WorldCat Resource
Sharing Staff View Training Guide
Patron Views Training Guide
To properly set up the patron view for interlibrary loan capabilities, libraries must first access the FirstSearch Administrative Module, at .
Remember that when you make changes, you must think about how the change will affect not only your patrons, but staff use as well. For example, changing passwords and default databases will affect both patrons and staff.
Important features in the FirstSearch Administrative Module regarding efficient use of patron interlibrary loan capabilities and other services are:
Authentication/Access Tab = Database Access; Passwords; IP Address Recognition
Resource Sharing Tab = Patron ILL Settings; Staff ILL Settings (Constant Data)
Interface Display Tab = Search Settings; Your Library Settings
Database Access
On this screen you may choose which databases you allow access to, by checking the small box in the Access column. Not checking the box will mean that access is not allowed for that particular database and the database will not be listed as a choice in the FirstSearch service interface. OCLC will have already turned on access to all the databases you have access to.
You may also select a default database to appear whenever patrons log on to FirstSearch. Choose to default to the Illinois Catalog to allow patrons to search not only Illinois holdings, but also the entire WorldCat database, from a single database.
Make sure you click on Save Changes, when edits have been made on any screen in the FirstSearch Administrative Module.
You may also choose to password protect full text databases if you allow your patrons to access any per-search account. ILLINET libraries may purchase access to additional databases in subscription and/or per-search formats. There are 500 searches in each block of per-search purchases. Each time a search is performed, one search is taken away from the block of searches. Each time an article is emailed or viewed online, five searches are taken away.
Password protection of full text databases allows libraries to keep tighter control of the amount of searches used. When trying to access a full text article, patrons are told that the full text article they want to access is password protected, and to contact their library. Library staff may then make a determination on whether to allow access or not.
IP Address Recognition
Libraries are not allowed to post their authorization and password on a public web site. Libraries are also not allowed to set up automatic access from a public web site unless some form of online patron authentication is in place. Instead, use IP Address Recognition.
IP Address Recognition lets your patrons click a link on your library's web site and access FirstSearch automatically without entering the FirstSearch authorization number and password. Once you’ve established your IP Address (or range of addresses), enter the information in the format shown in the examples.
OCLC will update the information that evening. The next day, patrons may begin to login using the IP’s you set up. Make sure you point the link to !
You may also link directly to databases and bypass the initial FirstSearch home screen. Detailed information on IP Address Recognition may be found by clicking on Help, and at
Libraries are allowed to give the URL, authorization and password to patrons for use from home (this is called “remote usage”). IP Address Recognition does not stop patrons from accessing FirstSearch from a location outside the library. Remote users can access FirstSearch manually.
Resource Sharing
Patron ILL Settings
ILL Processing
This section allows you to view and select options for providing interlibrary loan access for your patrons.
ILL Access determines whether or not you will allow your patrons to have interlibrary loan access. You may also determine ILL settings for individual databases.
OCLC ILL Review File will force all patron-initiated ILL requests to be sent directly to the OCLC Request Manager under a category called Review. All pertinent bibliographic information will be present, as well as patron information, which can set via the Patron ILL Request Form.
OCLC ILL Direct Request Profile allows unmediated patron-initiated ILL. This feature is explained in detail in the Advanced WorldCat Resource Sharing Training Guide.
ILL Via Email is only for those libraries that are not OCLC members. Patrons may send an ILL request using the Patron ILL Request Form to a library-supplied email address. All pertinent bibliographic information will be present, as well as patron information.
ILL Access off allows you to deny patron ILL functionality for a particular database. Tip: turn off ILL access for those databases that provide full text articles.
WorldCat ILL Access
You may determine the type of documents you will allow your patrons to interlibrary loan. Those not checked will not be allowed ILL access. ILL is turned on by default for all document types except Archival Materials and Internet Resources.
For help on the definitions of WorldCat document types, click on the question mark (?) next to the “Search Help” box on the upper right corner of your screen. Help is context sensitive when you click on the question mark (?).
Patron ILL Request Form
You may customize the Patron ILL Request form to suit you’re the needs of your staff and patrons.
Persistence: your patrons’ ILL information (name, address, etc.) is carried over from one ILL request to the next, if they have more than one request and as long as they’re in the same session. However, if the patron does not exit properly and the session has not timed out, it is entirely possible that another patron will see the previous patron’s information if they also initiate an ILL request.
You can decide how you want to view the patron’s name in the Request Manager and have a library note displayed when a patron accesses the interlibrary loan feature.
You can decide which fields are required to be filled out, displayed to the patron and modifiable by the patron.
Any field that is required must also be modifiable and displayed to the patronYou may have a field displayed to the patron (see State/Region/Prov. in above screen shot), but not modifiable by patron, or you may choose to have the field both displayed and modified, so that the patron can supply information in the ILL request.
You may decide that the patron must select a department or branch or choose their patron status so that you can collect information for statistical purposes. You may also allow patrons to choose from different pick-up locations. Click on the links to add department, branches, status or pick-up locations. The patron will be able to access a drop down list of your pre-determined choices.
The Comments field is a field for the patron to send a comment to the library regarding their request.
This is an example of what the ILL form for patrons looks like in FirstSearch. You can easily check the form by clicking on the FirstSearch Service link at the top of the screen in the FirstSearch Administrative Module. Enter a search so that a single record appears (or select a record from the results screen), and then click the ILL icon to view your patron ILL form.
The fields with an asterisk are required fields. Requests will be sent automatically to the Request Manager for staff review.
ILL Request Management
Use the ILL Request Managementscreen to determine which request management options will be available to your patrons.
Select whether or not the Cancel and Renew options will display for your patrons. The default is set to display, so de-select the checkboxes if you prefer that your patrons do not have the ability to cancel and/or renew their requests from FirstSearch.
If you want the due date to display, select the Due Date Display Option and a relative date of 0 to 4 days.
These options will appear on the My Requestslink under the tab called Resource Sharing that is available in the patron view.
Staff ILL Settings
It is imperative that you link your OCLC interlibrary loan authorization(s) with your FirstSearch authorization. Doing so allows ILL staff to automatically access the Staff View in WorldCat Resource Sharing. If the authorization(s) are not linked, staff will have to manually log on to the staff view every time they access WorldCat Resource Sharing.
All interlibrary loan and FirstSearch authorizations are listed for you and shows whether or not authorizations have been linked.
Staff ILL Settings
Constant Data
You can create Constant Data records for patrons who are heavy interlibrary loan users. The patron’s name will display to the lending library. The remainder is confidential and is viewed only by the borrowing library.
Interface Display
Search Settings
OCLC sets the default search screen for patrons to Basic. Most libraries default to Advanced, which allows patrons to easily limit searches using a variety of qualifiers.
Check the Related Searches box if you want to provide the Find Related feature. This feature appears near the top of the List of Records screen in FirstSearch.
Check the Saved Searches box if you want to provide the Save Search. The feature appears near the top of the List of Records screen in FirstSearch.
Your Library Settings
Provide up to 3 links that lead from FirstSearch to web pages that you choose. The following links have been automatically set up for you by OCLC: Find-it Illinois, Illinois State Library Catalog and Ask Away (Virtual Reference). You are free to change the links to sites that best suit your needs; for example, you may wish to change the links to your library's home page, your online catalog, your city web site, etc.
When a patron clicks on a link, the linked web site appears. FirstSearch adds a heading and Return button above the page so the patron can easily return to FirstSearch.
Icon’s (Logo)
You can add your library's logo to the FirstSearch service by typing the URL of the logo's image file. For best results, the logo's image should be 120 pixels wide and 60-to-100 pixels high.
The URL of the logo's image file must begin with and include the complete address of the file. The file must be located where patrons of your FirstSearch account can access it. Type in the box provided for the URL. Click the “Test” button at the bottom of the screen to see a sample library logo.
Library Holdings
Choosing a default for library holdings limits viewing of holdings to just that library group. It’s best to keep the default set at “System Default”. Rules for the System Default holdings option:
If / ThenMore than 20 libraries hold the item and 10 or more are located in your location (U.S. state, Canadian province, other country, or other location). / The system displays holdings information for libraries in your location.
More than 20 libraries hold the item and fewer than 10 are located in your location but 10 or more are located in your region. / The system displays holdings information for libraries in your region.
20 or fewer libraries hold the item or more than 20 libraries hold the item but fewer than 10 are located in your location or region. / The system displays all holdings information.
To allow patrons to view all WorldCat holdings, the “Display All Libraries” function must be turned on. To allow patrons to view your union list data for serials you own and have updated using OCLC’s Unions List service, make sure you’ve turned on “Display My Union List Data in FirstSearch”. You may also choose to allow patrons to search only your library, and display the name of your library.
Group Union Catalog
When patrons choose Illinois Catalog from the list of databases, aLimit to field appears that displays a default search group within Illinois. Patrons can also choose to search a different group or type of library, or libraries worldwide.
OCLC automatically chose a geographic Default Search Group for ILLINET/OCLC libraries; however, you may change the default and also manipulate the order in which the groups are displayed.
Patron View
Interlibrary Loan Process
Patrons can enter the FirstSearch service manually, or if you have set up IP Address Recognition, by clicking on the appropriate icon from the desktop of your public access terminals. You can manipulate the IP URL to direct patrons to the FirstSearch home screen, or to particular databases.
Reminder: when patrons access the Illinois Catalog, the “Limit to” feature allows them to choose from all Illinois libraries, libraries arranged geographically, types of libraries, and at the bottom of the list, libraries worldwide.
When patrons access FirstSearch, they’ll also see links to the web catalogs you’ve chosen to link to in the upper right corner of the screen, along with the name of your library. Clicking on the links will take them directly to that service. A return button will be present so that they navigate back to FirstSearch.
When patrons enter a search and choose a record, they’ll see a link to “Libraries that Own item” within the record. They may also choose the “Libraries” icon at the upper left portion of the screen, or choose “Libraries” from a list of records. All three options allow them to view the list of libraries that own the item. There is also a link to search the catalog at your library.
If your library owns the item and have cataloged the item in WorldCat, an icon showing that you own the item also appears within the bibliographic record and in the list of records retrieved.
If a patron first checks the availability of the item for a particular library, shelf status and call number will be displayed.
Notice at the top of the screen, a timeout session is counting down; the title of the book and the ISBN is present, along with a return button, so that the patron can return to FirstSearch
Patrons will see the title of the record they’ve chosen appear at the top of the list of libraries. Clicking on Record for Item will take them to the bibliographic record, which appears at the bottom of the screen after the list of libraries.
They may also click on Display All Libraries to view libraries worldwide.
If they wish to interlibrary loan the item, they must click on the ILL icon at the top left portion of the screen.
After the ILL request form is filled out and submitted by the patron, they will receive a message that their request was sent successfully. Reminder: the request will appear in the Request Manager under the category of “Review”.
Note: if your library owns the item and has cataloged the item in OCLC, notices will appear to the patron that you own the item. However, OCLC will not stop the patron from placing and interlibrary loan request.
This is an example of a serial search done for National Geographic. When a serial search is performed local holdings information is displayed. This data is available because the local data for the item has been updated using the OCLC Union List service.
Reminder: no matter the type of material, if your library owns the item and have cataloged the item in WorldCat, your library will be listed first in the list of libraries.
In the list of records retrieved and within the bibliographic record, a library icon and the name of your library is displayed, indicating that you own the item.
Resource Sharing Staff View
Using the Request Manager To Review Patron Requests
Notice “Work in Progress” in the Borrowing column has a Review record.
Click on the number under the QTY column to bring the record(s) up. From the review record, you may display the bibliographic data and perform a search in staff view mode to determine who owns the item and complete an ILL workform.
Patrons may create a user account that allows them to manage their requests (if you’ve turned those features on in the FirstSearch Administrative Module). Patrons must first complete a New User Registration form.