SHIRE Recycling Grant 2018-19

Application Form

Before completing this Application Form, please read the Guidance Notes for Applicants thoroughly, to ensure you meet the eligibility criteria. The Guidance Notes can be accessed via

If you have any queries regarding this application form, please contact the Waste Initiatives team on (0116) 305 7005, or email: .

*Required fields


1) Name of Group/Organisation*:

Please complete the name of the group/organisation that is applying for the funds (Note: Payments can only be made to community groups or organisations which have bank accounts which require the signatures of at least two people who are not related.)

2) Name of Lead Contact*:

Please give the name and contact details of the person to be contacted in relation to the application. This is the person we will direct all correspondence to for the project. Any personal data will not be made available on-line.

Address for written correspondence, including post code*:

Contact Tel No 1*:

Contact Tel No 2*:

Email Address*:

3a) Type of Organisation*:

Faith Group
Local Community Group / Organisation
Parish / Town Council
Residents / Tenants Association
School / PTA / Other Academic Institution
Scouts / Guides
Social Enterprise / CIC
Sports Club / Organisation
Trust / Charity
Village Hall / Community Centre
Youth Group
Other (Please Specify)

3b) Brief description of what your group/organisation does:

Please give a short description (in no more than 100 words) about what your organisation does and why you are best placed to deliver this project.

4) Does your group have a constitution?*:

You do not need to send us a copy of your constitution, but we may ask to see a copy at a later stage in the process. Please note non-constituted groups can apply for funding but would need to be constituted before funding could be awarded.



5) Does your group have its own bank account?*:

Please confirm that your group or organisation has a bank account with two unrelated and not co-habiting signatories.



6) Are you registered for VAT?*:



If yes, please enter your VAT number:

NB VAT payments that can be reclaimed cannot be grant aided, so any subsequent grant offer will be based on the value of your project net of VAT


7) Project Name/Title*:

Please provide the name you have given to this project. We will refer to the project name throughout the application process, including in any correspondence.

8) Provide an outline of the project or activity that you are applying for funding for*:

Please give details of the proposed project/activity and how it meets the outcomes of the Recycling Grant Scheme. Please also provide details of approximately how many people the project will involve. Please limit your response to no more than 500 words.

9) What outcomes will your project achieve?*

List the outcomes that you intend to achieve from the project, including how the project will involve the local community in raising awareness of waste prevention, recycling and composting. Please limit your response to no more than 200 words.

10) How will you will measure and monitor these outcomes?

Include details of how you intend to measure and monitor the outcomes of your project, i.e. benefits for the project participants and benefits to the wider community. How will you demonstrate that the participants involved in the project have changed their behaviour and improved their understanding of issues such as waste prevention, recycling, composting, reducing food waste or furniture reuse. Please limit your response to no more than 500 words.

11) What kind of promotional or marketing activities will you be undertaking?

How many people will you be aiming to reach through these activities?:

12) What do you propose to do following on from this project?*:

Please explain what you will do next as a result of this project. How will you ensure the project or activity is sustainable beyond the period funded by the SHIRE Recycling Grant? What will happen once the project is completed? What will be the legacy of the project? Is this just a one off project and if so, what is the exit strategy?

13a) Geographic area(s) covered by the project*:

Hinckley & Bosworth
North West Leicestershire
Oadby & Wigston

13b) Please detail any specific local areas your project will operate in (e.g. Parish, Town, Village, etc.)*:

14) Planned Start Date*:

Please give the approximate planned start date of the project.

15) Planned Completion Date*:

Please indicate the anticipated completion date of the project, if appropriate. Please note all funding for successful projects must be spent within 12 months of the grant being awarded.

16) Are any particular permissions and consents required to deliver this project and if so, are these in place?:

Please provide details of any relevant legal and liability aspects of the project, such as: land owner consent, child protection (DBS checks), insurance etc. and what provisions are already in place? We do not expect you to have all necessary permissions in place at the time of applying, but this will be required before funding can be awarded.

17) Total amount of Recycling Grant requested*:

Please provide details of the amount of funding you are requesting to deliver your project, specifically from the Recycling Grant.

18) How will you contribute the remaining 25% funding required to deliver the project?*:

Please provide details of the 25% additional funding/income that will be offered towards the total cost of the project. If this funding is coming from another source of grant funding, please include the amount and the source of these funds (Grant Name, Funding Organisation)

19) Breakdown of Total Project Costs*:

Please give a breakdown of the total costs for delivering your overall project, including costs which will be funded through other sources of income. This may include: equipment and other resources, room hire, travel costs. This can be attached to the application as a separate sheet if required.

Item / Cost / Source of Funding

20) What other potential sources of funding are you exploring?*:

Please detail any other potential funding sources that you may be accessing to deliver the project. Have other sources of funding been applied for? How much has been applied for and when?

21) Please detail any 'in-kind' support you have identified to help deliver the project*:

This might include the number of volunteers involved, the work they will undertake and estimated hours, along with any other in-kind support you have secured (e.g. free professional time/support)

22) If you require upfront payment, please outline how much and why below:


I am applying for funding from Leicestershire County Council’s SHIRE Recycling Grant 2018-19. I have read and understood the Guidance Notes for Applicants. If my application is approved I will agree to abide by the rules and requirements of the funding body.


Name: ______

Date: ______

Please email your completed application form to:

Or alternatively you can post the completed application form to:

Waste Initiatives team

Environment & Waste Management

Leicestershire County Council

Room 700, County Hall

