Short Story Unit Study Guide

English I


  1. Vocabulary

Define the following terms as they appear in the story.

palpable ______

amenity ______

indolently ______

condone ______

naïve ______

scruple ______

futile ______

cosmopolite ______

debacle ______

zealous ______

affable ______

tangible ______

quarry ______

  1. Literary Terms

Apply each term to the story.

suspense ______

Identify the conflicts in the story.

______vs. ______Explain: ______


______vs. ______Explain: ______


______vs. ______Explain: ______

human self

Who is the protagonist in the story? ______

Who is the antagonist in the story? ______

Describe the mood of the story: ______

Who is the narrator? From what point of view is the story told? ______

What is the theme of the story? ______

  1. Questions

Answer the following questions in at least 1-2 complete sentences.

1. What is meant by “He lived a year in a minute”?

2. What is meant by “I am still a beast at bay”?

3. In which sea has Connell set Ship-TrapIsland?

4. How is Zaroff able to finance his life style?

5. If Rainsford wins the hunt, what does Zaroff promise him?

6. What happened to Lazarus?

7. Where does Rainsford spend the first night of his hunt?

8. How many acres did Zaroff’s father have in the Crimea?

9. Why does Zaroff suggest Rainsford wear moccasins?

10. What caused Rainsford to believe Zaroff knew he was hiding in the tree? Do you think he was right? Give reasons.

11. How does Zaroff stock his island with “game”?

12. What happened to General Zaroff at the end of the story?

13. Despite being hurt, Zaroff congratulates Rainsford on his “Malay mancatcher.” Why?

14. How do we know Rainsford is an exceptionally fit man?

15. How might Rainsford’s experience on the island change him?


  1. Vocabulary

Define the following terms as they appear in the story.

precipitous ______

marauders ______

medley ______

condolences ______

languor ______

succor ______

  1. Literary Terms

Apply each term to the story.

suspense ______

Identify the conflicts in the story.

______vs. ______Explain: ______


______vs. ______Explain: ______


______vs. ______Explain: ______

human self

Who is the protagonist in the story? ______

Who is the antagonist in the story? ______

Describe the mood of the story: ______

Who is the narrator? From what point of view is the story told? ______

What is the theme of the story? ______

  1. Questions

Answer the following questions in at least 1-2 complete sentences.

1. How did the Gradwitzes receive all the land they have?

2. Why do Ulrich von Gradwitz and Georg Znaeym not get along?

3. What is Ulrich von Gradwitz hunting in the story?

4. What was Ulrich von Gradwitz’s wish when he wandered away from his crew?

5. What happened once Ulrich von Gradwitz and Georg Znaeym meet in the forest?

6. How do the two men behave once they are stuck?

7. What makes Gradwitz start to behave differently?

8. What happens to them at the end?

  1. Characterization

Below, give some traits of the characters and then provide examples from the story that illustrate the characteristics.

Character / Trait/Characteristic / Example of trait/explanation / Page #
Ulrich von Gradwitz / stubborn / “If only on this wild night, in this dark, long spot, he might come across Georg Znaeym.”
Gradwitz seems to be obsessed with murder… / 256
Georg Znaeym
Ulrich von Gradwitz
Georg Znaeym


  1. Vocabulary

Define the following terms as they appear in the story.

rueful ______

disheveled ______

aghast ______

adulation ______

pauper ______

chic ______

dowry ______

usurer ______

vexation ______

  1. Literary Terms

Apply each term to the story.

setting ______

Who is the protagonist in the story? ______

Describe the mood of the story: ______

Who is the narrator? From what point of view is the story told? ______

What is the theme of the story? ______

  1. Questions

Answer the following questions in at least 1-2 complete sentences.

1. Why did Monsieur Loisel expect his wife to be pleased to receive the invitation from the Minister of Education?

2. Describe Madame Loisel’s reaction on reading the invitation.

3. Why had Monsieur Loisel been saving 200 Francs?

4. Compare and contrast the life of Madame Loisel before and after the disappearance of the necklace.

5. Why was Madame Loisel anxious to hurry away from the ball?

6. What efforts were made to find Madame Forestier’s necklace?

7. Describe in your own words how the Loisel’s life changed after they had paid for the new necklace.

8. What was Madame Forestier’s reaction when seeing Madame Loisel before she figured out who she was?

9. What was Madame Forestier’s reaction when the necklace was returned?

10. Do you think Madame Loisel recognized good quality jewelry? Give reasons.

11. Why was Madame Loisel unhappy with her life at the opening of the story?

12. Do you think Monsieur Loisel enjoyed the ball? Give reasons to support your answer.

13. How did Monsieur Loisel contribute to the cost of the new necklace?

  1. Characterization

Describe the characters listed below. Provide a quoted example for how the character is described directly and indirectly (include a page number).

  1. Madame Loisel

Direct Characterization:

Indirect Characterization:

  1. Madame Forestier

Direct Characterization: