Research Program
/ Undergraduate Faculty Program / Undergraduatesummer school
6:45-8:15 / Breakfast (Moose and Miner Room at the Grub Steak Restaurant)
8:30-9:30 / Lecture: Demailly (Grand theater) / Developing Mathematics (begins at 8:15 each day) (Silver King 2-4) / Seminar: Garrity (Coalition 3)
9:30-9:40 / Break
9:40-10:40 / Problem Session (Tent) / Developing Mathematics continued
(Silver King 2-4) / Seminar:Holomorphic dynamics: a birational perspective; M. Jonsson(Grand Theater) / Advanced course:
Sidman (Coalition 1&2)
10:40-11:00 / Break
11:00-12:00 / Lecture: Hacon (Grand Theater) / Reflection on Teaching Practice
(Silver King 2-4) / Intro course;
Perkinson (Coalition 1&2)
12:00-1:00 / Lunch (PCMI Tent)
1:00-2:00 / Problem Session (Tent) / Working groups (various meeting rooms) / Course: Garrity (Coalition 1-2)
2:00-3:00 / Lecture: Varolin (Grand Theater) / Working groups continued / Advanced Course Office Hours ; Sidman (Coalition 3)
3:15-4:15 p.m. / Cross Program Activity
PCMI Film Festival Presentation of Julia Robinson and Hilbert's Tenth Problem (Grand Theater)
4:15-4:30 / Afternoon Tea (Foyer outside Grand Theater)
4:30-6:30 / 4:30 Session: TBA; (Silver King 2-4) / 4:30 Seminar:Q-conic bundles and the General Elephant Conjecture; S. Mori (Grand Theater) / 4:30 Seminar
(Coalition 3) / 4:30-5:30 Problem Session (Tent)
5:30-6:30 Problem Session (Tent)
6:30 p.m. / The Closing Dinner (PCMI Tent) [cash bar available as of 6:15 p.m.]
Today is a state holiday in Utah (Pioneer Day) – banks and state offices will be closed; the Post Office will be open.
LIBRARY BOOKSare due back no later than tomorrow at 12:00 noon.
DEPARTURE SHUTTLESmust be reconfirmed with Park City Transportation at least 24 hours ahead of time. See the message boards in the foyer for instructions.
Please take the PCMI Exit Survey online this week. There is a link on each desktop in the computer lab, or you can find it at:
Get’em while we still have your size and preferred color!
The 2008 PCMI T-Shirt is available in the PCMI office for $12.00 per shirt. Shirts from previous years are available at a discounted price (see the PCMI staff). Only cash and checks can be accepted as payment.
Cross Program Activities:
Today at 3:15 p.m.: PCMI Film Festival presentation: 2008 film by George Csicsery: "Julia Robinson and Hilbert's Tenth Problem". This film features a heroine driven by the quest to solve one of the central problems of modern mathematics. She rises above formidable obstacles to assume a leading role in her field. Julia Robinson was the first woman elected to the mathematical section of the National Academy of Sciences and the first woman to become president of the American Mathematical Society. While tracing Robinson's contribution to the solution of Hilbert's tenth problem, the film illuminates how her work lead to an unusual friendship between Russian and American colleagues at the height of the Cold War.
Tonight at 6:30 p.m.: The Closing Dinner . Please let Dena know if you are bringing family and how many. There will be a cash bar for beer and wine (you must be 21 years old to purchase alcohol).
Tomorrow at 3:15 p.m.: PCMI Film Festival presentation: 2008 film by George Csicsery: "Hard Problems: The Road to the World's Toughest Math Contest". "Hard Problems" is about the extraordinarily gifted students who represented the United States of America in 2006 at the world's toughest math competition --- the International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO). It is the story of six American high school students who competed with 500 others from 90 countries in Ljublijana, Slovenia. The film shows the dedication and perseverance of these remarkably talented students, the rigorous preparation they undertake, and the joy they get out of solving challenging problems. It captures the spirit that infuses the mathematical quest at the highest level.
Today in the Research Program:
9:40 Mattias Jonsson:
Title: Holomorphic dynamics: a birational perspective. Abstract: I will discuss how to construct invariant cohomology classes and currents for meromorphic maps of compact Kahler surfaces. No previous familiarity with complex dynamics will be
assumed or required.
4:30 Shigefumi Mori:
Title: Q-conic bundles and the General Elephant Conjecture