Updated Revised Audit-LP-C1-Hazardous Communications Programs in place for the Maintenance Department?

______GM Signature


Points 4

The Island Hospitality's Hazard Communication Program is in place at the hotel.

The MSDS Book meets the plan standard and is updated every time a new chemical is added to the property and audited monthly. MSDS must have a chemical inventory (table of contents).

All employees are trained in the proper use of chemicals. Training documentation must be present. Employee training Must occur within 30 days of hire or prior to working with chemicals unsupervised (whichever comes first) and training MUST be updated annually. (New hire training checklist is available in the Loss Prevention Manual).

Book must be in the following order:

1-chemical inventory (table of contents)

2-MSDS sheets

3-Copy of Island Hospitality HazCom Program

4-Copy of OSHA regulations

5-Employee training documentation-MUST be updated annually

All chemical bottles throughout the entire hotel are properly labeled

To evaluate

Check MSDS book is present in the Maintenance work/shop area.

Mark “NO” if books not in place

Locate a minimum of 1 chemical. Ask associate to locate MSDS sheet for chemical(s).

Mark “NO” if associate is unable to locate MSDS sheet for selected chemical(s).

Check proper set up of MSDS binder.

Mark “NO” if required item is not present.

Randomly select employee(s) present in the department being checked or on department schedule. Check for proof of training for associate(s) in MSDS book. Mark “NO” if training is not present for any selected associate. Mark “NO” if training is for any selected associate has not been updated within the last year.

As you walk the hotel, check for any unmarked chemical.

Mark “NO” in the applicable department if 1 unmarked chemical present.

Updated Revised Audit-LP-C2- Are pool gates or entrances to pool/spa area self-closing and latching?

______GM Signature


Point Value 10

Pool and spa fence gates must be self closing and self latching.

To evaluate

Open the gate to 90 degrees and test that the gate closes and latches again on the first attempt

Mark NO if you find any of the following:

•Gate is found unlatched

•Gate does not fully close and latch

Gate requires help to close and latch

Updated Revised Audit-LP-C3-Hazardous Communications Programs in place for the pool area?

______GM Signature


Points 1

The Island Hospitality's Hazard Communication Program is in place at the hotel.

The MSDS Book meets the plan standard and is updated every time a new chemical is added to the property and audited monthly. MSDS must have a chemical inventory (table of contents).

All employees are trained in the proper use of chemicals. Training documentation must be present. Employee training Must occur within 30 days of hire or prior to working with chemicals unsupervised (whichever comes first) and training MUST be updated annually. (New hire training checklist is available in the Loss Prevention Manual).

Book must be in the following order:

1-chemical inventory (table of contents)

2-MSDS sheets

3-Copy of Island Hospitality HazCom Program

4-Copy of OSHA regulations

5-Employee training documentation-MUST be updated annually

All chemical bottles throughout the entire hotel are properly labeled.

To evaluate

Check MSDS book is present in the Pool chemical area.

Mark “NO” if books not in place

Locate a minimum of 1 chemical. Ask associate to locate MSDS sheet for chemical(s).

Mark “NO” if associate is unable to locate MSDS sheet for selected chemical(s).

Check proper set up of MSDS binder.

Mark “NO” if required item is not present.

Randomly select employee(s) present in the department being checked or on department schedule. Check for proof of training for associate(s) in MSDS book. Mark “NO” if training is not present for any selected associate. Mark “NO” if training is for any selected associate has not been updated within the last year.

Mark “NO” if training is for any selected associate has not been updated within the last year.

As you walk the hotel, check for any unmarked chemical.

Mark “NO” in the applicable department if 1 unmarked chemical present.

Updated Revised Audit-LP-C4- Does Maintenance keep daily pool and spa records in the required Island Hospitality Pool Binder?

______GM Signature


Point Value 10

Water Quality Log is filled out daily for all pools and spas. Readings are to be either kept in the Island Hospitality required pool binder or placed in the Island Hospitality required pool binder at the end of the month.

To evaluate

Check a minimum of 1 month for proper logging of pool readings.

Mark “NO” log if not present, not filled out correctly/completely or present in the Island Hospitality required pool binder.

Updated Revised Audit-LP-C5 Are tires in good condition for all hotel vans?

______GM Signature


Point Value 10

Tires must be in good condition on all hotel vans at all times.

To evaluate

Visually check tire condition and tread.

If in doubt- do the “penny test”. Put a penny in the tire tread with Lincoln’s head facing the tire. If the tread hits Lincoln’s head the tire is OK. If the groove does not hit Lincoln’s head tread is too low.

Mark “NO” if tread is too low, tire is worn or ANY other condition issue is present that would put the rider’s at risk.