Date & Time / Wednesday, March 22, 2017 6:30pm
Location / Room:HG5
Attendees / Dustin Silberling, Shannon Silberling, Cheryl Livingston, Ben Mawson, Lenoare Mays, Will Hightower, Karen Nowlan, Tracy Bendle, Scott Williams, Julie Moriyama, Cliff Moriyama, Jamie Spagner
Minutes / Action Items
Call to Order:
- Shannon called the meeting to order @ 6:34pm.
- Approval of Minutes:
- Feb 2017 minutes – motion to approve by Julie; 2nd by Dustin; all in favor.
- Financial Report:
Football is in the negative until the next season begins; Basketball is in the positive.
Sober/Sr. Grad account is growing; almost at $13k. Tickets are $75 thru the end of this month; $95 as of 04/01.
Paypal update – A “refunded payment” message went out, therefore the website was out of commission for 1 day. Dustin will put the site back up tonight.
Square update – Not doing it at this time; will use as a backup to Paypal.
Motion to approve by Dustin; 2nd by Tracy; all in favor.
- Membership Report:
- Nothing to report
- Committee Reports:
- Communications/Webmaster –Dustin
Need club pictures/content to add to the website. Dustin will update site asap.
Email accounts that were requested have been set up; however Dustin is still working on them to make sure everything works.
- Senior grad night – Karen
Disney tickets were supposed to be mailed
Awaiting $500 check from the City of Elk Grove.
Shannon arranged a Sober grad night event on 04/25.
Karen needs to resign effective today, but will keep tracking tickets. Julie will help takeover fundraisers.
Julie requested an email be sent through schoolloop regarding the need for chaperones; 3 people per shift for 3 stations. Shift times will be 2-1/2 to 3 hours. Need 8-10 parents; Karen has 2 volunteers + herself. Dustin will come. Need people to decorate before the event.
DJ update- 1 no response; 1 maybe response; Scott has a DJ (Dave from102) charges $1800.
Still need 50 kids to sign up to break even.
Need sponsors to pay for go carts; $1900.
Shannon stated MADD doesn’t have money to sponsor.
Nugget is donating a $100 gift card; Freebird and Corner Bakery are donating gift baskets.
- Wolfpack Wednesday (WPW) – Scott
Looking at Chipotle for April; date TBD based on their new manager.
Will confirm what club has April and email this information.
Chick-filet will send a cow to the school. Shannon will post to Facebook whatever Scott puts on twitter.
- Directors Report:
- Julie - Coach Roth is retiring the end of the year
- Dustin –No fundraiser requests. Let clubs know boosters has a new website.
- Other Business:
- Fireworks
Cliff interested in helping out with general organization.
Let Julie know if interested in being on the committee and notify Todd.
Ben will order the container; should be the same location as last year.
Release of scripts would be beneficial. Get all clubs in at the same time if they want to sell scripts.
TBD who will contact TNT to see if they can pre-sale scripts so Track teams can sale at their May banquet.
- Mr. Hightower – Football Coach/AP Psych Teacher
Vision – incoming Freshman who are identified as athlete will have access to an athletic program that will be consistent and prepare them for the next step.
Athletic Director is in favor of the program as well as a lot of other staff.
Equipment needs to be replaced.
Need a consistent budget.
He’ll be the go-between, and is looking for ideas.
Got input from booster members on ideas to fund the program.
- Scott brought in the embroider of the logo. All voted to have it put on a gray shirt.
- Elections:
- N/A
Meeting adjourned @ 7:33pm by Shannon / Next meeting- April 19, 2017 6:30pm.