“Test Content” Questions Name ______

Domain V: Modern Era

pp. 80 – 94 (gold or yellow)

Answer the questions below while reading the packet.

  1. ______What is the name for the post-WWII birth rate increase?
  1. ______What was the name for the first master-planned community in the suburbs? It was built faster, cheaper and more efficiently than traditional housing.
  1. ______What was the purpose of the Interstate Hwy Act?
  1. _____By the 1950s, what brought news & entertainment into the living rooms of most Americans?
  1. ______Why was John Kennedy’s performance in the first televised Presidential debates perceived as more favorable than Nixon’s considering that Nixon was more knowledgeable about foreign policy and other topics?
  1. ______How did TV news coverage help the civil rights movement?
  1. ______How did air conditioning change business?
  1. ______How did the Soviet launch of Sputnik, the first artificial satellite, affect America?
  1. ______Who was the first African American to play for a major league baseball team?
  1. ______What did Harry Truman do to further civil rights?
  1. ______What Supreme Court case declared an end to the “Separate but equal” laws?
  1. ______What did President Eisenhower do to force integration at Central High School in Little Rock, AR?
  1. ______What was the message in MLK Jr’s “Letter from Birmingham Jail”?
  1. ______What law prohibited discrimination based on race, religion, national origin & gender?
  1. ______What law prohibited the literacy test as a requirement for voting?
  1. ______What Supreme Court case established that police must inform suspects of their constitutional rights at the time of an arrest?
  2. ______What is the name for President Johnson’s program to give all Americans a better standard of living and greater economic opportunities regardless of their background? Medicare (healthcare for the poor) was part of this program.

Match the events of 1968:

  1. _____ Tet Offensivea. Killed the night he won the California and SD

presidential primaries

  1. _____ Assassination of MLK, Jr.b. Coordinated Vietcong attack on S. Vietnamese

towns, American air bases and the U. S. embassy

  1. _____ Assassination of Robert Kennedyc. Police violently beat antiwar protesters on live

TV outside this meeting

  1. _____ Democratic National Conventiond. Caused riots in over 100 cities but resulted in the

passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1968, which

prevented discrimination in housing

  1. ______What was/is the purpose of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC)?
  1. ______SNCC’s (Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee) original goal was change through nonviolence. What was their later philosophy?
  1. ______What were some of the methods used to protest the war in Vietnam?
  1. ______What were 3 goals of the National Organization of Women?
  1. ______Name the organization and its leader that created a nationwide boycott of California grapes in the 60s. It forced the grape growers to negotiate a contract with the workers.
  1. ______What was the name of Rachel Carson’s 1962 book that exposed dangers to the environment and helped to create the environmental movement?
  1. ______What yearly event was created to help raise awareness on environmental issues?
  1. ______Name the government organization set up to set limits on pollution, conduct environmental research, and assist in the cleanup of polluted sites.
  1. ______Name the Senator and 1964 Presidential candidate that led the conservative movement. He believed that the federal govt. should not try to fix social and economic problems.
  1. ______Name the conservative elected President in 1968. He wanted to replace Johnson’s Great Society with New Federalism which gave responsibility for social programs to the state and local govts.
  2. ______What 1973 Supreme Court case legalized abortion?
  1. ______What 1978 Supreme Court case ruled that race can be used when considering applicants to colleges but racial quotas cannot? It also protected affirmative action programs.
  1. ______What country did President Nixon visit in 1971? He sought scientific, cultural, and trade agreements.
  1. ______Why did Nixon resign from the Presidency?
  1. ______Who pardoned Nixon and succeeded him in the Presidency?
  1. ______What was the name for the peace agreement between Egypt and Israel and negotiated by Pres. Carter in 1978?
  1. ______What did Iranian Revolutionaries do when Pres. Carter let their former Shah enter America for medical treatment?
  1. ______What conservative economic policy included budget cuts, tax cuts, and increased defense spending in the 1980s?
  1. ______What was the name for the scandal where Reagan officials sold weapons to Iran and then used the profits to fund a rebellion in Nicaragua?
  1. ______What happened to the Soviet Union when Reagan was President?
  1. ______What was the name for the American and Canadian agreement with Mexico which encouraged trade?
  1. ______What was the result (verdict) of President Clinton’s impeachment (charges of perjury and obstruction of justice)?
  1. ______What was unusual about the 2000 Presidential Election (Gore v Bush)?
  1. ______Who attacked America on Sept. 11, 2001?
  1. ______What cabinet department was created during the Bush (43) administration?
  1. ______What was the name for the American military invasion of Afghanistan to defeat al-Qaeda which was being protected by the Taliban (Afghan govt.) ?
  1. ______What was the name for the American and British military invasion of Iraq? We were looking for WMD that we feared Saddam Hussein would sell to terrorists.