FEBRUARY 24-25, 2016


These minutes are not final until confirmed by the Task Group in writing or by vote at a subsequent meeting. Information herein does not constitute a communication or recommendation from the Task Group and shall not be considered as such by any agency.



1.1Call to Order / Quorum Check – OPEN AND CLOSED

The Sealants Task Group (SLT TG) was called to order at 9:00a.m.,24-Feb-2016.

It was verified that only SUBSCRIBER MEMBERS were in attendance during the closed portion of the meeting.

A quorum was established with the following representatives in attendance:

Subscriber Members/Participants Present (* Indicates Voting Member)

* / Ricardo / Bove / Embraer SA
Jose / Hidalgo Caemona / Airbus Defence & Space
Zeljko / Calija / UTC Aerospace
* / Kent / DeFranco / Lockheed Martin Corporation / Chairperson; Proxy for A. Fletcher, R. Nagarajan, J. Carney, S. DeMoss, D. Nickerson, J. Lane, R. Wilt
Karyn / Deming / UTC Aerospace (Goodrich)
* / Manuel / Koucouthakis / Honeywell Aerospace / Proxy for B. Clothier
* / Norberto / Roiz-Lafuente / Airbus Defence & Space / Proxy for E. Watson
* / Drew / Smith / Spirit AeroSystems

Other Members/Participants Present (* Indicates Voting Member)

Fernando / DLarion De La Lastra Halcon / CANAGROSA
* / Ronald / Hendriks / Chemetall GmbH
Reyes / Muruve Luna / CANAGROSA
* / Philip / Shackley / PPG Aerospace/PRC-DeSoto Intl., Inc. / Proxy for J. Steele
* / James / Trainer / PPG Aerospace

PRI Staff Present

Keith / Purnell

1.2Safety Information - OPEN AND CLOSED

Fire Exits and how to vacate the building using the stairs were reviewed. Attendees were requested to notify PRI Staff of any emergencies.

1.3Review Code of Ethics (Ref: Attendees’ Guide) and Meeting Conduct - OPEN AND CLOSED

The Nadcap Personal Code of Ethics and Conflict of Interest was reviewed with the Task Group in the OPEN and CLOSED meetings.

1.4Present the Antitrust Video– OPEN AND CLOSED

The Antitrust Video was reviewed with the Task Group in the OPEN and CLOSED meetings.

1.5Review Agenda – OPEN

The agenda for the meeting was reviewed. Attendees were given the opportunity to identify expectations to be addressed during the week of meetings.

1.6Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes– OPEN

The minutes from the October 2015 Nadcap meeting were reviewed.

Motion made by M. Koucouthakis and seconded by N. Roiz-Lafuente to approve the minutes as written. Motion Passed Unanimously.

2.0Membership status – OPEN

The voting membership was reviewed and proxy votes were recorded.

The voting records and meeting attendance for SLT TG Voting Members, Subscriber and Supplier, were reviewed for compliance to the requirements for maintaining membership. PD 1100 paragraph 5.10.6 states “To maintain Task Group Voting Member (Supplier or Subscriber) privileges, the following criteria shall be met unless the Task Group Chair determines that other circumstances warrant retention:

  • Voting Member or approved alternate representation (Alternate Voting Member or proxy) shall not be absent from three consecutive regular Nadcap Task Group meetings.
  • Voting Member, or approved alternate representation, shall not miss a vote on 2 consecutive letter ballots. A waive shall count as a vote (OP 1101).”

All SLT TG Voting Members met the requirements for meeting attendance and voting on letter ballots.

James Trainer of PPG Aerospace requested to become a SLT TG Alternate Supplier Voting Member. This was J. Trainer’s second SLT TG Meeting attended.

Motion made by M. Koucouthakis and seconded byN. Roiz-Lafuente to approve J. Trainer as a SLT TG Alternate Supplier Voting Member. Motion Passed Unanimously.

Ronald Hendriks of Chemetall requested to become a SLT TG Supplier Voting Member. R. Hendriks has attended 2 SLT TG meetings.

Motion made by M. Koucouthakis and seconded by N. Roiz-Lafuente to approve R. Hendriks as a SLT TG Supplier Voting Member. Motion Passed Unanimously.

Drew Smith requested to become a SLT TG Subscriber Voting Member. D. Smith has attended 2 SLT TG meetings. Membership can be granted pending subscription verification.

Motion made by M. Koucouthakis and seconded byN. Roiz-Lafuente to approve D. Smith as a SLT TG Subscriber Voting Member. Motion Passed Unanimously.

The TG Chair confirmed all appointments, pending subscription verification.

The February 2016 Attendees Guide was reviewed and the SLT Task Group Membership was accurate.

Action Item: B. McSorley to remove D. Hughes since he has retired and replace with J. Trainer on the meeting participation spreadsheet. (Due Date: 1May2016)

Action Item: B. McSorley to update the Nadcap SLT TG membership pending subscription verification. (Due Date: 1-May-2016)


The Rolling Action Item List (RAIL) was reviewed.

For specific details, please see the current Sealant Rolling Action Item List posted at under Public Documents.


Staff Engineer, K. Purnell, presented the PRI Staff Report that included Auditor Status, SLT TG Metrics, Most Common NCRs, Non-Sustaining NCR’s, Latest Changes, Future Nadcap Meeting Dates and Locations, Staff Delegation Metrics, Average Number of Major and Minor NCR’s, and Audit Cycle Time. Supplier cycle time was of particular concern as four of the last six months exceeded the goal of 28 days. Suppliers were encouraged to communicate with K. Purnell if they have any questions on responding to NCR’s.

5.0Supplier Support Committee (ssc) REPORT – OPEN

K. Purnell presented the Supplier Support Committee (SSC) update that included an overview of the SSC Leadership Team, how the SSC helps suppliers, current SSC activities, and their new Supplier Initiatives. For additional information please review the SSC minutes posted on the PRI website at

K. DeFranco asked for a volunteer to become the SSC representative for the SLT TG. No Supplier volunteered to act as a representative at this time.

Action Item: Suppliers interested in being the SLT TG SSC representative should contact . (Due Date: 1-May-2016)

6.0Status of assembly task group– open

Formation of an Aerospace Assembly Task Group was proposed at the June 2015 Nadcap meeting. A Working Group was formed, as a Nadcap Management Council Sub-Team, consisting of Airbus, BAE Systems MAI, Northrop Grumman,and PRI. The Working Group created a survey that was emailed to NMC Members in Nov. 2015. The Survey results were reviewed at this meeting, three Subscribers were willing to provide resources and support development of the Aerospace Assembly Audit concept, One Subscriber indicated they would mandate. Six more subscribers need more information about the program. Aerospace Assembly Auditing is a broad topic and the Working Group needs to identify in detail what processes and scope will be included in the audit program. Boeing and Finmeccanica S.p.A – Settore have joined the Working Group. The next steps are as follows:

  • Work Group continues gathering survey information
  • Additional members join the Working Group
  • Working Group defines audit scope and structure
  • Working Group provides recommendation to NMC
  • NMC Approval for forming a Task Group
  • Business Case developed and presented to PRI
  • Draft Checklist (s)
  • Task Group created

Action Item: K. Purnell to email Assembly presentation to D. Smith and S. Calija. (Due Date: Completed)

7.0AC7129 move forward plan - open

The AC7129 checklist is approved and posted in eAuditNet; audits could be conducted on or after 1-Nov-2015. No subscriber mandates have been issued to date; one is coming in the near future.

E. Watson created apresentation as an aid for helping Subscribers justify to their management mandating the AC7129 Sealant Application Accreditation Program. The presentation was reviewed and discussed.

Action Item: K. Purnell to refine the Assembly Practices presentation for Subscribers and forward to the SLT TG Subscriber members. (Due Date: 12-May2016)

8.0AC7129 Auditor interviews and trainig – open

Four potential sealant application auditor candidates’ resumes were reviewed. The SLT TG would like to interview all four candidates.

Action Item: K. Purnell to make arrangements for the SLT TG auditor interviews. (Due Date: 29Apr2016)

9.0OP 1114 Appendix SLT – open

The SLT TG reviewed its appendix to Operating Procedure OP 1114 and no changes or revisions were required.

10.0Future changes to ac7200/1 and ac7202 – open

K. DeFranco made a presentation that included proposed changes to the AC7200/1 Sealant Manufacturers and AC7202 Sealant Re-Packagers audit checklists.

A draft AC7200/1 Rev. C and Draft AC7202 Rev. C were created and the proposed changes were incorporated. The checklists will not be balloted at this time as more changes are expected.

PRI is working on implementing a job tracker into eAuditNet, as proposed by the Nadcap Management Council (NMC).The Job Tracker will pull data from select fields in the job audits. Auditors and Subscribers will be able to run reports and see which Subscriber parts, operators, and equipment were previously audited. The SLT TG reviewed other Task Groups job trackers. No additional work is required from the SLT TG concerning the job tracker at this time.

11.0Auditor Handbook review – open

There was a question from the last meeting if the handbook’s title could be changed?Each Task Group is required to have an audit handbook so the name should not be changed. The latest draft of the Sealant Audit Handbook was reviewed. Numerous changes were made to incorporate information from the October 2015 Auditor Conference and the newly developed auditor aids.

Action Item: K. Purnell to verify wording in Sealant Audit Handbook paragraph 5.0 does not conflict with the General Audit Handbook. (Due Date: 29Apr2016)

Action Item: K. Purnell clean up the wording and numbering in sections 5 to 8 in the Sealant Audit Handbook. (Due Date: 29Apr2016)

Action Item: K. Purnell, C. Kay and D. Cronshey to work together in revising section 11 of the Sealant Audit Handbook, including incorporating a blank Sealant Surveillance spreadsheet. (Due Date: 29Apr2016)

Action Item: K. Purnell, C. Kay and D. Cronshey to work together in refining the work instructions for using the Sealant Surveillance spreadsheet. (Due Date: 16May2016)

Action Item: K. Purnell to clean up and save the auditor Audit Preparation Materials into eAuditNet under Sealants, Audit Information. (Due Date: 29Apr2016)

Action Item: K. Purnell to incorporate the auditor Audit Preparation Materials at the end of the Sealant Audit Handbook. (Due Date: 29Apr2016)

Action Item: K. Purnell to e-mail Subscribers requesting unique sealant requirements 1 month before June 2016 Nadcap Meeting. (Due Date: 16May2016)

12.0audit failure criteria – open

Review Audit Failure Criteria, Single Year Data Compare to Multiple Years of Data

Audit failure criteria from 1 year, 2015, 2 years, 2014 and 2015 combined, 3 years, 2013, 2014, and 2015 combined, and 4 years, 2012 to 2015 combined, were reviewed. The reason for reviewing multiple years of data is the limited number of audits performed by the SLT Task Group. OP1110 paragraph states “New Task Groups are requested to define their failure criteria (Mode B) once a statistically valid number of audits (e.g. 32 audits) have been conducted or at the second anniversary of their checklist publication”. It required 3 years of Sealant audit data to exceed 32 audits.

Establish SLT Task Group Failure Criteria for 2016

SLT TG reviewed the above failure data and the number of Major NCR’s per day remained the same and matched the existing failure criteria when comparing data with greater than 32 audits. The number of total NCRs has gone upover time so the new failure criteria is as follows:for a one day reaccredaudit,three (3) Majors and six (6) Total NCRs; for a two day reaccredaudit,four (4) Major and ten (10) Total NCRs;for a two(2) day initial audit,four (4) Major and ten (10) Total NCRs. The 98th percentile number were used for calculating the failure criteria.

Motion made by M. Koucouthakis and seconded by R. Bove to accept the new failure criteria for initial and reaccreditation audits. Motion Passed Unanimously.

Action Item: K. Purnell to notify M. Graham of the SLT Task Group’s failure criteria for 2016. (Due Date: 14Mar2016)


The SLT TG Auditor Conference is expected to be on Sunday, 23-Oct-2016 from 10:15 am – 5:00 pm. Topics will include:

  • Most Common NCRs and NCR Data Analysis for Auditor Consistency (K. Purnell)
  • Auditor Feedback AC7200/1 and AC7202 (K. DeFranco and K. Purnell)
  • Auditor Handbook Review / Auditor Consistency (K. DeFranco and K. Purnell)
  • Audit Effectiveness (TBD)
  • Sealant Surveillance(K. DeFranco)
  • PRI Sealant QPG & G9 Update (K. DeFranco)
  • Review of Sealant Application Audit Checklist AC7129 (K. Purnell)
  • Question / Answer / Open Discussion Session (Subscribers and Auditors)

14.0Sealant Surveillance – open

At the October 2015 SLT TG meeting there was discussion concerning the value of the Sealant Surveillance program. It has been assumed that the surveillance program is working as intended because very few reports of problems from end users are being submitted. However, Surveillance Auditors have identified over 180 issues in 2015 during surveillance. These are divided into eighteen (18) different categories. Abrief summary of the issues identified during 2015 Sealant Surveillance:

ERROR CODES: / Occurrences
A) simple typo such as spelling, punctuation, decimal point, or transposition / 1
B) test result omitted / 3
C) wrong test result value reported / 95
D) calculation error
E) wrong time, temperature, relative humidity, or fluid used
F) wrong test procedure used
G) wrong batch / lot numbers / 2
H) test equipment out of tolerance
I) spec procedure not followed / 4
J) test report without correct date or signature missing / 51
K) wrong test specimen prep (size, shape, thickness or substrate)
L) calibration dates past due, stickers missing or certificates in error
M) test specimen(s) missing / 12
N) QA policy or procedure not followed
O) Failing test result / 10
P) Missing test document(s) / 3
Q) Wrong test requirement on TR or Lab Test Sheet / 1
R) Missing information on TR, Lab Test Sheet, or test document / 2

Suppliers should be tracking this information internally and working to reduce these issues. P. Shackley requested a list of the Sealant Surveillance issues associated with his company be emailed to him.

Action Item: Subscribers are to report any quality issues they are having with sealant to . (Due Date: ongoing)

Action Item: K. Purnell to email P. Shackley the list of the Sealant Surveillance issues associated with his company. (Due Date: 8-Apr-2016)


The SLT TG Reviewed the latest revision of OP 1117. Task Group requirements are:

  • Identify and maintain Task Group specific qualification and experience requirements in their OP-1116 “Auditor Staffing” Appendix. SLT TG Appendix addresses these needs.
  • Develop and maintain training modules for new auditors that are specific to the Task Group. SLT TG identified the need to create a list of training materials and where they are saved (SAE, eAuditNet, e.g.) and record in OP 1116 Appendix SLT.
  • Develop and maintain a system for open communication with auditors so they can provide/obtain information on a routine basis. SLT TG has a system for Open communication using Staff Engineer, Audit Advisories, and SLT TG forum.
  • Analyze the standard data set and any additional data as considered applicable on an annual basis and identify actions required to address concerns. SLT TG performs this on an annual basis.
  • Create and maintain an Auditor Observation Schedule and carry out Observations. SLT TG reviews the Observation schedule at each meeting. Observation Schedule Appendix A and B in OP 1117 is different than that currently used by the SLT TG. The SLT TG requested the Appendix A and B be combined with the existing schedule.
  • Identify and implement improvements in Task Group documents based on data analysis. SLT TG uses data analysis, Supplier, Subscriber and Auditor feedback for document improvement.
  • Provide an annual report to the PRI Oversight Committee facilitator by the first regularly scheduled Nadcap Meeting each year. SLT TG will provide the report yearly.
  • Update the Task Group’s “Dashboard” in eAuditNet prior to each Task Group Meeting. SLT TG is updating its dashboard prior to each meeting.
  • Provide Annual performance feedback to all auditors. SLT TG will provide annual performance feedback to all its auditors.
  • In addition to the requirements, each Task Group needs to consider the following:
  • The need for, and if required, develop/maintain Auditor proficiency assessments to determine the knowledge of Auditors for the processes in the scope of accreditation. Identified weaknesses shall be addressed by training or restriction of auditing scope. This is not required by the SLT TG.
  • The need for, and if agreed, maintain a Task Group specific appendix for the observation audit feedback form (t-frm-01). K. DeFranco will develop a SLT TG specific Auditor Observation form.

Action Item: K. Purnell to create a list of training materials and where they are saved (SAE, eAuditNet, e.g.) and record in OP 1116 Appendix SLT. (Due Date: 12-May-2016)

Action Item: K. Purnell to email Subscribers and Auditors instructions on accessing and use of the SLT TG Forum. (Due Date: 6-May-2016)

Action Item: K. DeFranco to develop a SLT TG Specific Auditor Observation Form for review at the June 2016 Nadcap meeting. (Due Date: 10-Jun-2016)

Action Item: K. Purnell to combine OP 1117 Auditor Observation Schedule Appendix A and B with the existing SLT TG Schedule form. (Due Date: 16-May-2016)

Action Item: K. Purnell to update the OP 1117 compliance spreadsheet with the requirements specified in the latest revision of OP1117 (Due Date: 29-Apr-2016)

16.0Slt task group initiatives – OPEN

SLT TG created the following list of activities and rated them as High (H), Medium (M), or Low (L) priority and if they are (A) Active, (N) Not Active, or (C) Closed. The list was created so the SLT TG maintains focus on its high priority tasks.

(H-A) Sealant Application Checklist – Scope is verifying the sealing activities are being performed correctly, number of suppliers to be audited, training program, certification program, Subscriber willingness to mandate. Sub team working on Subscribers that responded to survey. Follow SLT Application Move Forward Plan.