
Español I y II


Each quarter you will need to complete 2 noticiasprojects. This will mean that throughout the year you will need to complete a total of 8 noticias reports. These are news articles that you find in one or more of the following locations:

Newspaper (national or local)





  • The news article must contain news that happened or pertains to one of the many Spanish- speaking countries that we are studying this year.
  • A detailed map of the country must be included. You will also need to identify the city in which your article took place if one particular city is mentioned.
  • You need to write a summary of the article. Your summarymust include the important information from the article such as:
  • What took place
  • Who was involved
  • Where it happened
  • Why it is newsworthy and Noticias worthy

The summary must be written or typed in paragraph form- no bulleted points please. The summary is the most important part of the Noticias, spend most of your time working on this part of the assignment. When writing your summary keep in mind that you will need complete sentences, accurate punctuation and spelling. This summary should be a final copy- not a rough draft.

  • In addition to your summary you will need to include the following information:
  • Title of the article and title of the magazine/newspaper
  • Page numbers of magazine or newspaper
  • Entire web address or directions that would be needed to locate the site on the internet or exact channel and date if you watch the news.
  • Ask Srta. Johnson if you have questions regarding Noticias, do not wait until the last minute to get your questions answered.
  • You will not be given classtime to work on Noticias, on a regular basis these are an extension of class and will need to be completed outside of the classtime. Please plan accordingly.

The due dates for your Noticias are: (these dates could change depending on events at school ie. Testing, modified schedule, etc.)

1st quarter October 13th

2nd quarter November 10th , December 15th

3rd quarterFebruary 23rd, March 16th

4th quarterApril 13th, May 11th

You can always turn in your Noticias report early, but the article needs to have taken place within the last month. Please be sure to write you name and hour on it so you receive full credit.

**Because these due dates are handed out at the beginning of the year the reports are expected to be turned in on time. If your Noticias is not turned in on time your overall grade for the Noticias will be impacted, please make every effort to turn them in on time or be sure to make alternative arrangements with Srta. Johnson before the due date.**