wizard displays.
- In the Description textbox, type a description for your import file.
- Fill in all other required information, as per the table below:
Branch / The branch identification number you want to work with. Is entered when you install Procura. The input file branch code must match the branch that is selected.
Department / The department you want to import your data into.
Default Attendance Type / The attendance type that corresponds to the employee’s Non-Working Time or Unavailable bookings. Maps fake schedules to the appropriate Attendance Type. Used if you are importing scheduling information.
Select Employee Pay Table / The employee pay table. Used if you are importing employee information.
Client Reference Number / The client reference number that corresponds to the Client ID mapping, (i.e., the source system’s CLIENT KEY). Used if you are importing client information or schedule information.
Employee Reference Number / The employee reference number that corresponds to the Employee ID mapping, (i.e., the source system’s EMPLOYEE KEY). Used if you are importing employee information or schedule information.
DVA / The name of the assessment to import data into.
- Click Next. The next window in the wizard displays.
- Click the button at the end of the Source Path: textbox, and then browse for the location of the file you want to import.
- In the Source File Name: textbox, type the name of the file you want to import.
- Click the button at the end of the Log Path: textbox, and then browse for the location in which you want to store the log file.
- Click the button at the end of the Archive Path: textbox, and then browse for the location in which you want to store the import file.
- Click Next. The next window in the wizard displays.