Hastings Old Town Surgery

Minutes of the Patient Participation Group meeting

Wednesday 26th of April 2017



Dr G



CP (Health Trainers)










·  1. Introduction

·  2. Dr Namvar explained that Dr Parker had left and he had plans to move forward with his plans for the Surgery regarding a merger between Hastings Old Town Surgery, Roebuck 3 (Dr Chopra), Churchwood Medical Practice and Warrior Square Surgery:

·  Plans to recruit more clinical staff to provide more services and offer longer opening hours/weekends.

·  The merged surgeries will have a total of approximately 26000 patients which will enable him to bid for more services, recruit doctors who specialize in clinical areas, employ more nurses and healthcare assistants.

·  Recruit a paramedic practitioner who will deal with emergencies/home visits and will act as an on-call duty doctor. Emergency care will improve as a result.

·  Other practices in the town have merged and been unsuccessful but we already have successful practices so this should not be an issue.

·  Patients with chronic illnesses should see the same doctor wherever possible. Patients with acute problems (eg coughs and colds) should be able to see any doctor.

·  Discussed allocating patients to specific GPs. Current GPs are Dr Craig Namvar, Dr Mihnea Chiuia, Dr Julia Godis and Dr Dawn Harrington (from 03.05.17). Patients will be allocated a named GP but can change if they want.

·  Patients who were originally registered with Dr Parker were all moved across to Dr Chiuia but there are plans to reallocate as doctors become established in their roles within the practice.

·  New premises at the Ice House – still in the pipeline. What are the other options if planning is not granted? Look for other premises in the Old Town or refurbish Roebuck House (final option).

·  The PPG were shown a proposed survey regarding the merger which will go out to all the patients when they attend the surgery and hopefully be available online soon.

·  PPG members agreed the survey but it was noted that they felt the merger would go ahead regardless of the result.

·  Formal merger is planned for September 2017.

·  Need to update the signage on the outside of Roebuck House as it is confusing for patients. This is in the pipeline.

·  Clarified the appointment system; pre-bookable and ‘book on the day’ appointments, Patient Access (online booking).

·  3. Introduced Christine Palmer from the Health Trainers Service.

·  Service has been going for 8 years.

·  They focus on people in deprived areas who tend not to take up health services.

·  Provide help with smoking cessation, eating, exercise, drinking, etc.

·  Build confidence, provide motivation, set goals and help people achieve healthy lifestyle changes.

·  6 free sessions over 12 weeks.

·  1 to 1 sessions located at medical centres, community centres, children’s centres etc.

·  They try to see people close to home to help them implement lifestyle changes.

·  They signpost patients to organisations and resources which are well known and successful, eg British Heart Foundation.

·  Work closely with local organisations such as Active Hastings.

·  Offer mental health support through Health in Mind and STAR (drink and alcohol abuse).

·  They do not give medical advice but guide patients to the right place for help.

·  They follow up with patients at 3, 6 and 12 months.

·  Costs? They try to signpost to free services wherever possible or places with a minimal charge only.

·  Exercise: they can organise a gym card for 12 weeks at a very low cost.

·  Contact details: Freephone 0800 917 8896 or 01424 858255

·  Website: www.mytimeactive.co.uk/eastsussexhealthtrainers

NEXT PPG MEETING: Wednesday 9th of August 2017 at 1pm-2pm.

We hope to have a speaker at the next meeting.

If you have any suggestions for items to go on the agenda please let Sue know by emailing