Shaw cum-Donnington Village Hall

Minutes of the meeting held on26thJuly2017

Present:Mrs G Lutterloch (Chair & WI) Mrs J Wood (Treasurer & Brownies), Mrs P Bartholomew (Cleaner), Mr C Mason (Caretaker), Mrs A Hayton (Pre-school), John Crisp (Julia Cosh),Mary Carter (Booking Clerk & Parish Council representative).Malcolm Edwards (Garden Club) Mary Davidson (Folk Dance representative)

  1. Apologies:
  2. Absent: A School Representative
  1. Minutes

The minutes of the meeting held onthe 28thJune 2017havingbeen circulated before the meeting were signed as being a true record.These are also held on the parish web site.

  1. Matters arising

We require an additional signaturefor Lloyds bank. Malcolm Edwards confirmedif he would fulfil this role.Mrs Wood will complete the paperwork. Action Mrs Wood. Any other matters will arise on the agenda.

  1. Cleaning and Maintenance Report

Mr Mason willlabel to show where the asbestos is situated in the hall. There are small spots within the two regular cupboards.Action Mr Mason.Mr Mason has sorted the tables and chairs allowing some storage in the cupboard. We have 121 chairs and 34 tables. Thank you. Will all users please put the chairs and tables as they found them. Thank you. The car park will be closed on Friday 28th to allow some maintenance to be completed. A new lock has been re fitted on the outside notice board; a doorbell has been fitted for the pre school use only.

Car Park

Mrs Wood will investigate the cost of producing vinyl car park window stickers.Action Mrs Wood

  1. Correspondence

Email messages received from Wendy Dacey, which are forwarded onto the committee.

  1. Booking Clerk report

Mrs Carter has updated our details on the parish web site. Julia Cosh will not hire the hall on Tuesdays throughout August.Newbury Art group have booked the 29th October and 9thSeptember is booked for the Garden Club. Previous bookings require their deposits returned. Action Mrs Wood.

  1. Treasurers report

The July2017 accounts were presented; they were accepted, proposed and seconded. A copy is held in the minute book. Mrs Wood completed a criteria of all hire charges, which will be discussed at a later meeting. The year-end accounts have now been audited.These will be presented at our AGM in October. We have received the re newal for the hall’s insurance from Norris Fisher, which will re new under the 3 year contract. We have received a refund from Thames Water, this occurred when we were changed water suppliers. Also we have received a reduction in our direct debits for both Gas and Electric. The Rainbow invoice remains outstanding. Mrs Wood will chase.

  1. Any other business.

The committee will ask the diocese to trim their hedgerow, which is overhanging into the car park. Action Mrs Wood.

Confirmation and clarification was sought from Mary Davidson regarding the music licences. All now resolved. Mr Edwards asked if the committee have looked into air conditioning as with the recent hot weather the hall became rather hot. Mrs lutterloch will look into this matter. The Pre School are renewing their shed, which gives an opportunity for any maintenance to be completed down the side of the hall.

Will all hall users ensure the hall is left clean, tidy and locked before they leave the premises.Thank you.

The next committeemeeting is

On WednesdaySeptember 27th 2017 at 7.30pm

Please would All regular users are provide a representative. Thank you