The Shelton School District Board of Directors met in regular session at 6:00 p.m. on May 9, 2006 in the board room located at CHOICE Alternative School.
Board members present: Chairman Ross Gallagher, Julianna Miljour, Bill Freund, Sue McCausland and Holly Sharpe.
Staff members present: Superintendent Joan Zook, Alison Nutt, Jackie McGuire, Marcie McKaig, Carol Sande, Debbie Hill, Chris Martin, Candace Brooks, Jennifer Deyette, Jenny Morgan, Steve Morgan, Diana Satak, Caryl Mass, Lisa Olin, Karie Vail, and several other members of the Shelton Education Association.
Others present: Jeff Green, Dedrick Allen, Walt Archer, James Hong, Dr. Gary Olson, Andrea Armanino and a number of Shelton High School students.
Chairman Gallagher called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. and led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Ross Gallagher read the district’s Mission Statement.
There were two modifications to the agenda:
- Remove Item 6.02 – Recognition of Shelton High School students Shannon Cooney and Muriel Miller. This will be rescheduled for a future meeting when the girls are able to attend.
- Add a new Item 8.09 – Supplemental personnel report.
Julianna Miljour moved, seconded by Holly Sharpe, to adopt the agenda as amended. The motion passed unanimously.
Jennifer Deyette read the following statement on behalf of the Shelton Education Association:
“At the last board meeting we, the teachers of the Shelton School District and members of the SEA, voiced our concerns with ongoing negotiations with the District. Again, we wish to encourage the Shelton School District to work together with our negotiations team to reach a settlement that will attract and retain quality teachers to educate our youth. The District’s goal to hireand retain quality teachers makes it necessary to, at the very least, meet the state average in compensation (TRI) and health care allocations. Along with the compensation issues, we have real concerns in regards to class size. Research shows that lower class size positively impacts academic achievement. We hope that it is also your goal to protect lower class size. The teachers of Shelton School District encourage you to arrive at an agreement competitive with other districts in the State of Washington; thus ensuring a quality education and a successful future for Shelton's youth.”
6.01 – Recognition of Toys for Kids Plus:
Dr. Gary Olson and Andrea Armanino from Toys for Kids Plus were recognized by the board and by Special Services staff members Carol Sande, Debbie Hill, Chris Martin and Candace Brooks for the funding of over $1,400 worth of equipment for use primarily in the special needs classrooms as Mt. View. The items include three voice producing communication devices for non-verbal students, two height adjustable individual tables and a height adjustable bench. This is the second year that Toys for Kids Plus has funded the purchase of equipment for our special needs students from the proceeds of their annual Christmas auction.
6.03 – Report on the district’s affirmative action program:
Marcie McKaig, Director of Human Resources, gave an update on the district’s affirmative action program. Some of the training staff members have received this year are sexual harassment; HIB (harassment, intimidation and bullying); cultural diversity; and an overview of 10 risky behaviors for school employees to avoid. Our current affirmative action plan will not require re-approval by the state until 2010.
Item 7.01 – Proposed Resolution No. 06-07:
Proposed Resolution No. 06-07 delegating authority to the Washington Interscholastic Activities Association for the 2006-07 school year was presented for board approval. This is a routine resolution the board must approve each year in order for our students to participate with other schools in interscholastic sports and activities. Sue McCausland would like to continue as the school board representative to WIAA. Julianna Miljour made a motion to approve Resolution No. 06-07. Holly Sharpe seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously.
Item 7.02 – Proposed interdistrict cooperative agreement with New Market:
The interdistrict cooperative agreement with the New Market Vocational Skills Center for the 2006-07 school year is another routine agreement requiring school board approval in order for Shelton students to attend the New Market Vocational Skills Center. Joan Zook commented on the wonderful opportunities available for students at New Market. Holly Sharpe mentioned that one of the high school seniors the school board interviewed last week for a Drake Scholarship award was a New Market student who was very excited about the courses she was taking there. Sue McCausland asked Joan when the New Market recognition ceremony was scheduled and Joan said she would let board members know the date and location. Sue McCausland made a motion to approve the 2006-07 interdistrict cooperative agreement with the New Market Vocational Skills Center. Holly Sharpe seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously.
Item 7.03 – Proposed interlocal cooperative agreement with Clover Park:
The interlocal cooperative agreement with the Clover Park Technical College and the Northwest Career & Technical High School was presented for approval. This is also an agreement that must be approved each year in the event any of our high school students wish to attend the Clover Park Technical College and the Northwest Career & Technical High School. Julianna Miljour moved, seconded by Sue McCausland, to approve the interlocal agreement. The motion passed unanimously.
7.04 – Proposed out-of-state travel for Captain Ken Bixler:
Captain Ken Bixler requested permission to travel to Bend, OR on May 18-19, 2006 to attend the Northwest Regional Drill and Rifle Conference coordination meeting. Bill Freund asked if the district would be paying John Watkins’ travel expenses, since Captain Bixler mentioned in his cover letter that John was attending the meeting but did not list him on the travel request form. Joan Zook was under the assumption John would be paying his own expenses, but will check and let the board know if that is not the case.
Joan announced that Shelton High School has the honor this year of being able to nominate three NROTC students each to the West Point Military Academy, the Air Force Academy and the Naval Academy. When those selections have been made, the students will be invited to a school board meeting.
Stacey Anderson spoke briefly about the proposed CHOICE senior class trip to the Silverwood Resort in Idaho. Six students are interested in traveling and are raising money through the CHOICE plant sale and possibly a car wash.
Julianna Miljour made a motion to approve the consent agenda with the addition of Item 8.09. Holly Sharpe seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously. The board:
· Approved minutes of the April 25, 2006 regular school board meeting.
· Approved travel to the Silverwood Resort in Idaho for students of the CHOICE senior class on June 5-8, 2006.
· Approved out-of-state travel to Canby, Oregon on June 16-18, 2006 for the Shelton High School varsity football team to attend football camp.
· Approved out-of-state travel to Burnaby, British Columbia for members of the Shelton high School varsity football team to compete in a passing tournament on July 7-9, 2006.
· Approved overnight travel on July 16-20, 2006 for the Shelton High School varsity football team to attend football camp in Wenatchee.
· Approved overnight travel to Nahcotta, WA on August 16-19, 2006 for the Shelton High School varsity football team to attend team unity camp.
· Approved Payroll Voucher Nos. 39911 through 39916 in the amount of $3,016.93.
· Approved the regular and supplemental personnel reports as submitted and as listed below:
- Hired Ingrid Raines as a long term substitute teacher at Mt. View from 5/3/06 through the end of the 2005-06 school year.
- Accepted the resignation of Bernadette Tavernor, Mason County Transportation Coop secretary, official date to be determined when replacement hired/trained.
- Approved the resignation of Sarah Maiava as asst. volleyball coach at Oakland Bay effective 5/1/06.
- Hired John Bryz-Gornia as Asst. Principal at Oakland Bay beginning July 1, 2006.
- Hired Christopher Nesmith as a business education teacher at Shelton High School beginning with the 2006-07 school year.
- Hired Scott Parsons as a long term substitute teacher at Shelton High School beginning May 8, 2006 through the end of the 2005-06 school year.
- Accepted the resignation of Larry Zaborac as a school psychologist effective at the end of the 2005-06 school year.
- Accepted the resignation of Tiffany O’Keefe as an E.A. at Mt. View effective at the end of the 2005-06 school year.
- Accepted the resignation of Jolene Scott as an E.A. at Evergreen and Oakland Bay effective 5/9/06 (from current leave of absence).
9.01 – Proposed 19 unit housing development:
Joan Zook met last week with the developer of a 19-unit housing development on Northcliff regarding mitigation fees. An agreement was reached at $1,900 per unit. Joan was also recently contacted by the developer of the 800 acres across from Wal-Mart, which the developer referred to as the Black Hills Development, regarding mitigation fees. Development of that property is still several years away and will be zoned for residential housing, commercial and industrial.
Joan also said she met today with the county commissioners on the shared capital facilities plan to begin the conversation with them on impact fees.
· Bill Freund said he continues to be involved in the Washington Learns study and has been working on comparisons.
· Holly Sharpe gave a presentation on whales to Mt. View students today. She also spent time last week at CHOICE with the High Schools That Work team.
· Julianna Miljour worked at the annual Children’s Festival held at Evergreen Elementary on Saturday. Over 280 children and their parents attended the event. She also spoke about a youth celebration being held this Thursday.
· Sue McCausland attended the last boys soccer game of the season held at South Kitsap last week and said that students from the SADD Club helped with the bike rodeo at the Children’s Festival on Saturday.
· Ross Gallagher attended the WSSDA Area Region 5 meeting where they talked about WSSDA legislative proposals, most dealing with the WASL. Ross also said the board interviewed 12 high school seniors for their Drake Scholarship awards but it will be a surprise until the awards ceremony as to who they selected.
The board set the date of Tuesday, June 6, at 6:00 p.m. in the board room to hold a special study session on the proposed 2006-07 budget.
Ross, Julianna and Bill will present the Drake Scholarship awards at Shelton High School’s Senior Awards Night on May 25.
At 6:50 p.m. Chairman Gallagher announced that the board would take a 5-minute recess and would then enter into executive session for 20 minutes regarding negotiations and real estate.
The board returned to regular session at 7:15 p.m.
Chairman Gallagher declared the meeting adjourned at 7:15 p.m.
Chairman, Board of Directors
Secretary to the Board