21stJune 2017
Dear Parents and Carers of Year 10 Students
The On-Line post 16 Application Process using ucasprogress.com
Before we break up for the Summer Holiday, I would like to inform you about a very important website that I hope your son/daughter has already shared with you. I have inserted the website name at the top of this letter.
This is the website through which all Year 11 students at Linton Village College will make their post 16 applications to a Cambridge Area Partnership (CAP) centre. Paper applications can only be made to non-CAP centres.
On Tuesday 20 June, during the final PSHE day of this academic year, all the Year 10 students were introduced to ucasprogress.com and they each received their personal log-in details to enable them to access pages of their applications. We believe it would be very useful for students, parents and carers to spend some time over the summer break looking together at this website and exploring the wide variety of post 16 courses available. Students can even begin to complete some areas in the “Personal Profile” section as well as explore and save their possible course choices as “favourites” and come back in September with some thoughts, ideas and questions about what this means to them individually.
There are many further opportunities next term to engage with your son/daughter’s progression options and in the meantime I would encourage you to take a look at the “Interview Tips” and, “Apprenticeship” sections on ucasprogress which offer additional useful information too. Also, please make a note of the date of LVC’s Post 16 Evening: Thursday 21 September. You will receive further details about this event next month.
If your son/daughter was absent on 20 June, please ask them to drop by my office and I can give them their username and password for ucasprogress.
I wish you an enjoyable summer and look forward to working with you next term.
Yours sincerely
Ian Farr
Ian Farr
Post 16 Co-ordinator
01223 891233 ext 335