It’s that time of the year for all of our little ghosts, goblins and super heroes to come out and play.

“Next to Christmas, Halloween is one our children’s favorite times of the year. Kids love it!! They get the chance to let their imaginations run wild and dress up and pretend to be their favorite character or superhero. Oh, and don’t forget all the FREE CANDY! Chief Hannah and myself have discussed different safety issues that we feel are important and we wish to share these safety tips with each of you,” stated Sheriff Ross Henry.

“We are aware that there is less door to door trick-or-treating now due to churches hosting special fall festival events along with Heard County’s annual Trunk or Treat event, but since some may still trick or treat house to house, we wanted to issue a safety reminder” added law enforcement.

Tips for Adults:

·  Know the route your child will be taking if you are not with them

·  Make sure a parent or another responsible adult goes with your children.

·  Know what activities your child may be attending: such as a party, school or community function.

·  Make sure to set a time for your child(ren) to be home.

·  Explain the difference between trick-or treating and vandalism to your children.

·  Consider safety when assisting your children in purchasing and/or designing their costumes. Consider factors such as: bright colors, reflectiveness, length of costume to avoid tripping, flame resistant materials.

·  Make sure costume accessories such as swords and knives are made of a flexible and soft material.

·  Warn children not to eat their candy until a parent or other adult has inspected it

·  Remind children of everyday safety such as talking or riding in a car with strangers and looking both ways before crossing the street.

·  Follow traffic laws

·  Watch for slow driving and frequent stopping vehicles.

·  Treat your children to a filling, spooky meal before heading out to trick-or-treat to reduce on the amount of candy they may consume.

·  Attend community carnivals/festivals rather than door to door trick-or-treating

Tips for Kids:

·  Never go into someone’s home. Accept candy and treats at the doorway only.

·  Walk, don’t run.

·  Walk on sidewalks and in driveways and out of the roadway.

·  Take a cell phone with you for emergencies.

·  Carry a flashlight or glow stick.

·  Always use common sense.

·  Don’t trick-or treat alone. Go with an adult and have a couple friends with you.

·  Plan your route with your parents.

·  Don’t eat your candy until your parents inspect each piece.

·  Be polite and say Thank You for your treats.

·  Don’t play near a lit jack-o-lantern.

·  Go only to houses where an outside light is on.

·  Trick-or-Treat only at houses where you know the homeowners.

·  Allow you parents to assist in choosing a safe costume.

·  Trick-or-Treating should be done during the earliest part of the evening before dark.

·  Don’t take short cuts through fields or people’s back yards or dark alley ways.

·  Use crosswalks when crossing the street.

·  Stay in well lit areas.

“As fun as Halloween and Trick-or-Treating may be, in these days and times, we have to be more cautious of our children and what they are doing and who they are doing it with. Explain to your children that being safe and having fun goes hand in hand”, added Franklin Police Chief Kevin Hannah.

“I think all of you will agree with us that providing a safe, happy night for our children to cherish and to pass on these traditions to their children will make lasting memories for all. Franklin Police Officers and Heard County Sheriff’s Deputies will be on patrol keeping a check on all our Trick-or-Treaters throughout the evening. If any of you have any problems or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact your local law enforcement agency” concluded Sheriff Henry.

Have a safe and Happy Halloween!!!