Keystone Biology 2018-2019 Mrs. Bidelspach

Room C303

Shamokin Area School District

Purpose: This course will provide remediation to students who successfully completed Biology I and II but have not shown proficiency on the Keystone Biology Exam.

Course Description:

Keystone Biology will review the main topics of Basic Biological Principles, The Chemical Basis for Life, Bioenergetics, Homeostasis and Transport, Cell Growth and Reproduction, Genetics, Evolution, and Ecology. Students will take the Pennsylvania Biology Keystone exam in December and again in May if they have not shown proficiency on the winter exam.

Requirements: Homework, class work, quizzes, tests, projects, class participation, and completion of aProject Based Assessment. The Project Based Assessment is a pathway to proficiency to meet district graduation requirements. The projects are tasks that contain related activities based on the Performance Level Descriptors and Eligible Content of the Keystone Exams.

Required Materials:

  • Pen or Pencil
  • Agenda
  • Coach book
  • Notebook or binder with paper


To calculate your grade I will use a total point system. Simply, divide the total points you have earned by the total points possible. Grades will be comprised of points earned from tests, quizzes, classwork/ homework, activities, and the state Project Based Assessment.


For this class you will need either a notebook or a three-ring binder with paper. You will be responsible for taking notes and there will be handouts & worksheets that you need to keep organized. We will be reading from the Keystone Coach book and writing out key terms and answering review questions. These need to be kept in your notebook or binder.

Absences and make up work:

If you are absent it is your responsibility to make up the work you have missed. See me for any missed assignments or handouts.

Sign out policy:

Only one student is permitted out of the classroom at one time. You must fill out your agenda with the destination, date, and time leaving. NO HALL PASS, NO PERMISSION TO LEAVE ROOM.

Classroom policies:

  1. Come to class on time and go directly to your seat. Read the day’s Bell Ringer, and be ready to answer.
  2. I will document each time you are late to class. A discipline referral is sent to the office on the 4th offense. This is school policy.
  3. Bring required materials to class EVERDAY!
  4. Cheating of any kind will not be tolerated. Cheating on homework or tests will result in a zero on that particular assignment.
  5. Try to use the restroom during the last 5 minutes of class unless it is an absolute emergency. The beginning of class is the most important time of the period. You must be here.
  6. No classroom disruptions or inappropriate behavior will be tolerated.
  7. Food and drinks (except water) are not permitted in the classroom. This is school policy.
  8. Cell phones and other electronics are not to be used in class at any time. Cell phones MUST be placed in the cell phone pockets upon entering the classroom and remain there until the bell rings. This is school policy.
  9. Trash belongs in the trashcan and not on the floor. Please, do not throw trash away from your seat. Politely get up and throw it away.
  10. Students are required to sit in their assigned seat everyday for the entire class period. Please, do not line up at the door.

Students will take the Keystone Biology Exam in December after the Biology Coach Book Concepts have been covered in full. After the Winter Testing Session, students will begin working on the Keystone Biology Project Based Assessment. This coursework will continue into the spring.