Unit of Competency Code and Name: BSBITU306A: Design and Produce business documents
Questions assessed (please select) – Oral / WrittenCandidate Name: / John Blogs
Assessor Name: / Your Name
Workplace or RTO: / XYZ Workplace – Administration office
(eg. On or off the job) / Office / Date:
Questions / Satisfactory
Yes / No
Q1. What would happen if your chair and screen were not adjusted ergonomically?
Response: RSI or back ache, eye strain, stress
Q2 Which two exercises can be performed at work to reduce muscle fatigue and stress?
Response: Walking, neck rolls
Q3 What is the first thing to look for if a document will not print?
Response: Check the network connection to the printer from the computer.
Q4 Name three tasks you would use MS word for?
Response: letter, invoice, memo
Q5 Name three ways to enhance a document.
Response: Shading, fonts, put pictures in it
Q6 Name three ways you could store a document
Response Hard-drive, intranet, filing cabinet
Q7 How would you save a word document as a web page?
Response Use a web-publishing program like dream weaver. Save with html file extension.
Q8 What is a spreadsheet and what is it used for?
Response: Spreadsheet is a document that is for sums, like adding, for example budgets.
Q9 Where in your organisation would you find policies and procedures for work place health and safety, equal opportunities, anti discrimination?
Response: Manager’s room, staff room, computer
Q10 What is your workplaces style guide requirements for responding to enquiries?
Response: Times New Roman / regular font / Text size -12 point
The candidate’s underpinning knowledge was assessed as:
Satisfactory Not Satisfactory
Feedback to candidate:
Signed by the assessor: Your name Date: 1/6/ 20xx
Signed by the Candidate: John Blogs Date: 1/6/20xx
ASSESSORS GUIDE ONLY: Do not make accessible to candidates.
Acceptable answers are:
Q1 Strain and/or injury to body could occur, eye strain, etc
Q2 Neck rolls, shoulder shrugs, wrist and arm, hand, finger stretches, etc
Q3 Check to see if the computer is connected to the printer, paper available, printer is connected to network server, etc
Q4 Producing correspondence, such as: letters, memos, reports, any general writing of documents
Q5 bullet points, different fonts, framing/borders, different colour, bold text, background colour, use of graphics
Q6 computer hard drive, ICloud, drop box, remote server, CD, removable storage, etc.
Q7. Save as HTML file extension type.
Q8 Spreadsheet allows for cell data to be added so calculations can be performed and can be used for budgets, accounts, and wages. MS Excel is a program suitable for this.
Q9 Admin hard drive. Hardcopy in Managers office.
Q10 Check the XYZ workplace, or other relevant workplace, policies / style guide to confirm what this is.
Questionnaire: Version 3: September 20xx