Shanghai Urban Environment Project APL2

Procurement Plan

June 2, 2005

1. Project information

Country: People’s Republic of China

Borrower: The Government of People’s Republic of China

Project Name: Shanghai Urban Environment Project APL2

Loan/ No.:

Project ID No. P075732

Project Implementing Agency (PIA):

Procurement activities will be carried out by the APL Project Management Office (PMO) under SHDRC, and the several agencies described below:

Component / Project Implementing Units/Project Agencies
Shanghai wastewater management / Shanghai Municipal Sewerage Company Ltd. (SMSC)
Urban water supply works and pipelines / Shanghai Municipal Waterworks South Co Ltd (SMWS)
Shanghai urban solid waste management / Shanghai Chengtou Environment Industry Development Co. Ltd. (CEIDC), and Shanghai City Appearance & Environmental Sanitation Bureau (SCAESAB)
Urban District Financing Vehicle (DFV) / Shanghai Chengtou Environmental Asset Management Co. Ltd. (CEAM)
Technical assistance / Individual PIUs
Overall coordination / APL PMO supported by Shanghai Water & Environment Construction Co. Ltd. (SWEC)

2. The procurement plan for the project was agreed between Shanghai Municipal Goverment and the Bank in mid December 2004, and revised in March and June 2005. The Procurement Plan will be updated in agreement with the Bank’s Project Team annually or as required to reflect the project implementation needs and changes in institutional capacity.

3. Bank’s approval Date of the procurement Plan [Original : June 2, 2005; Revision 1:…]

4. Date of General Procurement Notice: December 2004

5. Period covered by this procurement plan: March 2005 – September 2010

Table A: Thresholds for Procurement Methods and Prior Review

Expenditure Category / Contract Value Thresholds
(US$) / Procurement Method / Contracts Subject to Prior Review
(US$ )
1. Works / Above $10 million
Less than $10 million
Less than $100,000 / ICB
Shopping / All
2. Goods / Above $500,000
Less than $500,000
Less than $100,000 / ICB
Shopping / All
3. Services / Above $200,000 (Firms)
$200,000 or less
Individual / QBS/QCBS
Other: Section V of the Guidelines / All
TORs only
All TORs, & contracts above $100,000

In addition, the first contract to be procured by each agency for each type of procurement method, would, regardless of contract value, be subject to prior review.

Short lists composed entirely of national consultants. Short lists of consultants for services estimated to cost less than $300,000 equivalent per contract may be composed entirely of national consultants in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 2.7 of the Consultant Guidelines.


Table B Contract Packages

Contract Package / Description of Items / Base Cost (Millions RMB) / Procurement Method / Pre-Quali-
fication / Domestic Preference / Review By Bank / Expected
Bid-Opening / Comments
Urban Municipal Solid Waste Management - Implementation: SCAESAB and Shanghai Chengtou
SCAESAB Project: Technical Assistance Service Contracts
USW.50.1 / Comparative Study on Impact of Various Treatment Technologies / 0.8 / QCBS/QBS / N / N / Prior / 6/06
USW.50.2 / External Monitoring of Environmental Management Plan / 0.6 / NBF / N / N/A / N/A / 12/05
Subtotal Technical Assistance / 1.4
Urban Municipal Solid Waste Management - Implementation: Shanghai Chengtou
Open Site Closure: Civil Works
USW.2.1 / Minhang Open Dump Site Closure / 24.5 / NCB/NBF / N / N / Prior / 12/05 / Review Reqd
USW.2.2 / Gucun Open Dump Site Closure / 18.5 / NCB/NBF / N / N / Prior / 12/05 / Review Reqd
Subtotal civil works / 43.0
Open Site Closure: Materials & Equipment
USW.20.1 / MIS/ Equipment Shanghai Chengtou / 7.0 / ICB / N / Y / Prior / 3/06
USW.20.2 / Waste Composition Study Equipment / 4.2 / ICB / N / Y / Prior / 3/06
Subtotal Materials and Equipment / 11.2
Construction management & Supervision
USW.40.1 / Construction Management & Supervision / 1.1 / QCBS/QBS/CQS / N / Prior / 12/06
Total Urban Solid Waste Management - Open Site Closure / 56.7
Engineering / and Management / 2.2 / NBF / N / N/A / N/A
Contract Package / Description of Items / Base Cost (Millions RMB) / Procurement Method / Pre-Quali-
fication / Domestic Preference / Review By Bank / Expected
Bid-Opening / Comments
Urban Wastewater Management - Implementation: SMSC
North West Drainage Area Waste Water Management: Civil Works
UWW. 1.1 / 3 Pumping Station / 18.0 / NCB / N / N / Post / 6/06
UWW.1.2 / Network : Xincun Road to Zoumatang / 54.3 / NCB / N / N / Post / 12/05
UWW.1.3 / Network : Zoumatang to Yunzaobang / 67.8 / NCB / N / N / Post / 12/05
UWW.1.4 / Network :Yunzaobang to Fujin road / 67.7 / NCB / N / N / Post / 3/06
UWW.1.5 / Network :Fujin road to Yueluo road / 36.7 / NCB / N / N / Post / 3/06
UWW.1.6 / Network :Yueluo road to Shidongkou / 70.3 / NCB / N / N / Post / 6/06
UWW.1.7 / Network: Branch Pipe Reconstruct / 44.2 / NCB / N / N / Post / 9/06
UWW.1.8 / Decommissioning (zone A & B) / 50.0 / NCB / N / N / Post / 9/07
UWW.1.9 / Link Sewers / 20.0 / NCB / N / N / Post / 12/07 +
UWW.1.10 / Remediation of old Sewer / 33.0 / NCB / N / N / Post / 6/08 +
Subtotal civil works / 462.0
North West Drainage Area Waste Water Management: Materials and Equipment
UWW.10.1 / Equipment for Pumping Station / 45.1 / ICB / N / Y / Prior / 12/06
UWW.10.2 / Telemetry / 8.4 / ICB / N / Y / Prior / 3/07
Subtotal Materials and Equipment / 53.5
Land Acquisition and resettlement
Land Acquisition and Resettlement for North West Trunk / 711.2 / NBF / N / N/A / N/A
Total North West Drainage Area Waste Water Management / 1,226.7
Contract Package / Description of Items / Base Cost (Millions RMB) / Procurement Method / Pre-Quali-
fication / Domestic Preference / Review By Bank / Expected
Bid-Opening / Comments
Wastewater Sludge Treatment Facilities
Bailonggang Sludge Treatment Work: Civil Works
UWW. 2.1 / Site preparation / 3.6 / NCB / N / N / Post / 3/06
UWW.2.2 / Two Stage Bidding (Digestor, Sludge drying system, related equipment , 2 years extended operation period) / 480.3 / ICB / N / N / Prior / 9/06
Subtotal civil works / 483.9
Total Bailonggang Sludge Treatment Plant / 483.9
Zhuyuan Sludge Treatment Work: Civil Works
UWW. 3.1 / Dock for Sludge Transport / 19.9 / NCB / N / N / Post / 6/06
UWW.3.2 / Two Stage Bidding (Digestor, Sludge drying system, related equipment , 2 years extended operation period) / 413.2 / ICB / Prior / 9/06
Subtotal civil works / 433.1
Zhuyuan Sludge Treatment Work: Materials and Equipment
UWW.30.1 / Equipment for Sludge Dock / 2.0 / NCB / N / Y / Post
Subtotal Material & Equipment / 2.0
Total Zhuyuan Sludge Treatment Plant / 435.1
Construction management & Supervision
UWW.40.1 / Construction Management & Supervision - Urban wastewater / 21.5 / QCBS / N / N / Prior / 12/05
SMSC Network Wastewater Management: Services
UWW.50.1 / Current Asset Rehabilitation Strategic study (wastewater) / 4.1 / QCBS/QBS / N / N / Prior / 9/06
UWW.50.2 / Support of Water Source Protection Program Design / 4.1 / QCBS/QBS / N / N / Prior / 3/07
UWW.50.3 / Core City Waste Management Strengthening Sector / 4.1 / QCBS / N / N / Prior / 12/06
UWW.50.4 / Study on Social Participation in the Wastewater Sector Financing / 1.6 / QCBS/QBS/CQS / N / N / Prior / 3/07
UWW.50.5 / Study on Management Options regarding Storm Water / 4.1 / QCBS / N / N / Prior / 6/07
UWW.50.6 / Advanced Management & Operations of Wastewater Plants / 3.3 / QCBS/QBS / N / N / Prior / 9/07
UWW.50.7 / External Monitoring of Environmental Management Plan / 0.6 / NBF / N / N/A / N/A / 1/06
UWW.50.8 / External Monitoring of Resettlement Action Plan / 4.2 / NBF / N / N/A / N/A / 1/06
Subtotal Services / 26.1
Engineering / and Management / 51.7 / NBF / N / N/A / N/A / N/A
Contract Package / Description of Items / Base Cost (Millions RMB) / Procurement Method / Pre-Quali-
fication / Domestic Preference / Review By Bank / Expected
Bid-Opening / Comments
Urban Water Supply Management - Implementation: Shanghai South (Shinan) Water Company
Qingpu network extension - Civil works
UWS.2.1 / Huaxing Pumping station / 18.8 / NBF / N / N/A / N/A / N/A
UWS.2.2 / Linkong pumping station / 3.0 / NBF / N / N/A / N/A / N/A
UWS.2.3 / Network extension in Huaqingping - 11.02 Km / 44.7 / NCB/RAF / N / N / Post / 5/05
UWS.2.4 / Network extension in Beiqing – 5.59 Km / 21.2 / NCB/RAF / N / N / Post / 5/05
UWS.2.5 / Network extension in Jidi & Jihe - 6.67 Km / 16.7 / NCB/RAF / N / N / Post / 7/05
UWS.2.6 / Network extension in Xin feng & Hua Xu - 4.5 Km / 13.2 / NCB/RAF / N / N / Post / 7/05
UWS.2.7 / Network extension in Xujiang – 16.1 Km / 49.1 / NCB/RAF / N / N / Post / 7/05
UWS.2.8 / Network extension in Huaxiang – 18.11 Km / 54.6 / NCB/RAF / N / N / Post / 9/05
UWS.2.9 a-z / Neighborhood network rehabilitation program (Multiple Contracts) / 106.6 / OBP/NCB/Shopping / N / N / Post / 9/05 +
Subtotal civil works / 327.9
Qingpu network extension: Materials and Equipment
UWS.20.1 / Huaxiang Pumping station / 19.2 / ICB/RAF / N / Y / Prior / 10/05
UWS.20.2 / Linkong pumping station / 11.9 / ICB/RAF / N / Y / Prior / 4/05 ACT
UWS.20.9 / Purchasing and installation of meters / 3.4 / NCB/RAF / N / Y / Post / 10/05
UWS.20.10 / Telemetry for network extension / 1.1 / NBF / N / N/A / N/A / 3/06
Subtotal Materials and Equipment / 35.6
Land Acquisition and Resettlement
Land Acquisition and Resettlement for Huaxiang and Linkong Pumping station / 59.0 / NBF / N / N/A / N/A / N/A
Subtotal Land Acquisition and Resettlement / 59.0
Total Qingpu network extension / 422.5
UWS.40.1a / Construction Management & Supervision / 4.0 / NBF / N / N/A / N/A / 5/05 Actual
UWS.40.1b / Construction Management & Supervision / 1.5 / CQS / N / N/A / Prior / 7/05
Subtotal Services / 5.5
Urban Water Supply Component: Technical Assistance
UWS.50.1 / Network Model Augmentation and On-line Simulation / 5.0 / QCBS / N / N / Prior / 6/06
UWS.50.2 / Network Rehabilitation (Maintenance) Technology Study / 1.6 / CQS / N / N / Prior / 12/05
UWS.50.3 / External Monitoring of Environmental Management Plan / 0.1 / NBF / N / N/A / N/A / 6/05
UWS.50.4 / External Monitoring of Resettlement Action Plan / 0.9 / NBF / N / N/A / N/A / 6/05
Subtotal Technical Assistance / 7.6
Engineering / and Management / 12.9 / NBF / N / N/A / N/A
Total Urban Water Supply Management – SHINAN / 448.5
Contract Package / Description of Items / Base Cost (Millions RMB) / Procurement Method / Pre-
cation / Domestic
Preference / Review by Bank / Expected Bid-Opening / Comments
District Financing Vehicle - DFV - Implementation: CEAM
Comprehensive Sub-Projects:
DFV.1.1 / Chengqiao (Chongming) WWTP (phase 1) / 155.7 / NCB/ICB / N / N / Post / 6/06
DFV.1.2 / Chongming Landfill / 69.5 / NCB/ICB / N / N / Post / 3/06
DFV.1.3 / Huaxin (Qingpu) WWTP & Collection System / 126.3 / NCB/ICB/RAF / N / N / Post / 8/06
DFV.1.4 / Jinshan Solid Waste Transfer and collection / 41.9 / NCB/ICB/RAF / N / N / Post / 3/06
DFV.1.5 / To be decided / under preparation / To be decided / Post
DFV.1.6 / To be decided / under preparation / To be decided / Post
Subtotal DFV Goods and Civil Works / 393.4
Land Acquisition and Resettlement
Chengqiao (Chongming) WWTP (phase 1) / 33.8 / NBF / N / N/A / N/A
Chongming Landfill / 28.8 / NBF / N / N/A / N/A
Huaxin (Qingpu) WWTP & Collection System / 2.6 / NBF / N / N/A / N/A
Jinshan Solid Waste Transfer and collection / 3.4 / NBF / N / N/A / N/A
To be decided / under preparation / To be decided
To be decided / under preparation / To be decided
Total Land Acquisition / 68.6
Construction management & Supervision – DFV Project
DFV. 2.1 / Construction Management & Supervision and Design / 48.0 / NBF / N / N/A / N/A
Subtotal Construction management & Supervision and Design / 48.0
District Financing Vehicle - Comprehensive Projects: Technical Assistance & Training
DFV.50.1 / Training Programs for CEAM and District professionals / 2.5 / QCBS/RAF / N / N / Prior / 3/06+
DFV.50.2 / Framework Papers & Background reports to assist CEAM's / 2.5 / QCBS/CQS/RAF / N / N / Prior / 6/06
Subtotal Technical Assistance & Training / 5.0
Engineering / and Management / 2.2 / NBF / N / N/A / N/A
Total DFV / 517.2
Contract Package / Description of Items / Base Cost (Millions RMB) / Procurement Method / Pre-
cation / Domestic
Preference / Review by Bank / Expected Bid-Opening / Comments
Comprehensive / Studies - Implementation: Shanghai Municipal Government (SMG)
IST.10.1 / A Comprehensive study of Shanghai's Metropolitan (regional) Development / 2.8 / QCBS / N / N / Prior / 7/06
IST.10.2 / Global Megacity Infrastructure Performance Comparison Study / 1.2 / QC/CQS / N / N / Prior / 3/06
IST.10.3 / Other Urban Development Studies / 2.0 / NBF / N/A / N/A / N/A / Ongoing
Comprehensive Institutional Strengthening & Training / 6.0
Description of Items / Base Cost (Millions RMB)
NOTE: Base Cost (i.e. excluding Physical & Price Contingencies)
QCBS / Quality Cost Based Selection
QBS / Quality Based Selection
NCB / National Competitive Bidding
ICB / International Competitive bidding
NBF / Non Bank Financed
OBP / Output Based Procurement
SMSC / Shanghai Municipal Sewerage Company
SHINAN / Shanghai South Waterworks Company
SCAESAB / Shanghai City Appearance & Environmental Sanitation Administration Bureau
UDIC / Urban Development Investment Corporation
DFV / District Financing Vehicle
SWA / Shanghai Water Authority
RAF / Retro Active Financing Proposed
CQS / Consultant Quality Selection