Sherwood Model 410 Flame photometer, determination of Sodium and Potassium
The Sherwood Model 410 Flame photometer directly measures Alkali and Alkaline Earth metals:
Sodium (Na), in use
Potassium (K), in use
Lithium (Li), not in use
by means of a low temperature flame using propane, butane or Natural gas. The measurement data displayed directly on the Model 410 Flame Photometer in mmol/L or in mg/L, depending from the unit setup.
Element switch
Flame control window
ON / OFF Switch
Self-adjusting level trap
Aspiration inlet
Method F-025F - The Determination of Sodium and Potassium
This method involves the dilution of sample with deionised water followed by filtration (if necessary) and finally aspiration directly into a Sherwood Flame photometer.
Equipment Required:
1. Sherwood Flame photometer
2. Filtration apparatus
3.Volumetric glassware
1. 1000 ppm (1g/L) sodium and potassium standards
2. Diluted Standards
2.Deionised water
- Prepare by dilution of the stock standards (1g/L) 100, 50, 25, 10,5 and 1 ppm Na+ and 25, 10, 5, 1 and 0,5 ppm K mix-standards. Deionised water is the blank solution.
- Take pure water sample or dilution (ad to 1 mL of water sample9mL deionised water).
- If necessary filter the sample /or dilution through an ash less filter paper (eg. Whatman 540) into a litre volumetric flask. Ensure that the solid particles retained by the paper are washed thoroughly and washings directed into the same 1 litre flask. Dilute to the mark with deionised water, stopper the flask and mix by inversion.
- Set up the flame photometer as outlined in its instruction manual for sodium.
- Set blank to zero with deionized water.
- Aspirate the standards and record their stable readings.
- Plot a graph of meter reading against standard concentration.
- Aspirate the sample solution into the flame photometer.
- Record the meter reading and from the graph read off its sodium concentration.
- Adjust the filter position to select the potassium filter and repeat stages 5 to 9 for potassium.
Note that if the Na and K concentrations in the water sample are outside the range of standards the sample should be diluted accordingly.
Multiply the concentration of Na and K obtained from the graph by the dilution factor, ie. x 100, to express the result in ppm or mg/l of Na or K in the original fruit juice.
Fotómetro de llama M410
El estándar de fotometría de llama delmercado
Medidadirecta Na, K, Li, Ca, Ba pormedio de llama de bajatemperaturautilizandopropano, butano o gas natural. La medidapuedeser semi automáticautilizando el diluidor 805 con factoresdedilución de 200:1 para Na y K y 50:1 para Litio.
Esnecesaria la utilización de uncompresor de airelibre de acitecomo el modelo 851 y un regulador de gas (el reguladorsecundarioestáincorporadoen el M410.
- Sensibilidad: Na<0,5ppm, K<0,5ppm, Li<2ppm, Ca<5ppm y Ba<200ppm Concentraciónmínima para dar 100 unidadesen el display
- Reproducibilidad: <2%
- Límite de detección:< 20ppb para Na y K
- Salida de datos: analógica. RS232 opcional