Relative Dating (Steno's Laws):

Long before geologists tried to quantify the age of the Earth they developed techniques to determine which geologic events preceded another, what are termed "relative age” relationships. These techniques were first articulated by Nicolas Steno, a Dane living in the Medici court of Italy in the 17th C. His four observations on relative age relationships have been coined “Steno’s Laws” and are fundamental to the study of rock strata, or stratigraphy.

1. Law of Superposition
In a sequence of rock strata, the oldest layer will lie below or underneath the youngest.
Click on photo to enlarge: / 2. Law of Original Horizontality
Layers of sediment, such as you would have in the bottom of a lake, or the ocean, are deposited by gravity into flat layers.
Click on photo to enlarge:
3. Law of Cross-Cutting
If a rock layer is cut by a fault or igneThis exercise introduces the concept of relative dating of geologic sequences. Basically, relative dating means determining which rock units are older and which are younger in some particular geologic setting. Stratification or bedding is the most obvious large scale feature of sedimentary rocks. Bedding is readily seen in a view of the Grand Canyon, or almost any other sequence of sedimentary rocks. Each of the beds or strata (singular = stratum) is the result of a natural event in geologic history, such as a flood or storm. As time passes many such events occur and the sediment piles up, layer upon layer. In this way, thick sedimentary sequences are formed.
It was recognized in the 1600's that in a sedimentary sequence, the older beds are on the bottom, and the younger beds are on the top. This has come to be called the Principle of Superposition. You can visualize how this occurs if you imagine a stack of newspapers in the corner of a room. Every day you put another newspaper on the pile. After several weeks have passed, you have a considerable stack of newspapers, and the oldest ones will be on the bottom of the pile and the most recent ones will be on the top. This fairly obvious, but very important fact about layering was first noted by Nicholaus Steno, and is the first of three principles which have come to be known as Steno's Laws.
Vertical geologic section.
Layer A is the oldest, layer C is the youngest.
Steno's second law is the Principle of Original Horizontality, which states that sediments are deposited in flat, horizontal layers. We can recognize this easily if we consider a sedimentary environment such as the sea floor or the bottom of a lake. Any storm or flood bringing sediment to these environments will deposit it in a flat layer on the bottom because of the sedimentary particles settling under the influence of gravity. As a result, a flat, horizontal layer of sediment will be deposited.
Steno's third law is the Principle of Original Lateral Continuity. If we consider again the sediment being deposited on the seafloor, the sediment will not only be deposited in a flat layer, it will be a layer that extends for a considerable distance in all directions. In other words, the layer is laterally continuous.
In summary, the three principles which we call Steno's Laws are:
The Principle of Superposition
The Principle of Original Horizontality
The Principle of Original Lateral Continuity
Of the three, the Principle of Superposition is most directly applicable to relative dating. We can examine any sequence of sedimentary strata and determine in a relative sense which beds are older and which beds are younger. All that we need to know is whether the beds are right-side-up or not. This complication comes because tectonic forces can cause sedimentary sequences to be tilted, folded, faulted, and overturned. Although sediments are originally deposited in horizontal layers, they do not always remain horizontal. A trip to the mountains or a quick look through your textbook is probably all that is needed to convince you that any sedimentary sequences consist of beds which dip at some angle to the horizontal. And in some cases, the beds are vertical or overturned.
In diagrams that show the features of rock units (such as stratigraphic sections and geologic cross-sections), there is a set of standard lithologic symbols that are used to indicate the rock types. These are used throughout this lab manual, and you will also find them used in your lecture textbook. Take a look through your textbook and see how many of these symbols you can identify in the geologic cross sections.
When you approach a sequence of beds which has been tectonically deformed, before you can determine which beds are younger and which are older, it is first necessary to determine the "up direction". This is done by examining the sedimentary structures for clues. Sedimentary structures such as graded beds, cross beds, mudcracks, flute marks, symmetrical (but not asymmetrical) ripples, stromatolites, burrows, tracks, and others can be used to establish the original orientation of the beds. (Fossils can also be used to establish up direction, if they are present in the rock in life position.) You should examine carefully the sedimentary structures in any dipping sedimentary sequence, because the rocks can be overturned by tectonic forces, and what initially appears to be younger because it is on top, may in fact turn out to be at the bottom of the section!
Illustration of overturned beds.
In addition to Steno's Laws, there are a number of other basic geologic principles which can be used for relative dating.
1. The Principle of Intrusive Relationships
Where an igneous intrusion cuts across a sequence of sedimentary rock, the relative ages of these two units can be determined. The sedimentary rocks are older than the igneous rock which intrudes them. (In other words, the sedimentary rocks had to be there first, so that the igneous rocks would have something to intrude.) Or, you could say, the intrusion is younger than the rocks it cuts.
Examples of types of igneous intrusions (or plutons) are dikes, sills, stocks, laccoliths, and batholiths.
Examples of plutons showing intrusive relationships.
Diagram (1): Dike B is younger than Sedimentary Rock A. Erosion surface C is younger than Dike B. Sedimentary Rock D is younger than Erosion Surface C.
Diagram (2) Sill B is younger than Sedimentary Rock A. Dike C is younger than sill B.
Diagram (3) Stock B is younger than Sedimentary Rock A. Dike C is the youngest.
2. The Principle of Cross-Cutting Relationships
Where a fault cuts across a sequence of sedimentary rock, the relative ages of the fault and the sedimentary sequence can be determined. The fault is younger than the rocks it cuts. The sedimentary rocks are older than the fault which cuts them, because they had to be there first, before they could be faulted.
When observing a faulted sequence of sedimentary strata, always look to see how the beds on either side of the fault have been displaced. You might be able to locate a "key bed" which has been offset by the fault. If so, you will be able to determine the type of fault (normal fault, reverse fault, etc.).
Normal fault / Reverse fault
Examples of faults to illustrate cross-cutting relationships.
(1) Unit A is the oldest, followed by B and C. Fault D is the youngest.
(2) Unit A is the oldest, followed by B and C. Fault D is younger than C, but older than unit E.
There are two major types of faults, as illustrated in more detail in the diagram below.
a.  Normal fault - The hanging wall (HW) moves down with respect to the foot wall (FW).
Normal faults occur in response to tensional stress.
Normal faults tend to occur at or near divergent tectonic plate boundaries.
b.  Reverse fault - The hanging wall (HW) moves up with respect to the foot wall (FW).
Reverse faults occur in response to compressional stress.
Reverse faults tend to occur at or near convergent tectonic plate boundaries.
Thrust faults are a type of low-angle reverse fault.
Diagram illustrating the two major types of faults.
HW = Hanging wall, or the block of rock physically ABOVE the fault plane.
FW = Foot wall, or the block of rock physically BELOW the fault plane.
3. Principle of Components or Inclusions
In a sequence of sedimentary rocks, if there is a bed of gravel, the clasts (or inclusions) of gravel will be older than the bed in which they are contained.
In many instances, the gravel will directly overlie an irregular erosion surface. And sometimes, it will be obvious from the lithology that the clasts in the gravel bed are derived from the underlying partially eroded layer. If this is the situation, it is possible to place several layers and events in their proper relative order: (1) deposition of sedimentary rock A, (2) erosion of sedimentary rock A, producing an irregular erosional surface and "rip-up" clasts, (3) deposition of "rip-up" clasts of sedimentary rock A on top of the irregular erosional surface, producing a gravel bed. This gravel bed is sometimes called a "basal conglomerate".
Erosion surface overlain by a basal conglomerate
A similar line of reasoning may be applied to igneous rocks if xenoliths are present. You should remember from Physical Geology that a xenolith (which literally means "foreign rock") is a piece of surrounding rock (or "country rock") which becomes caught up in an intrusion. As magma moves upward, forcing itself through cracks in the surrounding rock, sometimes pieces of these surrounding rocks break off or become dislodged and incorporated into the magma without melting. These pieces of rock are called xenoliths, and they move along with the magma. According to the Principle of Components or Inclusions, xenoliths are older than the igneous rock which contains them.
Intrusion containing xenoliths.
Xenoliths of gneiss in the Stone Mountain Granite, Georgia
4. Principle of Fossil Succession
Where fossils are present in sedimentary rocks, the relative ages of the rocks can be determined from an examination of the fossils. This is because fossils occur in a consistent vertical order in sedimentary rocks all over the world. The Principle of Fossil Succession is valid and does not depend on any pre-existing ideas about evolution. Fossil succession was first recognized by William "Strata Bill" Smith in the late 1700's in England, more than 50 years before Charles Darwin published his theory of evolution. Geologists, however, interpret fossil succession to be the result of evolution - the natural appearance and disappearance of species through time.
There are two basic types of contacts between rock units, conformable and unconformable. Conformable contacts between beds of sedimentary rocks may be either abrupt or gradational. Most abrupt contacts are bedding planes resulting from sudden minor changes in depositional conditions. Gradational contacts represent more gradual changes in depositional conditions. Conformable contacts indicate that no significant time gap or break in deposition has occurred.
Unconformable contacts (or unconformities) are surfaces which represents a gap in the geologic record, because of either erosion (see Principle of Components or Inclusions, above) or nondeposition. The time represented by this gap can vary widely, ranging from millions to hundreds of millions of years (such as an erosional surface between Precambrian rocks and Recent sediments). Unconformities are useful in relative dating because recognizing them allows us to distinguish between the older rocks below the unconformity and the younger rocks above the unconformity.
There are several criteria for recognizing unconformities. Sedimentary criteria for recognizing unconformities include the presence of basal conglomerates (often with clasts derived from an underlying unit), buried soil profiles, or beds of phosphatized pebbles, glauconite (greensand), or manganese-rich beds. Paleontologic criteria for recognizing unconformities include abrupt changes in fossil assemblages (such as a change from marine to continental fossils, or the absence of certain fossil species which normally follow one another in sequential order), or the presence of bone or tooth conglomerates. Structural criteria for recognizing unconformities include an irregular contact which cuts across bedding planes in the underlying unit, a difference in the angle of dip of the beds above and below the contact, and truncation of dikes or faults along a sedimentary contact. Above the unconformity, sedimentary units are basically parallel with the unconformity surface.
There are four basic types of unconformities:
Angular unconformities are characterized by an erosional surface which truncates folded or dipping (tilted) strata. Overlying strata are deposited basically parallel with the erosion surface. The rocks above and below the unconformity are at an angle to one another.
Angular unconformities
Nonconformities are characterized by an erosional surface which truncates igneous or metamorphic rocks. At a nonconformity, sedimentary rocks unconformably overlie igneous or metamorphic rocks.
Disconformities are characterized by an irregular erosional surface which truncates flat-lying sedimentary rocks. The layers of sedimentary rocks above and below the unconformity are parallel with one another.